The next day, Kiko and Bolin were on their way to Kiko's job interview. "Oh I've eaten here before." Bolin said. "The waiters are nice. You shouldn't have a problem with them."

Kiko nodded, taking a seat and so did Bolin. "Sakiko Sotaro?" The manager came and Kiko quickly stood up. "Yes, that's me." Kiko smiled.

"Follow me." The manager said. Kiko nodded and followed her into a small office. "Take a seat Ms. Sotaro."

Kiko did as so and waited for her to speak.

Outside of the office, Bolin stayed where he was, waiting for Kiko to be finished. "Did you see the girl Bakiro brought into the office?" One of the waiters asked another. Bolin cocked an eyebrow, tuning in on their little conversation.

"The cutie?" the other answered. "I think she's applying. I call dibs."

Bolin grew irritated. Not because they're planning on hitting on her, but because they're representing her as the last piece of gum in the packet.

"Listen, guys." Bolin stood up, keeping his friendly as it usually is. "The girl that went in was Sakiko. She may appreciate the "cutie" part, but I will not appreciate the "dibs" part."

Both waiters looked at one another than back to Bolin. "And who are you to her?" One asked. "That is none of your concern, but-"

"Bolin, I got the job!" Kiko laughed, jogging towards Bolin. "I'm working here now!"

"Great!" Bolin pulled her into a hug and over her shoulder, he glared at the two waiters. "Let's go before were late for the match." Kiko nodded and out went Bolin and her.

"If anyone gives you trouble, just tell me." Bolin's smiled. Kiko thanked him than shook her head. "That's not going to necessary. I can take care of myself."

Bolin nodded, continuing to walk with Kiko by his side. "Sakiko, I-"

"Bolin, call me Kiko. I usually wait to get to know the person more before letting them." Kiko smiled. Bolin smiled back, nodding. "Anyways, proceed with what you wanted to say."

Bolin wanted to talk about the kiss they had just the day before. He decided on not bringing it up and just try to forget all about it. But, he didn't want to. Bolin wanted it to happen again. He wants a replay.

"Totally forgot." Bolin lied. Kiko took it to further consideration , however, didn't push it.


Bolin and Kiko made it to the arena just in time for the match. The others already went in, figuring they've waited long enough for the two.

Once Kiko and Bolin found the seats they're friends were saving for them, Mako stopped Bolin in his tracks. "Cheif Beifong didn't call you in yet?"

Bolin shook his head. "Well, she needs you in the office. You better hurry before you lose the job."

Bolin cursed under his breath and faced Kiko. "Sorry." Kiko had no idea why he would apologize, but she shook her head and smiled as he left running out the door.

"Do you want me to take you home after this?" Asami asked. Kiko shook her head. "I like walking."

Asami nodded, facing the ring.

To her left was Mako. At the corner of her eye, she saw him looking at her. She turned to face him and it was like he wanted to get caught by her. This was his chance to make small talk with her.

"We're you and Bolin on a date?" Mako asked, hoping it was a no. "No." Kiko quickly shook her head, wanting him to know that her and his brother were simply just friends. until she remembered the kiss that was just maybe over 24 hours ago.

"Do you have interest in him?" He asked. To be quite honest, Kiko doesn't know. She enjoyed the kiss but not totally. Again, not because he was a bad kisser, because he wasn't. Only because she doesn't see Bolin like that. She took it in for thought the night before going to sleep, and she realized she just couldn't be with Bolin that way. For the somewhat little time she's been here, she sees Bolin as a bestfriend.

How she sees mako is a different story. The walk here, she took what Bolin said about her brother into deeper thought. Even though she doesn't know him like she knows Bolin, she has just the slightest bit of a crush on her friends brother.

Finally, she spoke. "No. Not that way."

Mako simply nodded and Kiko could've sworn she saw him smile. Just the slightest.

Mako's thoughts were going everywhere.

Just as the same for Kiko, he has a crush on her. Even with the few words he's said to her with the small amount of time she's been in Republic City, he's grown to like her personality that was shown while she was with the small gang. He's even more grown to like her smile and laugh. It was contagious. Mako couldn't get enough of it.

However, he has seen that Bolin likes her as well.

Mako will just have to ask him. And if he says yes, than he shouldn't try to get to know her the way he wants to. And no, not sexually, but instead of keeping it small talk between them, to have an actual, genuine conversation with her that he's been craving to have with the girl.

There is no problem with Mako doing that now, but, he doesn't want to keep the craving going. For him and his brothers relationship's sake, he just can't get attached.

But Kiko's smile can't keep him away. Not now atleast.

Mako's got to try.
