The five of the republic city citizens were in the living room of Sakiko's brother. "So, she woke up?" Ren asked.

"Yes. This morning." Beifong said. "She doesn't know we're here for you."

"For me?" Ren asked. "You told me that you just couldn't afford the money to come to Republic City. So, we decided to come and get you ourselves. No cost." Mako shook his head.

"This is great." Ren smiled. "I'm going to see my little sister."

The five of them smiled.

"I'm going to my little sister who hates me."

The five smiled turned into frowns.

"She doesn't hate you. Not at all." Mako said. "If you don't come with us now, you may never see her."

Ren nodded. "Could I bring someone?"

"Like who?" Beifong asked. "He was Kiko's favorite person ever back in the fire nation. However, he left a year after I left. He's a close friend of hers. His name is Riku."

Beifong nodded. "I don't see why not."

"We'll go get him. You pack your things and we'll go get him." Asami smiled. Ren nodded.

After Ren told them the location of where his friend is, they made their way to him. Bolin and Asami stayed behind, and they were to meet at a specific location in half an hour.

Maybe after ten minutes or less, they made it to where Riku should be. They were back in town where most of the houses were.

Beifong took out a piece of paper from her pocket. She looked down at it and read 1357. Bolin looked around until she spotted the correct house. "That's the house." Bolin pointed.

Mako, Beifong, and Korra walked towards it. Mako knocked three times on the door, waiting a minute or two before it opened.

A young man in his mid twenties, almost mako's age, opened the door and revealed himself. Riku spotted Beifong and had a confused expression. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." Korra smiled. "Hi, I'm Korra."

"The avatar." Riku nodded. "I'm Cheif Beifong, and this Mako. We're here to ask if you'd like to go with us back to republic city with your friend Ren." Beifong said.

"Why would Ren go to Republic City?" Riku asked. "Well, he's going to go see his sister." Mako said. "Kiko?!" Riku's eyes widened.

The three nodded.

"I wrote to Ren awhile ago and he told me he just couldn't afford to go to the city, so we came here to pick him up because Sakiko would love to see him. And he said if we could take you too, since you were close friends with her." Mako explained. "Yes, we were the best of friends." Riku nodded.

"We don't have much time left. We want to leave tonight and the sun is already setting, we need to hurry this up." Beifong said. "Are you coming or not?"

Riku nodded.

"Get your things." Beifong demanded. Riku nodded. "Do you guys want to come in?"

"We're fine here." Korra smiled.

Riku nodded once again before going to gather his belongings.


The seven of them made it to the airship that Beifong brought. "We'll be back in the city shortly. Get some rest."

"So, is she happy?" Ren asked Mako as they were leaned on the rail. "She seems happy. So, yes." Mako nodded. "How did she get struck by the Lightning?"

"Kiko got struck by lighting?!" Riku eyes widened. "I guess I failed to mention that." Mako nervously chuckled. "I got into some stuff with these guys in the past, and I owed them money, me when I didn't give it to them when they asked for it, they took Sakiko and-"

"So, it's your fault?" Riku asked, crossing his arms. "Riku." Ren glared. "I mean... maybe, but-"

"She's probably not happy. I mean, she's going to have that scar on her body forever and she has to remember it was her boyfriends fault." Riku said. "Hey! It wasn't Mako's fault Sakiko got hurt, okay?!" Bolin stomped over to the three men. "Really now? Your friend-"

"Brother." Bolin interrupted. "Your brother knew that sooner or later that Kiko was going to be their target because that was going to be the fastest way to get their money, so he should've-"

"He should've done nothing!" Bolin rose his voice. "He did everything he could to get her back safe, and she's alive and okay! And if you keep bitching to him about her then I will personally throw you off this airship!"

Riku sighed and nodded. "Sorry."

"No, you're not sorry." Bolin stomped away to Asami and Korra. "Riku, these people are kind enough to take us to the city to Kiko. Please... show some respect." Ren softly told Riku.

"I'll leave you two." Mako said, leaving the two men and going over to where Bolin was, his arms crossed, glaring at Riku.

"Thanks bro." Mako smiled, putting his hand on his younger brothers shoulder.

