Sakiko Sotaro. Nicknamed 'Kiko'. A brown eyed, long, jet black haired; non bender girl from the fire nation. She recently just moved to republic city a few months after her twentieth birthday. She was excited to finally be on her own, but also nervous.

"Finished." Kiko smiled, putting my hands on my hips. She had just finished packing everything. It took her atleast three days to finish.

Kiko put a strand of her hair behind her ear while taking a deep breath. It was now six, and she decided to go and explore town for the first time. Kiko grabbed a few of her belongings and headed out her apartment door. Kiko walked to the lobby, and the lobby man greeted her like every time he did when she would go down to the lobby for something she needed.

"Hello, Sakiko." She smiled at the man then left the apartment complex. Many people were on the streets driving, walking on the side walk, walking their animals. Kiko smiled. She liked this environment.

Kiko jumped when she felt something go around her leg, ran up her arm and onto her shoulder. She chuckled. "Hey little guy." It was a fire ferret.

"Pabu!" Kiko put her head up and look forward at a guy in earth kingdom clothes. He was running up to them. "Pabu, there you are."

"He's yours?" Kiko asked, looking at the ferret who was on her shoulder still. "Yeah, sorry."

"It's okay." Kiko picked up the fire ferret and carefully handed him to his owner. "Bye Pabu." Kiko slightly waved. As Kiko continued walking, the guy came closer to her. She heard the footsteps and stopped. Turning around, he stood there, his index finger towards her shoulder.

"Just in time." He nervously smiled. "Uh, I've never seen you around here."

"I just moved here."

"That's cool. What's your name?" He asked.

"Sakiko. Yours?"

"I like your name. And Bolin."

"Thanks. Well, I guess I'll see you around Bolin."

"Wait. Do you mind if I walked with you? I don't have anything to do and I'm so bored."

"Okay." Kiko shrugged. It wouldn't hurt, and she was pretty lonely. Bolin seemed friendly. "Really?" Bolin smiled.

"Yeah." Kiko nodded. "You can show me around town."

He nodded. They began to walk down the sidewalk and Pabu jumped onto Kiko's shoulder. "He likes you." Bolin smiled. "Does he?" Kiko pet the ferrets head softly.

"So, are you a bender?" Bolin asked. "No." Kiko shook her head.

"I'm an earth bender." He smirked. Kiko chuckled, "Oh, are you now?"

"Yup, I'm pretty good at it." He popped his collar. "I was actually on a pro bending team."

"What's pro bending?" she asked. "You don't know?!" Bolin asked.

Kiko shook her head.

"Oh, you should go to one of the games. There is one next week that me and my brother are going to. Wanna come?"'

"Oh, I don't want to be a burden to you and your brother." Kiko shook her head.

"No, you're not. I'm inviting you." Bolin said.

"Alright. I'll go."

Bolin smiled, excited that he may have a date.

They continued walking until Kiko noticed a poster taped onto a pole.

Need a new member to our pro bending team, the water lilies! only need mastered water bender !

Kiko grabbed it from the pole and continued to read it. "Is this what you're talking about?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, the water lilies are pretty good." Bolin shrugged.

"Is their a match tonight?"

"Uh, yeah I think so. Why?" Bolin asked. "Wanna go?" Kiko turned to him. "So I know what to expect for the good game you're talking about next week."

"Okay, yeah." Bolin smiled. Kiko folded the poster and placed it in her bag.

"So Sakiko." Bolin put his arms behind his back and put his hands together. Kiko chuckled. "Why did you say my name like that?"

Bolin shrugged. "It just sounds cool."

"Does it mean anything?" He grabbed Pabu off Kiko's shoulder and placed him in his shirt. "Yeah. Blossom Child."

"I'm going to call you Blossom now." Bolin smiled. "Okay?"

Kiko shifted uncomfortably. Her mothers name meant blossom... her grandparents called her blossom; she'd rather not remember.

Bolin noticed her eyes sadden, he regretted saying whatever he said.

"I'd rather you not, if that's alright."

"I'm sorry." Bolin said. "No, no. it's okay." Kiko said.

"Do you wanna start to head out to the pro - bending arena now?" Bolin said to change the subject.


Kiko followed him onto a tram sort of thing that headed towards the arena . "How long have you been in republic city?" Bolin asked, taking a seat next to Kiko. "Three days."

"And you haven't been out in the city?"

Kiko shook her head. "I haven't had time."

"Well, good thing you have time now. And that you met me." Bolin winked.

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm fun."

A few minutes later, they stopped. Bolin and Kiko got off and Kiko followed him down a cement path. "I feel like you'd be good friends with a friend of mine."


"Her name is Korra. She's the avatar." Kiko widened her eyes. "Your friends with the avatar?!"

"Yup. She was actually on my pro - bending team, along with my brother."

"Oh I'd love to meet her."

Bolin nodded. "I'm supposed to meet up with her and my friends later on. Maybe after this, you could come along. I'll introduce you to my brother, Korra, and her girl friend, Asami."

"I don't want to be a bur-"

"No, no. Stop it. They'll love you."

kiko nodded, and feeling warm at the Bolin's words.

Kiko looked forward and was in awe. The arena was lit up so brightly. So beautiful.

"This is it."

We walked in and Kiko grew excited.

"You know. I could have been like a kidnapper and stuff." Bolin said.

"What do you mean?" Kiko asked. They began to take their seats. "I mean like, you chose to go with me here and you don't even know me."

"You seem like a sweet guy. And Pabu convinced me you were no harm."

Kiko looked to Pabu who was sleeping in Bolin's shirt.

Before Bolin could answer, a man who usually spoke in every game, spoke into a microphone.

"Welcome folks to tonight's pro - bending match! Tonight, three teams will play!"

"First teams up are the Ba Sing Se Badgermoles versus the Capital City Catgators!"

A bell dinged and the two teams were in the ring.

"What's the rules?" Kiko asked Bolin without making eye contact.

"It's simple. Each person has their element. The people with the green belts and squares on their helmets are earth benders, same for water, which are the blue belts, and fire, which are red."

"There's no air?" Bolin shook his head.

"You have to bend the other players off the platform and into the water. Then, you can go into their territory, but in the first part, you can't go past that. And you can't use like, you know, for water and fire, no lightning and ice and stuff. Just simple bending. And for earth, just earth discs from the floor."

Kiko nodded, understanding the rules now. The bell dinged and everyone cheered. The two teams began to battle.

"Who's who?"

"The team on the left are the Badgermoles and the right are the Catgators."

The water bending player of the Badgermoles knocked out the earth bender from the Catgators.

It looked really fun. Like really, really fun to Kiko.

"You used to do this?" Kiko asked, amazed. "Yup, we were the best." Bolin said.

"Did you see that?!" Kiko grabbed onto Bolin's arm and shook him. "That water bender is amazing."

"Easy." Bolin laughed. "Who do you think is gonna win?" Kiko asked.


And he was right. Ten minutes later, the Badgermoles won. Kiko cheered.

"Thanks for bringing me." Kiko sat back down, waiting for the next team.

"No problem."
