Kiko ended up sleeping on the couch that night. She woke the next morning feeling much better on where her wound was. She steadily got up, looking around the living room. She stood up and went into her bedroom.

She saw that the bed was messy and Mako no where to be seen.

She shrugged it off and took a shower. Kiko felt a lot more better. It did sting her wound just a bit, but other than that, the warm water felt nice against her skin.

Once she got out, she had tried to put a new set of bandages on but was struggling. Out of nowhere, Mako came in and saw her.

"Let me help you."

Kiko widened her eyes and turned around so her back was facing him. She crossed her arms over her breasts, her cheeks warming up.

She was so grateful she had pants on.

"I can do it." Kiko said. "I'm fine. Please leave."

"No, you're not fine. Just let me help you." Mako argued.

"I'm fucking half naked Mako!" Kiko didn't exactly raise her voice, but was loud and clear.

Mako rolled his eyes, grabbing the bandages and began to wrap them around her.

"pervert." Kiko mumbled.

"I'm not a pervert. I'm helping and you just happened to be naked. And, I didn't see anything." Mako shrugged.

"You did too!" Kiko pouted. "Okay just a little." Mako pinched his fingers but there was a small gap.

"Okay, thank you mako. Please, get out." Kiko pushed mako out, shutting the door. She sighed while putting her shirt on.

"I was thinking we could spend some time with Asami and Korra. They miss you." Mako said while he leaned on the wall.

Kiko opened the door, looking confused. "Who's Asami?"

Mako shut his eyes, sighing.

"I know Korra, she's the avatar." Kiko went on. "But, not Asami."

"What about Bolin?" Mako opened his eyes.

"Yes, I know him." Kiko nodded. "He's a pro bender. He's a fire ferret."

"Okay, but do you know who Bolin is?"

"I've never met him... so no?" Kiko shrugged.

"We talked to him last night!" Mako raised his voice.

"Mako..." Kiko gave him a look of concern. "All I remember is talking with my bother."

"Bolin is my brother!" Mako lowered his voice just a bit.

"You have a brother and you didn't tell me?" Kiko asked, quite shocked. "What's he like."

"Stop Sakiko." Mako walked out of the room, leaving Kiko behind.

Kiko followed him into the living room.

"Okay, what about Tenzin? Pema?" Mako asked her once he saw her figure.

"I'm sorry Mako, but no.... I don't remember." Kiko sighed.

"Get dressed." Mako said.

"I am." Kiko replied.

Mako groaned, walking over to her and grabbing her hand. They walked out the apartment then out the apartment building.

"Mako, where are we going?" Kiko asked, trying her best to keep up her pace.

Mako ignored her, continuing to guide her.

They stopped in front of a another apartment building. It was Mako and Bolin's.

They walked in and Kiko was fed up.

"Stop Mako! What're you doing?" She brought her hand away from his grasp. "To see your brother." Mako half lied.

Kiko nodded, following Mako.

Once they made it, Mako opened the door without warning or anything since he did live their too.

"Bro! Hey!" Bolin smiled, walking over to Mako and embracing him in a hug.

"That's your brother?" Kiko asked, pointing at Bolin. "He seems sweet."

"Kiko!" Bolin did the same to her. Kiko seemed taken aback.

"H-how do you know my name?" Kiko asked, pushing away from Bolin. "What do you mean?" Bolin raised a brow. "Of course I'd- oh no."

Bolin turned his head to Mako. Mako sighed nodding. "Neither Asami, Tenzin, nor Pema."

Bolin shook his head. "Kiko!"

"Mako, where's my brother?" Kiko looked confused at Bolin.

"Right here." Ren walked towards them, smiling. they did a quick hug and Ren pulled away and looked concerned for Bolin who began to cry.

"Are you okay Bolin?"

"Kiko doesn't remember me." Bolin cried. Kiko bit her lip, feeling so, so bad.

"I'm so, so sorry." Kiko sighed softly. "I- I don't- didn't mean to."

"So, you really don't remember him?" Mako asked Kiko. Kiko faced him and shook her head slowly. "I'm trying too but his face just becomes a blur... it's like when I try to remember Ren's friend."

"So... it's really happening..." Mako looked down.

"What is?" Kiko asked. "What's happening?"

"You slowly forgetting people you know."
Ren answered her question.

"Someone told me that." Kiko said. "They told me something happened to me and I'm slowly losing my memory of people."

"The person who told me... have I forgotten him?" Kiko asked, her eyes big.

Mako looked down and nodded slowly. "Yes."
