After the match, Bolin and Kiko left the arena. "That was really cool."

"I'm glad you liked it." Bolin smiled. "So, you're still coming with me right? To dinner with everyone?"

Kiko nodded. "If you're sure."

"Of course." Bolin said.

They walked onto a tram that took them back to the city. Kiko followed Bolin to a restaurant, and she suddenly grew nervous. She is meeting the avatar of course.

"There they are." Kiko turned to where Bolin was beginning to walk to and there were three people seated at the table. Two girls and a guy.

"Sakiko." Kiko turned and Bolin smiled. Kiko stood next to him, her hands closed. "You brought a date?" Asami who was next to Korra asked. "Um- this is a Sakiko." Bolin ignored Asami's quiestion.

They waved and Kiko nervously smiled. Bolin took a seat in the booth, patting the space next to him which Kiko sat down on.

"I'm Korra and this is Asami by the way." Korra smiled. Kiko smiled back, "It's nice to meet you."

"So Sakiko, are you new to republic city?" Korra asked. "Yeah. I moved here three days ago."

"Welcome." Asami smiled. Kiko thanked her and turned to the guy next to her which was Mako. He was wearing his usual red scarf and was joining in on a conversation with Bolin.

"Sakiko." Kiko turned to Bolin, waiting for him to continue. "That's my brother, Mako." Kiko faced him and Mako gave her a slight wave, and she did the same.

"You'll like it here." Mako said. "I'm sure." Kiko nodded, smiling. Mako nodded.

"I like your scarf."

"Thanks." He looked down at it then slightly smiled at her.

"I took Sakiko to her first pro - bending match today." Bolin wiggled his eyebrows. Kiko chuckled, then nodded. "It was cool."

"I invited her to the match we're going to next week Mako." Bolin said.

Mako nodded.

"If  you just want to be with Bolin, I'll stay behind." Kiko said. "No, come." Mako said.

"I'll be there." Kiko nodded. "Yeah, I'll pick you up." Asami said. "Me and Korra are going too."

"Have you finished unpacking?" Asami asked. I turned to him and nodded. "Just finished today."

"Oh okay. I was going to offer to help." She smiled. "If you need help with anything, just ask."

Kiko thanked her.

Mako brought his eyes to Kiko. "What brings you to Republic City?"

"I turned 20 a few months ago, so I decided to start somewhere new." Kiko said. "I needed a break from home."

"It's nice here." Mako said. "What's with all the trees and vines and stuff?" Kiko asked. Mako nudged his head over to Korra and Korra glared.

"It's not that bad, okay?"

I smiled. "It's the spirit world, right?"

Korra nodded.

"I figured. I saw some spirit animals a few days back."

They stayed at the restaurant for another good hour and then they left.

"Do you want a ride home?" Asami asked. "No, it's okay. I'll walk."

"Are you sure Kiko?" Korra, Asami, Bolin, and Mako were in the car already. "Yeah, it's nice out. Thank you though."

"Alright. See you around."

"Wait." Bolin got out of the car, then walked towards her. "I'll walk with you."

"No, it's no troub-"

"I'll walk with you. Like you said, it's nice out." Kiko nodded, then Bolin turned to them. "See you later bro." They waved and soon, they left the same way they were going.

"Do you live far?" Kiko asked Bolin. "Not really." He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.

"So, Bolin." Kiko chuckled. "What?" He smiled. "Nothing. It's just that, you says my name like that, so I thought I would give it a try."

It stayed quite for a few seconds before Kiko spoke.

"You're all very friendly." Kiko smiled, facing him.

"Yeah. Mako may seem a little quite, maybe off, but he'll get used to you once you hang around us more."


"Yeah? Unless you don't want to." Bolin said. "No, no. I do. I was just surprised that you would want me to hang with you and your friends more."

"Well duh. We're friends now." Bolin smiled. Kiko laughed and nodded, agreeing with him.

"Is the game were watching gonna be good next week?"

Bolin nodded.

"Good. At least I know I'll be watching a good match next week."

"I'm glad you're going." Bolin said. "Me too." Kiko smiled.

"Mako will grow on you. Especially since you complemented his scarf."

"It shouldn't be that big of a deal."

"Maybe to you." Bolin shrugged.

Kiko nodded, not asking what he meant.

"How have you been liking Republic City?" Bolin asked. "I haven't really seen much to actually say I like it but it's nice so far."

"How about I show you around tomorrow?"

"Like a date?" I raised my eyebrow. "Uh- um- yeah, I mean, if it's okay with you." Bolin said. "yeah, Why not?" Kiko smiled.

"Okay." Bolin nodded.

They walked for a couple more minutes until they made it in front of the apartment complex.

"This is my stop." Kiko sighed. Bolin nodded. "Do you want to come in for some tea?"

Bolin nodded, opening the door for Kiko.

Kiko thanked him and walked in with Bolin following behind.

Kiko greeted the lobby man then walked to the elevator. She pressed the button then it dinged, opening. "I don't have much to drink yet. Just tea." Kiko chuckled.

"Oh, It's alright."

The elevator went to the floor it needed to and opened. They walked out and walked down the hallway. Kiko unlocked the door and in they went. "This is it." Kiko took out the key out of the lock then closed the door.

"Nice nice." Bolin said. "Cozy."


"I only have jasmine tea." Kiko said once she got into the kitchen. Bolin sat on her couch, "That's fine."

"So, you don't bend any elements?"

"No." Kiko grabbed the cup from the shelf and placed it on the counter.

"How is it?" Bolin asked. "I mean, not being able to bend anything at all. To defend yourself?"

"I can punch." Kiko shrugged, pouring the warm tea into two cups.

"Was one of your parents fire and the other water?" Bolin asked, mixing the tea with a spoon. "Yeah. Why?"

"Your eyes, and hair." Bolin simply said. "Oh."

Kiko walked to the living room then handed him the tea. "Thank you mah lady." He took it from Kiko's hands then blew on it. 

"What time should I come by tomorrow?" Bolin asked.

"After ten is fine." Kiko said. Bolin nodded. "I'll take you to the park and show you some of my moves."

Kiko laughed. "Can't wait."

Bolin looked to the clock then stood up. "I should get going. I don't wanna make Mako worry too much."

Kiko nodded, walking with him to the door. "Thanks again for the tea." Bolin said.

"Yeah, no problem."

"Uh, what time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"After ten" Kiko chuckled . "Remember?"

"Right." Bolin nervously laughed. "Okay. See you." he walked out and Kiko closed the door.

Kiko got ready for bed a few minutes after cleaning up. Once she was in bed and comfortable, she fell asleep.
