The next day, Kiko was going back to her apartment.

"You're still a little weak. Maybe you stay here a bit longer." Pema worriedly said. Kiko smiled, shaking her head. "Thank you, Pema. And thank you Tenzin, but I would want to be home now. And, Mako's gonna be staying with me, so I'll be taken care of of."

"You're always welcome here." Tenzin and Pema said in unison.

Kiko thanked them again, before making her way to Kya. "I'm afraid I forgot your name. And what happened, but Bolin told me you healed me. You saved me. Thank you so much." Kiko embraced Kya in a loose hug and Kya returned the favor.

"Bye you three. I know we only talked for a little while, but it was fun with you." Kiko smiled at Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo. "Will you visit it us again?" Ikki asked. "Definitely." Kiko nodded. Jinora handed Kiko Rohan and Kiko chuckled. "You're so cute."

Mako came and put his hand on Kiko's shoulder. Mako nodded, indicating that they were ready to leave.

"Bye Rohan." Kiko handed Rohan back to Jinora.

Kiko said her goodbyes one last time before going onto the ferry with Mako. "Are you sure it's no trouble? They can stay with me." Kiko said to Mako, referring to Ren and Riku who will be stayed at Mako and Bolin's home.

"It's not a problem." Mako said for the billionth time. Kiko nodded, biting her finger nail nervously. Mako laughed, pulling her hand away from her mouth like a baby who has something in their mouth that their not supposed to have.

"Why are you so nervous?" Mako asked. Kiko just started blankly at him. Mako soon realized why. "You promise, didn't you?" Mako reminded her. "You keep promised, don't you?"

Kiko soon broke into tears. Kiko was happy that her and Mako were the only ones on the ferry boat.

Mako brought her close to him, letting her cry into his chest. "I can't k-keep the promise, Mako. I'm already forget- forgetting who Asami is." Kiko sobbed out. "We were talk- talking earlier and I forgot who she- she was for like, 3 minutes!"

"How am I supposed to do this?!" Kiko kept sobbing and all Mako thought he could do was just hold her. There wasn't anything he could say to her.

"Shh , shh." Mako smoothed his hand down Kiko's head repeatedly. "You'll get through this. I'll be here every step of the way."

It stayed quiet for a few moments. "Mako?" Kiko said quietly. She was still being held by him, her head resting on his warm chest.

"Hm?" Mako looked down at Kiko.

"I love you." Kiko said, not bringing her head up to face him. Just keeping her eyes on the boat, the sound of the water relaxing her. Kiko wanted to say it now before she forgets. Before she forgets who Mako is and it's too late.

Mako stayed quiet.

He did love the girl. Very much.

However, he was too afraid to say anything because, he hated this, but he sorta knows that Kiko is going to forget who he his. If he says it now and tomorrow she doesn't remember him, he'll be heart broken.

But, he can't just leave her with nothing. So, he cupped her cheeks and brought her towards him, their lips touching. This was all he could do. He was too afraid.

Kiko then put her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

They pulled away when the boat came to a stop.

They walked hand in hand together to Sakiko's apartment. Once they went in, Kiko sighed.

"How long was I out again?" Kiko turned her slightly. "Five days." Mako answered.

"Five days, huh?" Kiko looked around. "Feels longer." Kiko began walking and she felt a pain where her mark is.

"Ugh." Kiko held onto her stomach. "Take it easy." Mako helped her walk to her bedroom, laying her down. "I hate this." Kiko groaned.

"Hate what?" Mako chuckled, sitting next to her at the edge of the bed. "This. I feel like I'm on bed rest or something." Kiko huffed.

"You are on bed rest." Mako leaned down and kissed her forehead. Kiko looked at her window which was slightly opened. "Don't think about it too much." Mako said.

Kiko faced the fire bender.

"Don't think about you know what." Mako clarified. Sort of.

"How? It's just-" Kiko was interrupted by Mako pressing his lips against hers. He pulled away and said, "Stop."

"Mako?" Kiko bit her lip. "I can't."

"You can't what?" Mako asked.

"You agree with me, right?" Kiko asked. "You agree that we should be a couple... atleast not right now?"

Mako hated to admit, but he did agree with the non bender. He nodded his head. "If we're dating and all of a sudden, you forget who your boyfriend is?... I don't know how I could handle that."

"You don't blame yourself, do you?" Kiko asked. "For what happened?"

"I did." Mako told her truthfully. "But now anymore."

"Good." Kiko nodded. "That's good."

"Do you want anything? Food, drinks?" Mako asked. "Lay with me?" Kiko cheekingly smiled. Mako nodded, standing up and going to the other side of the bed.

Mako laid on the bed, Kiko huddling closer to him. Her head rested on his chest, her arm bent on his side. "You're just going to make this harder." Mako sighed.

Mako placed his arm around her.

"I know." Kiko nodded. "I know."

Mako rubbed her arm.

"I know you can't keep that promise." Mako said, breaking the silence between them. "So, I'll keep it for you."

Kiko furrowed her eyebrows together, confused at his words. However, she didn't bring her head up to face him. She just stayed in her position.

"I promise that I'll never forget you." Mako softly spoke. That sentence was music to Kiko's ears.

"I love you." Kiko said.

Mako sighed loudly. He kissed atop of her head and continued to rub her arm.

It's just too hard for him. He can't say it. He wants to. But he can't.

He doesn't know if he ever will.
