Mako woke up maybe an hour and a half after him and Kiko fell asleep. He looked around the room and saw that Kiko was still asleep.

He smiled and walked over to her, kneeling down and pressing his lips onto her forehead.

"Hey, how is she?" Bolin asked frantically, coming into the room. Mako shushed him and pointed at her. "She's fine. She made it."

"We almost lost her bro." Bolin sighed, looking at the helpless girl. Mako nodded.

"Bolin..." Mako sighed, holding the bridge of his nose. "Yeah?" Bolin asked, facing his brother.

"I'm falling in love with her..." Mako said. "Slowly, and soon enough, it's going to be all at once."

"If I were to lose her before telling her how I feel... I don't know what I'd do to be honest."

"I talked to Opal." Bolin said. "I finally had the strength to talk to her."

"And? What happened?" Mako asked. "We're talking it over. We both still love each other, but, it's going to take time for it to all... reconnect."

Mako nodded, understanding what Bolin was saying.

"Earlier this night, Sakiko told me about a brother she has. Shit happened between them and she wants to wright to him. I thought that maybe... I should write to him. To tell him what happened to his sister." Mako said. "Do you have any idea where her brother could be? Did she tell you anything?" Bolin asked.

"No." Mako shook his head. "Because she doesn't even know herself."

"It shouldn't be that hard, should it?" Bolin asked. "I don't know." Mako shrugged. "I mean, I have a gut feeling that he isn't in the south or North Pole."

"So, the earth kingdom?" Bolin asked. Mako nodded. "Then go with your gut feeling." Bolin said.

Mako nodded.

Mako found a piece of paper and a pen and began to write down information for the brother. "Fuck, I don't even know his name."

"Try Ren." Bolin said. "Ren? Where'd you get that from?" Asked Mako. Bolin pointed at the worn out sleeve that was worn by Kiko. On her wrist read Ren in small letters and in cursive.

"It's worth a shot." Bolin said. Mako agreed and began to write on the paper on the desk that was in the room.

Dear Ren Sotaro,
I don't know if that's even your last name, but that is what is tattooed on Sakiko Sotaro's wrist. Well, your fist name. If it even is a persons name. I'm looking for her or writing to her brother I should say. If this isn't you, then ignore it, but let's pretend you are Sakiko's brother. You're sister got hit by lightning and almost didn't make it, but she did. She told me that she's been meaning to write to you, but was too scared to. Sakiko doesn't know I'm writing this letter, she's asleep next to me. I wanted to write to you and tell you about your sister. Please write back and say you're okay because that's all Sakiko wants to know. We're located in Republic City, and don't ask how I know where you live, it was a wild , wild guess.
- Mako.

Mako then folded it in an envelope and handed it to Bolin. "Mail it for me?"

Bolin smiled and nodded. He then left the room to do what his brother asked.

Mako turned his and faced Kiko. "Hopefully you'll be okay with me doing this, babe." Mako sighed.


The next day, Kiko still hadn't woken up and that much worried Mako and everyone else. "She's not dead, is she?!" Mako asked frantically at the doctor who was examining Kiko.

"No." He shook his head. "There's a steady heart beat. She's alright."

"I don't have an answer to why she hasn't woken, but she will. You just have to give her time to recuperate herself, to gain her strength back.... you know what, that's the answer." The doctor nodded. "Excuse me." He said while leaving the room.

Mako sighed. "You're sure-"

"Yes." Pema nodded. "She'll be alright."

"The doctor said she will." Asami said. "So, she will."

"Not all doctors are always right." Mako was frustrated at this point now. "And how do you know that?" Tenzin asked.

"It's been twenty four hours since she's been awake!" Mako said. "I mean, come on!"

"Mako, settle down." Pema said. "She'll be alright."

"Yeah, whatever." Mako rudely pushed through and they all sighed as he left outside to get some fresh air, to try and cool off.

"Hot head." Korra snickered.

They all nodded, agreeing with her.

"I'll go talk with him." Asami smiled at them before walking out the way Mako did.

Once she found him sitting on a bench, Asami walked over to him. "We know your upset. But, don't rude about it." Asami said softly, taking a seat next to him. "If I had done something, she-"

"Is that what all this about?" Asked Asami. "You blame yourself for what happened to her?"

Mako nodded slowly. "Listen here Mako, either way, she was going to get hurt. Toshi knew that she was probably the most valuable to you, besides us."

"Don't beat yourself up for it. She wouldn't want that." Asami shook her head. "No one wants that. And, she is fine. She is breathing. She is alright, so shutup and enjoy the day. That's the only thing you can do right now."

"You can't do anything for Sakiko right now. The only thing you can possibly do right now, is to stop blaming yourself. It's not healthy."

Mako softly chuckled. "Thanks."

Asami smiled. "Everything's going to be fine."

Asami pulled him into hug and after the moment, she left back inside.
