Later that day, Kiko woke up from the nap she didn't even know she took. She brought her eyes up to Mako who was still sleeping. His chest rising and falling, slowly.

Kiko needed to use the bathroom so she tried her best to get out of his grasp. She successfully did, but as she was getting out of bed, she fell to the floor with a thud.

She put her hand in a fist and slammed the floor in anger. Why can't she just walk to the bathroom without hurting and falling?

The sound woke Mako up and when he saw that Kiko wasn't in his arms anymore, he panickly got up and when he saw Kiko on her knees, he quickly bent down.

"Babe, you okay?" Mako asked, putting strands of her hair behind her ears so he could see her face better.

Her eyes were shut and she was biting her lip. She nodded and seconds later, she she sniffled. "Hey, hey... don't cry." Mako softly spoke. He tried to help her up, but she yanked her arm away. "I can do it." She said.

She slowly got up, holding her stomach where she felt pain. "Just because you were sleeping for 5 whole days, doesn't mean your wound is totally healed." Mako said. "It's gonna take time."

Kiko looked at him confused like. "Who are you?"

Mako's heart dropped. "Sakiko..."

Sakiko squinted her eyes. "You know my name?"

"Sakiko, please." Mako sat at the edge of her bed, resting his hands on his face, his elbows on his knees.

Kiko looked at him intently... a minute or two later, her eyes widened.

"Oh my spirits... I feel like throwing up." Kiko said. "I- I forgot who you were. Mako! You're Mako!" Kiko yelled his name multiple times. She didn't want to forget it.

Mako raised his head, then stood back up. "It's okay." Mako brought her in for a hug. She backed away. "I really do feel like throwing up." Kiko tried her best to be as quick as she can be to her restroom. She closed the door behind her and locked it.

She went to the toilet and sat down.

After about three minutes, Kiko did throw up. She felt sick to her stomach.

Five minutes passed, and Mako knocked on the door. "Sakiko...." Mako sighed. "Do you need to go to the doctors?"

"No." Kiko said. Her back was against the door and she was seated on her butt. "I'm fine."

"You flushed the toilet right?" Mako asked. He tried to bring some humor to the situation. Kiko chuckled. "Yes."

"Can you come out please?" Mako asked. Before Kiko could say anything, a knock was heard from the front door. "I'll be back." Mako said, leaving to the front door.

He opened it and stood Bolin with Ren and Riku. "Hey bro." Bolin smiled. Mako moved to the side so that they all could come in.

"Ren and I wanted to see Kiko." Bolin smiled as Ren stated by his side and Riku sat on the couch in the living room. "Riku's still upset." Bolin said answering Mako's upcoming question.

"I'll go get her." Bolin nodded, as Mako went back into the bedroom of Kiko's.

Mako softly knocked on the door. "Bolin and your brother are here."

"You remember Bolin, right?" Mako asked slowly. The door unlocked, then opened revealing Sakiko's small form. She slowly nodded. "I do."

She walked out with Mako trailing slightly behind her.

"Kiko! Hey!" Bolin embraced Kiko in a loose hug, not wanting to hurt her. "Hey Bolin." Kiko smiled. Bolin pulled away and Kiko landed her eyes on Ren.

"Hi." Ren smiled, hugging Kiko like Bolin did. "How're you holding up?" Ren pulled back from the hug.

"Good." Kiko said. "Okay mostly."

"I know it's scary, but you'll get through it. You have me, Bolin, Mako, Riku-"

"Who's Riku?" Kiko asked. Ren put his onto Riku who's head was down, his arms on his knees. Kiko bit her lip.

"I just don't remember..." Kiko sighed. "Hey, hey it's okay. It's not your fault." Ren shook his head. "He'll be alright."

"Tell me about him." Kiko said. "Tell me about our relationship with him... please."

Mako nudged his head towards the couch, saying to give them their privacy. Bolin nodded and they walked to the couch and sat down on it next Riku. "Hey." Mako said. "Hi." Riku sighed.

"I would ask how are you doing, but you don't look so good." Mako said.

"Why wouldn't I be? The girl I was in love with all those years ago... doesn't remember who I am." Riku sighed, bringing his head up and turned it towards the brothers.

"You were in love with Kiko?" Bolin asked. "This is like a tragic love story!"

"Why'd you leave the fire nation after Ren?" Mako asked, ignoring his brothers comment.

"I tried to stay with her, but she was so angry at the time. Since Ren left, she wasn't her usual self..." Riku sighed. "I was supposed to leave with Ren since Ren was basically my brother... I couldn't let him leave by himself."

"Wait. If Ren is like a brother to you, wouldn't that make Kiko be your sister? You were in love with your sister?" Bolin raised his brow.

"Bolin." Mako gave him a glare. "What?" Bolin said, confused at his brothers actions.

"I see what you're saying kid." Riku nodded. "But, back to what I was saying."

"I didn't want to let Ren leave by himself. But, Kiko seemed so hurt at the thought of her brother leaving the fire nation. Even thought their relationship was rocky, they still loved eachother." Riku explained. "I decided to stay, but as days went on, she was growing apart from me. The farther I went from her, the better it was for her. She wanted to be alone. She wanted her brother."

"So, you just left?" Mako asked. Riku nodded.

"She didn't want to talk to me anymore. Soon, I was just an old cousin to her." Riku shrugged. "So, I decided to leave like I was going to before. I knew where Ren was going so I went their. We met up and the rest is history."

"Maybe that's why she doesn't remember you." Bolin said. "You were just a memory to her when you grew apart. When you and Ren left, you weren't on her mind for all those years you two were gone. Her brother was. That's why she remembers him and not you."

Riku nodded. "Shame. I shouldn't have let that happen."
