"So, you and Bolin?" Asami smirked at Kiko as they were driving to wherever the gang wanted to meet up.

Kiko looked towards her. "What about us?"

"He talks about you a lot. I go to see Korra and we always hear an ear full about you." Asami said, turning to her for a few seconds before turning back to the road.

"What does he say about me?" Kiko asked. "Well, he says that you're cute. And other good stuff that I can't quite remember. He says a good amount."

Kiko smiled, rolling her eyes.

"I heard you went to a match a few nights ago."

"Yeah. It was fun." Kiko shrugged. "He says it was a date." Asami said.

"Yeah. It was just a little fun." Kiko shrugged.

"Did you guys kiss?!" Asami grinned. "What?! No! Why would we kiss?!"

"I don't know." Asami shrugged. "He seems to like you."

"Doesn't mean we have to kiss. The dates we go on are just for fun. I like Bolin as a friend, nothing more Asami."

"Mhm." Asami smirked. "I'm being honest." Kiko defended. "Yeah, yeah."

Asami drove past the air temple island and Kiko grew interested. "What's over there?" Kiko asked. "That's air temple island. Air benders live there. Including Aang and Katara's son, Tenzin and his family."

"Really?" Kiko smiled, amazed.

Asami nodded. "We're here by the way."

They both got out of the car then walked into the green field. "The park?" Kiko asked. "Yeah, on days off, Korra, Mako, and Bolin like to practice their bending on each other. Mostly just to be fun, not for practice. I come just to watch and laugh." Kiko followed Asami to where she says that Mako, Bolin, and Korra are going to be.

"We're here!" Asami yelled and Kiko laughed.

"Where's Sakiko?" Bolin asked.

Kiko popped out behind Asami and he smiled. "Hey." He pulled Kiko into a hug.

Kiko waved to Korra and Mako once she was released from the hug. Mako gaze was towards her but he shot away when Korra spoke.

"Out to the ring fire ferrets."

"Good luck!" Kiko smiled, waving to them as they got on a cement platform.

Kiko and Asami sat a good distance from them on a bench.

"Your name is pretty by the way." Asami said. "Thank you. I never said anything but I'm in love with your name. I love it." Kiko smiled.

Asami thanked her, then watched as the small match quickly began.

"Bolin's really good." Kiko said, observing his moves. "One of the best." Asami agreed.

"Korra's really skilled with the water." Kiko turned and Asami smiled ear to ear. "Yeah, she really is."

Kiko smiled at how Asami's cheeks grew were pink at the mention of her girlfriend.

Kiko looked at Mako and smiled when he was playing intently. "Mako usually doesn't play that hard. He's trying to impress someone today."

Kiko stayed quiet. "Perhaps for you." Kiko turned to her and gave her a confused look. "Why me?"

"well, it certainly isn't for me." Asami said. Kiko looked back to the playful match and focused on Mako. "Maybe it's for someone else on the park."


After what felt only like thirty minutes, the match was over. "Woo Hoo!" Korra yelled, her fists in the air.

Once they all caught their breath, they walked to Asami and Kiko.

"I won. Again." Korra crossed her arms, smirking at Bolin and Mako.

"You're the avatar. You're always gonna win." Bolin scoffed. "It's alright bro, you'll always be a winner to me." Mako placed his hand on his brothers shoulder. Bolin turned around and his bottom lip was out. "That is probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Bolin cried.

Kiko laughed softly and Mako's gaze went towards her. He smiled at her smile that was kept on her face. Asami noticed this and lightly kicked Mako to get his attention.

Mako faced her and gave her a confused look as to why she kicked him. She nudged her to Kiko and wiggled her eye brows. Mako shook his head and moved his eyes to her.

Kiko was communicating to Korra and Kiko was laughing about something Korra said. "You're staring." Asami said.

Mako shook his head and looked down. Bolin noticed this, but didn't say anything about it. He's only known Kiko for the two weeks she's been here and he's already taken much interest in her.

"I gotta go to work. I'll see you all soon." Mako said, before leaving.

Kiko watched as he left and Bolin noticed this as well. "Well, me and Asami have plans." Korra said. "You and Bolin are good walking home?" Asami asked. "Yeah, I don't mind." Kiko shook her head.

"Alright. Let's go." Korra held Asami's hand as they walked away just like Mako.

"So, just you and me." Kiko laughed and Bolin nodded. "What's wrong Bolin?" Kiko asked. "Nothing. I'll take you home." Bolin started to walk and a confused look was plastered on Kiko's face. He wasn't usually this quiet towards Kiko. Not at all actually.

Kiko caught up with him and walked beside him. "Have you told Mako about what happen last week?" Kiko asked. She totally forgot about the incident and to ask about it, but she just remembered somehow.

"Yeah." Bolin nodded. "Mako just said he's glad that I'm okay and we'll figure it out."

Kiko nodded. "I've been looking for jobs for me too. If I'm going to want to manage on my own then I'm going to need to get a stable job."

"Any luck?" Bolin asked. "Yeah, actually. There's this restaurant that's been needing help. They're going to interview me tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is the match. Are you going to make it in time?" Bolin asked. "Yeah." Kiko nodded. "I'm pretty sure. It shouldn't take that long, right?"

Bolin shrugged. "Do you mind if I go with you? To the interview?" He asked. "No, not at all. If you haven't had any luck looking, maybe they can interview you too." Kiko said.

"Oh, Mako got me a job." Bolin slightly smiled. "Where?" Kiko asked.

"At the police station. Cheif Beifong has been looking for an assistant and I happen to be available." Bolin smirked. Kiko laughed softly.

"Do you have any interest in my brother?" Bolin bluntly asked. Kiko raised her eyebrow. "Define interest." Kiko said.

"Oh, you know Sakiko. interest, like..." Bolin wiggled his eyebrows. Kiko laughed, and shook her head. "No, I don't."

It wasn't a total lie, thought Kiko. She didn't have feelings for the guy. He never really spoke to her while they hung out, however she did catch him time to time looking at her.

She wasn't interested in him exactly the way Bolin described it. Kiko was simply interested in getting to know him. She wanted to know what was he like. Kiko wanted to know his personality. Bolin is goofy and jokes around very much. When he gets serious, it means he's really serious.

What was his brother like? Is he short tempered, a hot head? Is he sweet and caring towards other people as he is to his brother?

Maybe she'll get to know as time goes on.

Kiko screamed as Bolin tightly grabbed onto her waist pulling her back from the car that was going down the street. He man in the car honked his horn as he went by, telling them to watch the fuck out.

Kiko panted and turned to face Bolin who's arms were still wrapped around her. She was mighty close to his face.

"S-sorry... I zoned out." Kiko said softly. "It's okay. I'm glad I was just here to keep you from getting ran over." Bolin slightly smiled. "Thank you."

Bolin leaned in and maybe a second later, their lips were touching. Kiko wasn't so shocked, but was rather surprised. She did kiss back and she was slightly surprised that enjoyed it. Kiko didn't think he was a bad kisser at all, that isn't why she was surprised. Kiko was simply surprised because she didn't see Bolin that way. Maybe not until now.

Once they pulled away, Kiko cleared her throat. "You can let go of me now Bolin."

"Oh, right, right." Bolin let her go and he, as well, cleared his throat at the awkward silence.
