Was It Fate?

Galinda's POV

I watch in agony as Fiyero gets up to greet the Wizard. They both smile, laughing away the fact that my love is gone.

I want to scream at them for celebrating, I want to scream at Elphaba for being back there, I want to scream at myself for not being able to see it coming.

But no sound comes from my mouth. I only have sobs, which I've no longer cared to wipe away.

She's gone.

Emptiness fills me, realizing the last thing she said to me was my own name, yelling it at the top of her lungs. That's when I got knocked out by that clone of a poor excuse of a human being.

Fiyero. Just the thought of his name leaves an acrid taste in my mouth.

It's his fault. It'll always be his fault, no matter what anyone tells me. He's the reason I couldn't stop the Wizard. He's the reason Elphaba's dead!

Her name escapes my lips, and the gentle feeling that existed seizes to appear.

Suddenly I'm crying again, head in my hands, when I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder.

I half-expect it to be Elphie, beauty and all, telling me that she didn't really die. But I look up, and rage immediately fills me as I rise to my feet.

"It's your fault!" I screech, swinging at the stupid boy. "If it weren't for you, none of this would've happened! Damn you!" Tears blurry my vision, and as I start to wipe them away, he speaks.

"Galinda, I'm sorry you had to see it, but-"

"No! Get away from me."

"But I should let you kno-"

"Get away!" I shout. "Please, just.. Get away from me."

He walks towards the Wizard. "We should grab Morrible and the clone."

"Ah, yes. That Winkie Twinkie may not be bright, but he has his ways of sorcery. Let's hurry." Their footsteps become faint, and I have no energy to chase after them.

I look around, into the darkening sky.

"Why here?" I whisper, mostly to myself. "Why now? Why Elphaba?"

Was it really fate? Or does wickedness adulterate destiny sometimes, and mess everything up? Because I doubt it was Elphie's fate to be killed by the Wizard.

Perhaps it was to live a long, long life, and to become the greatest sorceress in all of Oz. Or maybe she'd be happy at home, with kids of her own, green or not.

Maybe she was meant to be with me for the rest of her life. After all, it was true love that saved us both.

She was my true love.

Do people only have one true love in their life? Or can they have many true loves, each one holding a special place in their heart? I believe a person really has multiple soul mates. I think they're destined for more than just one person.

Because if things don't work out, there has to be another ending somewhere out there.

Maybe that's the case with me.

I don't suppose I'll ever move on, but maybe I'm destined to live a happier life. Maybe I'll find someone else.

Although, nobody will ever be the same as Elphaba. I don't think anybody could be so.. Intriguing. Interesting. Beautiful.

Both on the inside and out.

It dawns on me that tears have been spilling down my cheeks for quite some time.

I shake my head, wiping my face for the thousandth time.

There's a sudden rustling from over where the tarp hangs, and my body tenses as I look over to see what made the noise.

"Maybe it was the wind," I tell myself.

A twig snaps, indicating footsteps. I prepare to run. Or fight, depending on what it is.


"Hello? Is someone there..?" I keep a good distance away from the sounds.

I don't suppose it's Elphaba..

The thought passes through my mind, and I shake my head at my own foolishness.

But then the twigs snap, the leaves crunch, and my mind is pulled from her, just for a moment.

Although it was only a few seconds, the world was at peace. My world, at least. Because for those few seconds, I had forgotten about the heartache. But then it all came rushing back, and my body ached for her again.

I looked away from the tarp and towards the direction Fiyero and the Wizard went.

"Maybe I should follow them," I think aloud, "maybe it'll help me forget."

The voice sends chills up and down my spine.

"You want to forget me, already?"
