Why, Why, Why?


Elphaba's POV

I run down the hallway, my heart racing. Not from running, but from fear.

I ask myself over and over why Galinda would just leave without even saying anything.

I see the door to the room, and approach it carefully. There's clashing and banging inside, but I tell myself to walk slowly.

The door is cracked open, and I can hear Galinda yelling things. I push the door open to see a flash of pink, ignoring my presence and throwing things all over the room.

Her hat boxes are strewn from the bathroom door to her wardrobe. The looking glass is broken, but she avoids the shards that lay on the floor.

I look at her and she's still going; she's still chucking things everywhere, ripping up pieces of paper and breaking anything in sight by throwing it at the wall.

"Galinda!" I rush to her, my head pounding. "Galinda, stop!"

She ignores me, grabbing a tiny vase and rearing back to throw it. I grab her arm and get the vase out of her grasp.

That's when I start to hear what she's saying.

"I can't believe they just... in the middle of the- did they not know I was in the aisles?! Was I that invisible?!" Her quiet ranting grows into yelling, and tears stream down her face. Her breaths are shuddery and incomplete.

"Galinda, please calm down-" she turns away from me, opening her wardrobe and pulling dresses off of their hangers. "Stop!"

"I'm a fool! I should've known! I should've been prepared for that! After all, he's her fucking Prince Charming, right?! Who am I to ruin their little love story-"

"Listen to me, Gali-"

"I can't believe I thought it'd be easy! Easy, do you believe that?! I though it wou-"

"Calm dow-"

"What a piece of shit I am for thinking that I'd have a spot in her life! I will never-"

I grab her by the shoulders, forcing her to face me. Her eyes are blank- it's like she doesn't see me.

"Stop! Shut the hell up and just listen-"

"Oh, look at me, desperate little Galinda, who thought that she could just.. Just intercept! Well I couldn't, damn it all!"

"Galinda! Listen to me!" I screech, shaking her.

She stops talking, her eyes focusing and looking up at me, only to fill up with frustrated tears again.

"Why should I listen to you?! Why don't you go talk to Fiyero?! After all, he seems to be the one worthy of your company!" She yells, her cheeks turning red with rage.

"So that's what this is about? Fiyero?!"

She rolls her eyes. My hands remain on her shoulders.

"Yes, your little goddamn love bird, Fiyero! I mean, that's what he is to you, isn't he?! The kiss certainly proved it!"

"That wasn-"

"Fiyero and Elphaba! Elphaba and Fiyero! Do I hear a Galinda in there?! No! There never will be-"

"Stop! Pleas-"

"Why should I, Elphaba?! I'm of no concern to you any longer, correct?! Ever since Fiyero dived in an-"


"What?! Are you going to tell me I'm wrong?! That the kiss meant nothing?!"

"Yes, I-"

"Don't lie to me, Elphaba! You know damn well that it-"

"But it didn't!"

"Why should I believe you?! Why should I think that it meant nothing?! Because you're always right?!"

"No, becau-"

"Then why?! Why do you want me to think that you don't love him?! Why do I need to know so badly that you don't-"

"Galinda, please-"

"No! I'm not letting go of this. Tell me! Tell me why I should know that the kiss meant nothi-"

I push my lips against hers, my eyes squeezing shut.

I know hers are still open, in shock. I feel her tense up, and I can tell that her heart is racing.

I slowly pull away with a tingly feeling on my lips.

I look her in the eyes, my heart nearly pounding out of my chest.

"Because.. I love you."


A/N: jfc. that took forever to write. i wasn't supposed to write but i can't stand not writing, so... This happened. Lol.
