Who Would Have Guessed?

A/N: hi! um if you've read my jadina fic that's cool. i ship multiple things, so don't be weirded out or something. and if you don't like the ship, don't read it. like lol the back button is right there. gtfo :) otherwise, start reading! and i live on feedback.

Note: this is an alternate universe. Details later.

Third Person POV

Galinda was feeling a little troubled. Of course, that wasn't the only thing she felt, but it was the one that currently dominated.

Elphaba, on the other hand, was feeling flattered and a little lonely, but when you have nobody, you get used to it. She did have one friend, though.


Yet the blonde had been acting up ever since.. The incident.

Elphaba grins as she reminisces.


"Come on, we'll be late to the party!" Exclaimed Galinda, grabbing her roommate's wrist.

"I don't understand what the big deal is. Why are you so excited? Fiyero isn't even going to this one." Complained Elphaba.

"It's not Fiyero I care about, silly. It's you!" She sheepishly grins. The green girl could only blink in reply. Why would Galinda care more about her instead of the man she planned to marry? "Oh, spare me, Elphie! Don't look so lost. We are friends after all, shouldn't I care the tiniest bit for you?"

"Well, yes, but not more than your future fiancé."

Her face fell. "Oh, about that. I decided that we weren't meant to be."


"Simply because it didn't feel right. Besides, I may have feelings for someone else." Her cheeks grew pinker than her lipstick as she dragged a still confused Elphaba out the door.

When they arrived, Boq was sitting outside the door. He seemed depressed, but when he saw Galinda, his eyes sparkled.

"Miss Galinda!" He ignored Elphaba's presence, to which she merely rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing out here, Boq?" She inquires, not caring for the honorific.

"Well, I have nobody to go in with."

"Is that a requirement for attending such a bland party?"

"It isn't bland. But yes, apparently you were supposed to bring a 'date'."

Elphaba turns to Galinda. "Is that why you brought me with you? So I could be of use as an entrance ticket?"

Galinda shakes her head a bit too energetically. "N-no! Of course not, I brought you so we could.. Act as friends."

"Act? So we aren't?"

"We are! I didn't mean to say act, but more-"

Boq steps away, mumbling on about how Elphaba truly is a commotion.

Galinda huffs in frustration, pulling Elphaba inside. The place is very... Pink. And red, and purple. There are hearts strung around, and lots of people are dreamily looking into each other's eyes.

The green one crinkles her nose. "Cheesy," she remarks. She notices some boys being rowdy, hooting loudly at the girls who stand in clumps.

Then the realization reaches her.

"Galinda, you brought us to a Valentines Day party?!"

Galinda chuckles nervously and leads her friend into a dim, nearly empty room.

The only other people in there are some quiet Munchkinlanders, who don't seem to mind the company.

Elphaba stands against a wall, Galinda facing her. Their hands are still together.

"I'm sorry, but I just thought it'd be fun, and.. I didn't think that you'd be so upset."

"I'm more baffled than upset. Why didn't you just bring... Fiyero or something?"

"Fiyero was already going out for the weekend and I didn't like any other of the boys."

"Well you could have brought Boq. Now I have nobody to be with the whole time."

"There's me." She reminds.

"Ah, but you'll just hang around Pfannee and Shen Shen."

"Not true! I came here for us!"

Elphaba is taken aback.


"Well, I- yes."

The rude boys from the other room suddenly turn out all the lights, blow out all the candles. There's thumping, screeching, laughter.

The doors to the room Galinda and Elphaba stand in are swings open. Galinda panics, hugging Elphaba close to her. They face each other, fear plastered on their faces.

The boys come charging in, and Galinda squeezes her eyes shut as she's pressed closer to Elphaba, and the boys grab the Munchkinlanders that were quietly sitting in the back of the room.

Once they leave, Galinda opens her eyes. The first things she sees are Elphaba's calming eyes.

She opens her mouth to apologize for being so close, but it's only then that she realizes her lips are pressed to green ones.

She backs away slowly, arms still around her roomie's waist.

Thoughts rush through Elphaba's mind, but she only says one thing.


"Elphie. I'm sorry, I didn't.."

"No, it's my fault really, I should have mentioned-"

Galinda doesn't let her finish by placing her lips once again on the green girl's.

As she backs away, her eyes glued to the floor, she mumbles a "goodbye" and slips out the door.

Elphaba is left with a smug look on her face, her arms folded across her chest.

Who would have guessed?


Those thoughts race through Elphaba's mind currently, as she sits on her bed, pretending to read.

"Miss Elphaba?"

She looks up from her book. "Miss? And whatever happened to Elphie?"

Galinda ignores the comment, continuing. "I was thinking about what had happened at the party-"

"You mean when you kissed me?"

The blonde throws a pillow at her in frustration. Elphaba dodges it, smirking.

"I did not want to talk to you if you're going to be rude."

"Oh please, Galinda. I'm only finishing your sentences for you."

She frowns. "Well, stop it. But I did want to speak to you about.. That."

"What is there to speak about?"

"Well. Why didn't you say anything during it if you knew before I did?"

"Don't treat me like a mind reader, Galinda. I thought you knew."

"You think I wanted to kiss you?!" She notices the look of hurt the green girl has and immediately regrets saying that. "Besides, it was subconscious. I wouldn't have noticed."

"Listen Galinda, I'm sorry for not saying anything. But may I remind you that you consciously kissed me again after that?"

Galinda freezes. I forgot about that, she thinks.

Elphaba folds her arms. "Well?"

"I've decided this discussion can wait." She flees the room in embarrassment, much like the night of the party. Elphaba only shakes her head and goes back to reading.


A/N: chapter one- done! yay! I hope you guys liked it. Teehee

:3 leave feedback. Next chapter up soon!
