Anything At All

A/N: 4k?! whAAATTTT?!

Galinda's POV

"Can't you do something?!" I yell, in hysterics.

Just when I think things can't get worse, they do!

"Maybe.. I don't know! I've tried to somehow connect with the clone, to make him come back and unlock this damn door, but nothing has worked so far."

"Well? Can you maybe.. Communicate? Through the clone?"

"I've tried. Although.. Once, I had a glimpse of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I tried speaking through the clone. And my body shook, my head spun, and suddenly, I felt as if I was.. Well, the clone itself."

"Did you say anything? What did you see?"

"We were in Morrible's office. Elphaba was there, and she was asking if she could say goodbye to someone before we.. Faked our deaths."

"Faked your deaths?!" My eyes fill with tears, and even in the pitch black room, I can sense concern in his eyes.

"Yes. But Morrible, she refused to let Elphaba say good bye. And she ordered me to take Elphaba to her 'assigned room'. So I led her down the hall, and she tried to escape. I told her it was too late. I told her that the exact same thing happened to me, but it was just.. too late." He pauses, thinking to himself. "Then she.. Hm, she.. Oh, right. She suggested that we both run. So we both left, and Morrible ran after us, and then.. That's it."

"That's all you remember?"

"That's all that happened. After that, my consciousness came back, and I was back in here."

"So she escaped?"

"Possibly not successfully. But she did manage to run. I think she went to find you."


Elphaba escaped, and the first thing she thought of.. Was me?

"Maybe you could.. Try again?"

"I could. But it takes a lot of concentration, so you're going to have to hush for a while. It might be hard for you."

"Ouch," I lamely remark.

"What..? Oh. Oh no! Not in that way, just.. I know you have questions. But they'll have to wait, I'm sorry."

"Oh. Well, that's fine. Anything to help save Elphaba."

"Yes," he sighs. "Anything at all."

Elphaba's POV

"We could barge into her office, and cut off her head," I suggest.

"That's a bit harsh, is it not?"

"Oh, screw off. She took Galinda, and she took you. And me. She manipulated us, trapped us into become her.. Her army, and you're telling me it's harsh? Haven't you gotten any sense?" I glare at him.

He shrugs. "Fine. Have it your way. Be arrested for murder, and-"

"Shut up!"

"Well I'm sorry, I'm just trying to be sensible!"

"Sensible? If you're so 'sensible', then tell me, what are you planning to do?"

"Use a spell. Freeze her up."

"And what, put her in an ice box to preserve? She's a monster, Fiyero. Not an ice-cream cake."

"Well, damn it, I'm trying! If you just barge into her office, you're likely to be killed before you can even get a step closer to her!" He gets to his feet, pacing furiously.

"We could use sorcery, but she's one of the greatest at it. We could use maybe a cloaking spell, and sneak in.." I wrack my brain to remember the right spell.

"Then what?"

"I don't know, we could.. Find Galinda."

He stops pacing for a moment, looking at me. "You're still worried about her?"

"Of course I'm worried about her. She's all I have."

Fiyero shakes his head, continuing to pace. "Moron," he sighs under his breath.

I leap to my feet. "Excuse me?"

He looks at me again. "You. Are. A. Moron."

"Alright, I can be at times, but saving someone's life is not a moronic thing at all. If anyone's the moron, it's you."


"Yes! You and your damned love spells, and your stupid obedience to Morrible!"

"I did it to save my own life!"

"You might've saved your own, but you've also cost another! Maybe even more. You're a scoundrel and and idiotic one at that. I can't believe I thought I was in love with you."

"It was the spell."

"Yes, that too; you're terrible at sorcery."

He glares at me. "You know what? I've had it with you. I'm done with your harangues, your put downs; I'm done with all of it!"

"What, do you think that I'm not fed up with your bullshit? I've been trying not to kick out your teeth for the last hour, and Lurline knows that I've even thought of leaving you behind."

"Leaving me behind? Please, without me, you'd be lost! Like a puppy with no adaption to new surroundings!"

"You're comparing me to a puppy?"

"That doesn't matter! What I'm trying to say is that you're foolish, you don't know any better-"

"I know much better than yo-"

"And you're revolting!"

"...I'm green, for Oz's sake. All I have to do is be seen for people to think I'm revolting."

I cringe at my own words.

It wasn't that great of a comeback, but it was true. Everyone knows it.

Fiyero blinks at me, not saying another word. His face is blank, and he doesn't move an inch.

I wave my hands at him.


How odd.. Is he trying a method of making me leave? He's certainly not casting a spell. So why is he standing stone still?

"Fiyero, what are you doi-"

Suddenly he jolts back into his natural posture. He looks around for a moment, then focuses on me.

"Elphaba! Thank Oz you're alive!"


"Oh, I- nothing. I'll explain later. Come on." He takes my hand in his, but not aggressively like he's done in the past. It's gentle, as if he's a completely different person. "We've got to go. Come along now."

He starts to walk in the direction of Morrible's office building, making sure I'm obliging.

"Wait, what are we going to do?"

He stops for only a moment, looking into my eyes. He smiles slightly.

"We're going to save the love of your life."


A/N: wow, lookit that! It only took like, a day to update. that's a record.
