It Really Does Go Good With Green

A/N: surprise update, bitches. you're welcome :)

wow, that sounded arrogant.

Elphaba's POV

Galinda sighed happily, her eyes fluttering open. They met mine and for the first time, I noticed how they were soft, but deep, and full of curiosity.

Her hand squeezes mine, sending a rush of.. something through me.

"What's the time?" Her voice is quiet and very cute, like a lost pup's bark.

"Somewhere around 10, my sweet." I get out of bed to get dressed for the day, and notice her cheeks flush. I stifle in a smile as I head into the bathroom.

The door shuts behind me, and I stare at myself in the mirror.

"Still green. Always green," I whisper, disappointed. I get the oils out of the cabinets and start on my morning routine.

I sigh. It's silly to hope that one day, I'd be peach. Or tan. Or pink. Whatever everyone wants to call it, I'm dumb to think that I'd wake up one day and just look... Normal.

But a girl can dream, can't she? Or are there limits to the ones that are green?

My mood darkens as Galinda knocks on the door.


What was I doing with her? Why was I so desperate for her company?

She loves Fiyero.

I love Fiyero.

Or at least, I think I do. I'm not quite sure what love feels like; it's very difficult to decipher what something feels like when you've rarely felt it throughout your life.

I haven't felt it from my father or my mother.. Possibly Nessarose, but I haven't talked to her about it much.

Do I feel it for Fiyero? Does he feel it for me? All of this is so confusing.

But the thing I'm worried about the most is.. do I feel it for Galinda? She said last night that there's a certain type of love we have- a love that friends feel towards one another.

The problem is, I think it's much more than just friendly love. I think it may have grown into real love.

But keep in mind, I don't know much of what love actually is. I could be very wrong about all of this.

Yet.. I don't know if I want to be.

Galinda knocks once again. "Elphie?" She says.


"May I come in?"

"Of course." The door sways open, and she stands there, still waking up- I can tell because she's rubbing her eyes. "Good morning." I try and smile, but I'm not doing very well. Hopefully she's too tired to notice.

"So, what are we doing today?" She asks, walking over to the sink and grabbing her toothbrush.

"Whatever you want to do."

"You don't have any plans with" -She crinkles her nose- "Fiyero, do you?"

"I don't think I do. So we have the rest of the day to ourselves."

Before she starts brushing her teeth, she "hmmph"s in thought. I start cleaning up my side of the bathroom, thinking as well.

Did I have plans with Fiyero? I mean, he never said anything yesterday. And it's not like we were.. dating.

Or were we? We only shared a few kisses. Did that mean we were dating? Or were we just getting there?

But.. I don't want us to be getting there. I don't think I wanted us to get anywhere.

It's a little late to be realizing, but I want us to just be friends!

Why did I let him kiss me and- and put his arms around me?

Good god, I don't think I've ever regretted something so much. What was I thinking? I don't love him. Was I just caught up in the moment? How could I have let this happen?!

"I'm an idiot!" I exclaim. I spin around to leave the bathroom, but that's when I remember Galinda is there.

"W.. Why would you say that? You're not an idiot." Her eyebrows draw together in confusion and sympathy.

"I am an idiot, Galinda." I swish past her, and she follows me.

"Why are you an idiot?"

"I made a big mistake."

"What was it?"

I look her straight in the eyes, wondering if I should tell her or not.

...No, I'm not risking it. No way can I make any more errors.

"I.. Nothing, I forgot to.. Buy a drink at the cafe last night."

"Well, we have all day, silly! We can go after I get dressed." She grins, although I can sense that she's hiding something behind her optimism.

I plaster on a fake smile, one to mask the confusion and rage I was feeling.

This was going to be a long day.

Galinda's POV

She's not an idiot. I don't know why she would call herself that. Elphaba's the smartest girl I know.

I mean, maybe it's because I don't know any smart girls, but she most definitely has a passion for learning. She isn't an idiot.

So why would she say she's one?

"Galinda, my sweet," -I turn away from her and face my wardrobe as my cheeks turn pink- "could you.." She doesn't continue, but I don't turn to face her.

"What is it, Elphie?"

"It's a bit embarrassing. I was going to ask you to.. Do something with my hair. If that's not too much to ask for."

I feel adrenaline rush through me, and spin around to run to her side.

"You're going to let me fix it up?!" I squeak, extremely eager to get my hands on her dark, silky hair.

"Yes, that's why I asked you to." Her face is a darker shade of green as she turns, giving me full access to her hair.

Hmm, what shall I do? Her typical braid is a little.. Typical. Perhaps I could.. Put it up in a bun, or drape it to the side.

Maybe I could curl it! Oh, her hair did look wonderful when it was wavy.

I pulled out a piece of paper from underneath my pile of hair accessories. Written on it was a spell that I could cast to make Elphaba's hair curly. I used it all the time, for curling it the regular way took far too long.

I whipped out my training wand, and mumbled the words to the spell.

Elphaba sat perfectly still, her long locks slowly starting to curl prettily. Once the spell was done being cast, I jumped up, taking her hand in mine, and brought her to the looking glass.

She smiled, sighing happily.

"It looks amazing, Galinda. Thank you."

I grin in return, but notice that something seems to be missing. It's pretty, yes, but it needs a bit of.. Something.

"Ooh! I know what'll make it perfect!" I squeal, taking the pink flower out of my hair. I slide it into hers, and gasp.

"What?" She turns to me, her now-curled hair swaying.

"Pink goes good with green!" I grin at my accomplishment, and she laughs back. "Why, Elphaba.. Look at you. You're beautiful." I turn her back to face the looking glass, admiring how great she looks.
Her green cheeks turn a darker shade as she says, "W-we should go."
"Oh! Right!" We walk out the door, hand in hand, not a care in the world.
...Or so I thought.
A/N: hi. Hope you liked it guiseeee. And I SAId I was gonna update on Thursday or Friday, but I had some ideas for the next chapters and I had to get this out of the way first *grins evilly*
