I Want To Go Back

A/N: wow lookieee here! I'm actually updating almost every day. Aren't you proud of me, mom?

Just kidding. There's no way in hell that I'd let her read this. But I'm letting you. So do it!

Galinda's POV

I sit on the edge of my bed, already in my nightclothes- a tank top and shorts. As I'm reaching to turn out the light, she stops me.

"Galinda... You'll be okay sleeping alone tonight, yes?" She asks, sitting on her bed. I avoid eye contact.

"Well, the storm has finally stopped. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Hm," she nods, but sounds puzzled.


"It's just... That's the first thing you've said to me since last night."

I can hear the hurt in her voice. "Oh. Elphie, I.." I look up at her. "I overreacted. I'm sorry for avoiding you."

She bites her lip, looking at the floor. My guilt builds up within each second she remains silent.

"Please say something," I plead quietly. At first, it's as if she didn't hear me. She remains motionless, breathing heavily.

But eventually, she turns her head, slowly, to face me. Her eyes twinkle; her lips part to speak.

Yet no words escape.

The silence is deafening. It feels like time has stopped.

"Elphie, I-"

She leaps up suddenly and grabs me by the hands, pulling me to my feet. Her lips crash into mine.

At first, I remain still, but my eyes droop closed as she steps backwards, to sit back down on her bed.

My only instinct is to straddle her, which I do.

A shiver goes down my spine as her tongue traces my bottom lip, wanting access.

But I don't comply; I can't. This is really happening, and I'm frozen. Like a stupid.. icicle.

C'mon, Galinda! Get it together!

Green fingers slowly crawl up my legs. It's not something I'd expect her to do, and I gasp.

She uses it to her advantage and slips her tongue in my mouth.

It brushes against mine, and chills are sent to every section of my body.

I can barely move; I'm still in shock.


This is what I've wanted, isn't it? I should be taking it to my advantage.

I trail kisses from her mouth down to the side of her neck, my confidence growing by the second.

"Galinda," she moans softly.

She keeps repeating my name, as if it's the only one she knows of. Then she stands up, pushing me to my bed.

But she doesn't come any closer.

"Galinda," she calls. "Galinda!" Every time she says my name, it's becoming more faint.

What in Oz is going on? She's standing right there; why is she-

"Galinda.. Galinda!"

I bolt upright, her voice becoming clearer. The only thing I see is a figure in the dark.


What is- Oh, hell.

It was a dream.

"Galinda, finally. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"You've been tossing and turning. Must've just been a dream, though."

"Yes, it was. Thank you for your concern."

She sits at the edge of my bed, fidgeting with her hair.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She lies.

"Elphie. Tell me." I urge her, placing my hand on her shoulder. She flinches but looks at me.

"Ha,"-she chuckles, although there's no reason to-"I just missed you, that's all."

"Really? That's funny, because you've been out, and I've been here. I'd say you didn't even remember I existed." I snap, surprising myself.

"Galinda." She looks at me with hurt and anger flickering in her eyes. I immediately regret saying anything. "I meant I've missed you sleeping next to me. You didn't have to be mean about it."

I sigh, knowing I've made a mistake getting mad. "Elphaba, I'm sorry, I-"

"No, I get it. Its not worth arguing over. It's not like I'd remember this even existed, right?"


"Don't worry, Galinda. I understand now, I'm not worth the time!"

"You are worth the time!"

"Maybe, but most definitely not yours!"

"That's not true. You're always worth my time, and you know it!"

"Is that so? I thought I was just the 'artichoke' who was the absolute worst."

"You know I didn't mean those things. I was only-"

"You did at one point, Galinda! You used to hate me, you used to hate my existence!"


"What?! Are you going to yell at me some more? Are you going to tell me that I'm wrong, and that you always used to like me?! We both know that's not true."

Tears are on the brink of falling down my face. She's right, and I hate it. I wish I could go back and change it all.

"I want to go back," I say quietly.

"What do you-"

"I want to tell.. past Galinda that the girl who I thought was freaky is actually the opposite. She's a beautiful, smart, loving person who makes me smile whenever I see her."

Elphaba looks back down at the floor, with nothing to say. Hopefully this is a good thing..?

I continue.

"She's this.. This wonder. This mysterious substance that lights up your whole life and you can finally think straight, and see everything clearly." I notice her breathe in sharply, but continue speaking. "I wouldn't give her up for the world. Mostly because she is the world. She's my world, at least. And.. Back then, I didn't know that. I didn't know anything. But then you, Elphie, taught me right from wrong. You taught me how to love and-" I cut myself off.

Did I really just say that? "How to love"? Did that give it away?! Shit!

"How.. How to love?" She slowly looks up at me, her eyes glossy with what seems to be tears, but they widen in realization. "Galinda, do you.. Did you mean that you..?"

"I-I don't.." I can't tell her that I think I love her! No, I don't want to cause a commotion between her and the Winkie.

As much as I'd like to, I'd never actually do it.

I laugh nervously. "Well, we are.. best friends, aren't we? And you've always had my back like a.. true friend.. would. That's some type of love, isn't it?"

Aw hell, I'm friend zoning myself.

The things I do for Elphaba's happiness, I swear..

"Ah, r-right. Of course. There wouldn't be any other reason." She gets to her feet and walks over to her own bed, slipping under the covers.

"Goodnight, Elphie." I say awkwardly, settling into my bed.

"Wait... Galinda?" She says. I turn to face her.


She smiles shyly, making space. "Care to.. join me?"

I can't help but return the smile as I jump out of my bed and into hers.

Right as I'm drifting off into sleep, I feel her hand slip into mine. I grin.

Everything feels.. Almost perfect.

I say almost because there's only one, tiny, little problem.

And it's name is Fiyero.


A/N: so originally I wasn't gonna have them sleep together. But there might not be wifi in Mexico. So I did it for you bbys :) and just in case you didn't know, "the Winkie" means Fiyero. Cuz he's from the vinkus.

And some bad news- I won't be able to update until I get back. So that's like Thursday or Friday. Sorry, there's limited wifi in Mexico.



kudos to you if you got that reference. mhmkay, bye lovies. <3
