Pink Roses Or Red Roses?

A/N: I feel like that last chapter was kinda cute. With the whole flower thing, and the grins, right?

Yeah, now that that's out of the way...

Elphaba's POV

"I know I said cafe, but I meant the convenience store.., Unless you'd rather go to the caf-"

"No, it's fine, Elphie. What were you planning on buying?"



"Yes, so it's easier to drink water."

"But aren't you allergic to water?"

"It's only limited to a skin condition. And only the purest of water, anyway." I say, catching sight of the doors for the store.

We speed up, running inside, because it's still cold out. It's still February, after all.

"Okay, Elphie- you find the straws. I have to go run down a few items of my own." And with that, Galinda is gone in a flash of pink.

Pink. I smile, remembering the flower that was in my hair.

What was it that she said?

Pink looks nice with green?

Pink complements the green?

"Pink goes good with green," says a voice behind me. I turn to see Fiyero, his eyes on the flower in my hair.

My stomach was churning. I had to tell him that I didn't want to be with him.

I didn't want to, though. It could break his heart.

But if I didn't tell him, and I let us grow into a couple, I could break my own heart.

Not because I'd be with Fiyero, but because I..

Wouldn't be with Galinda.

"Fiyero, I-" suddenly I couldn't speak. I feel a burden in my throat.

I'm overwhelmed; I'm about to cry. But I can't cry. No, not in front of him. Not in the middle of a store, with Galinda humming in the aisles.


Just the thought of her hurt but sent chills through me. I feel a tear drop out of my eye, and suddenly I can't stop them as they fall down my cheeks.

He wraps his arms around me, and lets me cry on his shoulder. He has no words, but the quickness of his beating heart says enough.

"I'm- I'm so sorry, F-Fiyero!" I cry into his shirt, which is now stained with tears.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Fae."

Oh, Fiyero, if only you knew. Only if you realized that I've screwed everything up by thinking I was in love with you. I wish you could see that my heart belongs to another.

At least, I'm pretty sure it does.

His hands cup my face, his fingers wiping away the tears. He leans in, kissing me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and nothing feels right.

For a few seconds I try to get used to it, but everything feels out of place. I pull away, both from his lips and his grasp.

"I.. I can't." I say quietly, turning away from him.


Suddenly I hear a loud thump! and the familiar clicking of shoes on the ground. I make my way down to the other side of the aisle, being careful not to step on a few pink roses that lie on the ground.

Fiyero doesn't follow; he seems to be processing thoughts.

"Was that Galinda?" I ask the man idly staring out the door. He turns to me, his face blank.

"I don't know of a Galinda." His voice is raspy. He shrugs.

"Well, who just ran out?"

"A student."

I roll my eyes in frustration. "Was she blonde? Wearing all pink?"

"Yes, I do believe so. That's the Galinda you're talking about?"

I nod, rushing to get out the door. The man stops me.

"Wait- one question."

"Make it fast, will you?" I say impatiently, my mind on other things.

Why would Galinda just run out like that?

"Is.. Galinda usually happy and joyful? Like a pup of some sort?"

"What's your concern with the way she acts?"

"It's just that.. As she ran out, she looked like the saddest person in Oz."

"How so?"

"Well.. She was crying, and it looked like.." He looks me in the eyes.

"It looked like someone.. broke her heart." He says solemnly. I don't bother to listen to anything else he has to say. I run outside, frantically searching for her.

I run to get to the room, ignoring the fiery pain I feel when I accidentally stomp in a puddle and when it's water splashes my ankles.

What the hell happened?

Galinda's POV

As Elphaba goes and finds her straws, I hurry to find the aisle with leftover Valentines items.

I was planning on getting a rose for Elphaba; it was a little late in the month, but it seemed like the right thing to do, especially since the argument we had. I felt like I should prove my friendship to her; the least I could do was get her a rose.

Pfannee had told me that white roses meant acquaintanceship, pink ones meant friendship, and red ones meant absolute love.

I picked out two pink roses, although my heart wants to get red ones. But I can't tell her I love her.

In time, maybe.

As long as she wasn't with Fiyero. He was the only thing standing in the way, and I knew he had feelings for her. I didn't know if she had feelings for him, but I also didn't know I they were dating or not.

Just the thought of it makes my head spin. My heart sinks into my stomach, knowing that I don't have any chances with Elphie- whether she's dating Fiyero or not.

I feel tears well up in my eyes, but do my best to blink them away.

It's stupid; so stupid to want something that I know I'll never have.

I laugh at myself- at how dumb this all is, at how I should stop trying. It's completely useless to think about ever being hers. I'm wasting my time on this.

I don't belong anywhere near her. Except as a friend. Maybe less, who knows? Fiyero could change her.

No- he will change her. And suddenly she won't need me to be there to hear her vent, because she'll have Fiyero. She won't need me to tell her how beautiful she looks- even if she doesn't believe it- because she'll have Fiyero. She won't even need me to talk to, she'll have Fiyero.

Hell, she doesn't need my company, she has goddamn Fiyero!

I feel the tears slowly drip down my cheeks, with nobody to wipe them away but me.

I'm alone; I'll always be alone.

Nobody's here to hold me, or to tell me that everything will be okay.. Because as long as she's not there, nothing will ever be okay.

I try and calm myself down, the pink roses in my hand reminding me that I'm not here to sulk. I take a deep, shuddery breath, and proceed to find Elphaba.


My heart ached for her. It always will, until my dying breath.

Don't dream too far, don't lose sight of who you are.. Don't remember that rush of joy..

I sigh, doing my best to plaster on a smile.

I had been doing that quite often. Hiding all the darkness and all the tears behind a smile- a flash of teeth and the stretching of lips. It seemed to cover up how I really felt.

And it always worked.

I walk slowly, being sure to look in every aisle for green. I heard her voice earlier, although I couldn't quite make out what she said.

"Not here, not here..." I mumble, passing every empty aisle.

Ah, there she i-



This wasn't supposed to- I never wanted to..

My heart stops, and everything becomes blurry. I don't know why at first, but then I realize it's my tears.

I can't breathe; I forgot how. I stand motionless, breathless. Nearly heartless, as it's breaking in two.

Thoughts race through my mind, a million at once. My head throbs, and I feel like vomiting.

My breath comes rushing back, as I run, forgetting about the roses, forgetting about everything around me. I forget where I'm going, I forget about the cold air as it hits my skin.

The only thing I can't seem to forget is her lips on his.

I shudder, continuing to run.

"I wish I never saw that, I wish I never ever ever had to see that," I mutter to myself. My mind wanders to somewhere I've never been before. A place of frenzy and loneliness and heart break.

I stumble through the door, falling to my knees, and staying there for a while. I no longer bother to wipe away the tears. They fall freely.

I clench and unclench my fists, not sure of how to react or how to handle any of what just happened.

I shake as the image of her and Fiyero... kissing flashes in my mind.

"Fuck!" I scream.

I'm not usually the one to have such a tongue, but this sent me over the edge.

I spring to my feet, anger and sorrow and hysteria getting the best of me.

And then all hell breaks loose.


A/N: hi darlings. My phone screen just cracked like a little bitch's voice, so I won't be able to update too often. I'll have to use my computer, which I have limited access to.

Don't worry, you'll live.

I'm sad for not writing, so idk if I'll live. But you will.

Bye lovies <3
