For Now

A/N: hehe, before we get started- a bit of self promotion. The sequel to my jadina fic, (confession) just got published, so if you ship it, go read it lmao. otherwise..

Elphaba's POV

"I didn't even know Fiyero wielded magic!"

"Neither did I."

"So how do you know that he cast a love spell on you?"

"I saw it in his eyes. And nothing felt right. I know a sorcerer when I see one."

Galinda raises an eyebrow, smugly. "Oh, really?"

"Well, yes.. I.. Oh, you know what I mean!" I feel my face flush. She giggles. "But it renews every time he kisses me, and lasts a good 12 hours. I've come across this spell before."

"Oh.." Her eyebrows draw together in what seems to be confusion.

"What now?" Maybe I should look through the Grimmerie..

"Well, you said that it renews every time he kisses you, yes?"

"Mhm," I nod, running to get the spell book out.

"What about that time where I saw him kiss you?"

"What about it?" Where is that damn book?

"Well, almost immediately after that, you told me you.. L-loved me."

I stop searching for the book, and instead look up at her. Her eyebrows are still drawn together, and her cheeks are pink- as usual.

"Well, I..." I know the answer, but it's risky.

Oh, hell with it. I'll tell her.

"...True love triumphs over magicked love, I suppose. "

She blinks, her eyes wide.

"Do you really mean that?" She asks quietly.

I take a deep breath, and the world is still for a moment. Everything around me dissolves.

Everything but Galinda.

"Yes," I say, my voice suddenly dropping to a whisper.

The world is in motion again, and my surroundings are back. Galinda is shining more than ever.

She grins, then runs over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. My lips meet hers, and nothing else matters.

Well, nothing else matters...

For now.


A/N: I hope you liked it. I know it's short but most of the chapters are gonna be like that because I need to update more often but the chapters have to be a little shorter in order for me update. So sorry.
