We'll See

A/N: I think I'll be trying out some things in this chapter and the next.. Mhm.

Elphaba's POV

I flip through the Grimmerie, my curiosity growing with each page.

Should I melt him?

Maybe I can trap him in one of Galinda's bubbles for eternity!

Oh, this one can make him grow spots everywhere.. He wouldn't have everyone wrapped around his finger if his finger was.. Spotted.

Perhaps I can turn his speech into dog barks!

"Oh, so many things to do!" I exclaim happily.

Galinda skips over, humming an eerily familiar tune.

Where have I heard this?


"Hmm?" Her eyes skim the pages I'm on.

"What is that... song you're humming?"

"Well, I don't know the name of it. Someone was singing it during one of my classes earlier.. Why do you ask?"

"It just sounds so familiar.. What are the words?"

"Oh, something about being popular, and this girl is trying to-"

"Being popular?"

"Yes, and it mentioned celebrated heads of state.. And great communicators, and how they didn't have any knowledge, but they were popular." She pauses, crinkling her nose. "An odd little tune. But it was catchy."

"Hm. I wonder why it seems like I've heard it before."

"Do you maybe.. Know some of the words?"

"Eh.. Um.." I wrack my brain to remember something.

Celebrated heads of state? Great communicators?

"Oh, I want to remember this song. It's bugging me." I turn to Galinda. "What's it about? Just being.. Popular?"

"Well, no.. By the sounds of it, this girl is trying to make sure somebody's popular."

I chuckle. "Reminds me of someone.." Galinda's cheeks turn pink. "Do you remember any other words?"

"Uh.. Something about proper ploys.. When you talk to boys.. Er.. Oh! Little ways to flirt and flounce... I'll show you what shoes to wear.."

"And how to fix your hair!" I blurt out.

The blonde stares at me, her eyes wide.

"What is it? What?"

"You.. You know songs?!" She seems so shocked. Her jaw hangs.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, Galinda. And if you didn't know, I also don't live in a cave five feet under the surface of Oz."

"No, I didn't mean to offend you.. But can you.. Sing?"

"I don't usually sing. Nobody's around to hear it when I do, anyway."

"Oh please Elphie! Just once!"

I feel blood rush to my cheeks. "No. Besides, I don't have anything to sing." A weak excuse, but I need something.

"Yes you do! I hear you hum all the time. What about that-"

"No means no, Galinda. I'm not singing. Not now, anyways. Maybe later."

She jumps up. "So you'll sing for me later?! Do you swear on your soul?!"

"Yes." I say flatly. "Don't get so dramatic. I'm not that great."

She hugs me unexpectedly, and I don't know how to react. "I'm sure you're great!"

When she releases me, her cheeks are pink. But her grin is still very visible.

I cant stop myself from smiling back at her.

"We'll see."


A/N: hey guys. Sorry that vengeance is taking so long.
