Now Everything's Different

A/N: so this is an AU where Elphie still says "my sweet" every now and then... and there are more hints of bookverse but it's set in musicalverse. I couldn't decide between the two, so... Yeah. Plus a few modernizations. I think. IDK HOW TO DO THIS :))))

Elphaba's POV

A draft enters the room, forcing

me to pull up the covers. There's a thunderstorm tonight. The rain beats hard against the window.

My thoughts scatter.

Galinda isn't back yet. I wonder what she could possibly be out late for. She's usually back in the dormitory by 9pm. And it's currently 12am.

I hope she's alright.

But I'm sure she's fine; after all, it's a long weekend and she's probably out at a party.

I grin. A party. It reminds me of the Valentines one we went to, when she kissed me.

Why did she get so frustrated? Sometimes, I don't know if she remembers that I have thoughts too. She acts as if only her opinion matters.

But mine matters as well. After all, I was the one being kissed. Both subconsciously and consciously. So I deserve a little bit of say in this.

The the rain beats harder, and the cold draft becomes stronger. I pull my covers farther up my shoulders. Where in Oz could Galinda be in this weather at such a late hour?

I'm tempted to pull on a cloak and look for her when she slips through the door, quietly letting it creak closed behind her. She has no umbrella, but her raincoat is slick with.. Well.. Rain.

I pretend to be asleep, only to see how she reacts.

"Elphie? Are you awake?" She whispers. When all she receives is silence, she changes into her pink nightgown, not bothering to go into the bathroom for privacy. After all, I was "sleeping". She would have nothing to hide from a resting audience.

I hear her mumble to herself as she changes.

"Stupid Fiyero. Wants me to give the letter to her myself,"

Letter? Is that the green piece of paper she put on her desk?

"Maybe I just won't, and pretend she didn't like him,"

I wonder who the letter is for. Is Galinda jealous of the recipient?

"Besides, I should get a chance. If I haven't already blew it,"

Chance for what? Getting Fiyero to fall for you? There are a numerous amount of boys to choose from, yet she wants the one who causes the most trouble and gets kicked out too often. I sigh in pity.

"Elphie?!" She exclaims.


I pretend to be awakening, rubbing my eyes. "Hmm?" I try to pick up a drowsy voice.

"How long have you been awake..?"

"Only now have I been awake, my sweet."

"Oh. Thank Lurline." She murmurs, a little too loud.

"Why are you back so late?"

"A few girls and I were... heated in gossip, I lost track of time." Hm, it seems I'm not the only lying this night.

"Well, good night, Galinda."

"Good night, Elphie."

Although she had already crawled into bed, and I had already shut my eyes, neither of us actually slept. She tossed and turned. I silently watched as she tried to get comfortable.

Ten minutes pass and she still isn't asleep. I decide that it's a good time to squeeze the truth out of her.


She freezes. "You're still awake?"

"Yes, mostly because you keep moving around."

She turns to face me, and I notice her cheeks are pink with embarrassment. "Sorry, Elphie. I didn't mean to keep you awake... But, what where you going to say?"

"I was wondering.." Hm.. Perhaps I'll ask another night. It's much too late to be asking silly questions. "...Ah, I'll save it. Never mind."

Galinda sits up, now interested. "No, you can't just take it back!" She whines.

"I just did."

She hops out of bed, sitting at the bottom of mine. I'm forced to get up and face her. "Pleaaaase, Elphie! I must know!"

"Not this instant. Another time, Galinda."

"Oh, I'm begging you, Elphaba!"

"You wouldn't like the topic. Now go to sleep." I turn to lie down and pull the covers up again, but she grabs me by the shoulder, pushing me to face her.

"Tell me."


"I won't overreact!"


"Good grief, just say it!"

"I was.. Thinking about the night of the party." She nods for me to continue. "And I just.. Curiosity is getting the best of me, do understand. But I'd like to know-"

Suddenly the window by Galinda's bed can't stand the hard rain any longer and the latch breaks open.

I fall off my bed, making sure I don't get any of the precipitation on me. Galinda struggles to shut it, complaining how it's getting her sheets all wet.

Once it's finally closed and covered by an old wooden hat box she no longer uses, I come back up and into my bed.

She stomps over, pouting. "What am I going to do? Even the mattress is soaked." She groans in frustration.

"I don't have any extra blankets, nor am I willing to give up mine for you," Galinda smacks my arm in mock-offense. "But... perhaps you could.. Lay with me?" I bite my lip in spite of the risky offer. Galinda's eyebrows draw together pensively. "It wouldn't mean anything, obviously." I remind her. She cocks her head to one side, still in thought.

"I suppose.." She slips into bed next to me, awkwardly getting comfortable.

"It is the friendly thing to do. I mean, if we're friends."

She turns to face me, and we're so close that our noses nearly touch.

"Of course we're friends, Elphie! That's the reason I'm laying in bed with you."

I stifle in a laugh as she blushes. That came out wrong.

She frowns, scolding me. "You know what I mean. Don't be so immature."

"Oh ease up, Galinda." I turn to lay on my back, closing my eyes. "Good night."

"G-good night." She whispers. I still feel her eyes on me, and I grin.

"Go to sleep."

"R-right! Sorry." She shifts, getting cozy.

Once we've settled, my mind wanders to when I was going to ask her about the party. I wanted to know why she kissed me. Obviously it wasn't an accident, or out of desperation. She kissed me because she wanted to. And although it was only one time, I knew from then on, things were going to be..



A/N: hey babes. Sorry I haven't been updating. I've just been writing a lot for the past few days and needed a tiny break. I think I'm back though, so.. yeah! :)
