She's Gone

Galinda's POV

"What the hell is the Wizard doing here?" I hiss.

Fiyero ignores me, his eyes glued to the scene in front of us.

The Wizard had just descended from who-knows-where, and both Morrible and the Fiyero clone were on their knees, like the sorry suck-ups they are.

I notice a figure move from behind the tarp. The silhouette looks very much like Elphaba, and I can't help but worry.

"Why is she back there? Is this even part of the plan? What's happening..?" I whisper, mostly to myself.

"So, what is this I hear.. You have a 'plan' to take over Oz, eh? And you've been lying that I'm all a part of it.. Shame, really. I thought I could trust my press secretary." The Wizard shakes his head.

Morrible gets up on her feet. "I'm sorry, Wizard.. Sir.. I didn't mean for it to-"

"So it's true, since you're apologizing.. You're planning to run Oz with me on your team.." He chuckles. "But the thing is, I already run Oz. I'm the Wizard, for Lurline's sake!"

"O Great and Powerful Wizard, we-"

"Shut your mouth, you useless duplicate!" Madame Morrible yells at the clone.

"Now, now, Morrible. Settle down. The Winkie Twinkie doesn't know much."

Winkie Twinkie?

"And I never said I was mad about your little lie," he looks at the tarp, "In fact, I'll help you out." He slowly walks over to the tarp, and picks up a bucket sitting nearby.

I didn't even notice that.. What's in there? It looks an awful lot like the bucket Twinkie (yes, that's what I'm calling him now) had.

Before I can even guess what's in the bucket, he runs behind the tarp, and Elphaba-looking-silhouette gasps.

"Are you the..." Her voice is shaky, and it makes me ache, because that's the first time I've heard it in hours.

So it is her back there.

"You!" The Wizard shouts, "You're the one who's been causing commotion here in Oz, eh?"

"I don't cause commotions, I am one."

"Very funny, yes. Also very true. And I'm here to put an end to your shenanigans."

"Really? No way can you be a match for me with a useless pail."

"Trust me, it's anything but. I can defeat you within seconds."

"And how do you plan on doing that!"

"With this!" He swiftly throws the contents of the bucket on her, and she-



It was.. It's.. WATER! DEAR OZ, IT'S WATER!

Elphaba screams in pain, slowly melting towards the ground. I open my mouth to scream, only to realize Fiyero's hand has been over it since the damn Wizard stepped behind the tarp.

Morrible and Twinkie run off, towards her office.

The sun finally sets, leaving my muffled screams to wander into the darkness.

Elphaba's voice has discontinued, and I shake with heart ache as I imagine living life without her. Fiyero lifts his hand from my mouth, and tears spill from my eyes as I sit on the ground, helpless.

She's gone. She's really gone.

She was the only one I ever learned to love. She's the only one who cared, and who understood who I was.

I didn't even get to tell her how much I love her.

Of course, she knew I loved her, and I knew that she loved me, and nothing had mattered.

But now that she's gone, I'm left with the fact that I never told her how much I love her.

I never told her that I blush when she calls me "my sweet", or that the shade of green her face turned made her wonderful, dark eyes sparkle.

I never told her that I loved every moment I got with her; that I cherished each and every second we spent together and when we were apart, it was like I couldn't breathe.

But I suppose I'll have to get used to the feeling.

After all, it's the only thing I'll ever feel again.
