Coming Clean

Because we needed a brother bonding time chapter and it's taken me wayyyyyy to long to write one.


"You know you have to tell him," Carter said.

Mason stared at her, sitting in the seat next to him, her feet propped up on his desk, a box of Chinese food in hand.

"Tell who what?" he asked.

"Don't play dumb, it doesn't look good on you."

He pointed at her. "Correction, everything looks good on me. Including dumb, ignorant, and Armani."

Carter shot him an intense glare and he wondered why she bothered coming in here. The thought was withdrawn, of course he knew. Carter gravitated towards him whenever Donovan was on a mission. Mason was waiting for the day when the agency realized that it was better if Donovan and Carter were put on the same team. Conveniently it would mean Carter would stop annoying Mason. It was a win-win all around.

"I'm serious," Carter said. "He would want to know."

"Yes, but do I want him to know is the question."

"He's your brother."


"You're only making that distinction because you know that you're hiding and that he's going to be hurt that you've held out on him for this long."

This, this is why the agency needed to get their act together, so Carter would leave Mason alone. Couldn't a guy withhold information from his brother in peace?!

Carter removed her feet from the desk and stood, staring down at Mason.

"Tell him, Mason. Or I will."

Mason snapped his head up. "You wouldn't!"

Her grin was slow and devilish. He really hated Carter Owens. With her answer given, she strode out of his cubicle. He wished she'd take her well-meaning notions with her.

Tell Link. It was a terrible idea. He loved his brother and knew him. That's why it was such a bad idea.

Clocking out, Mason grabbed his jacket and slid it on, heading towards the elevators.

There were a million reasons why he shouldn't tell Link. He'd be excited. He would want to know everything. He would think that Mason was somehow improving as a person. He would want to set up a double date or some nonsense. He'd be excited for Mason. No, he'd already thought of that one.

Still, there were so many reasons why Mason shouldn't tell him, yet that didn't stop Mason from pushing through the doors of Evans, Smith, and Howard law firm. Even with the workday officially over, the place bustled with people searching for files, making calls, and holding arguments in the hallway. This was a terrible idea.

Mason found Link in a back desk, files stacked about him. Only a year out of law school, he held one of the lowest positions in the firm. It didn't matter that his mother was one of the partners, he would make his way up the ladder like everyone else.

When Mason approached, Link raised his head. A happy grin spread across his face. Mason was the worst human being in the world, this was a fact. Second to that fact was he had a brother he didn't deserve. Why couldn't Link mildly tolerate him like so many other people in his life?

"Hey," Mason said. "I wanted to see if you were free to grab dinner with me?"

The invitation brightened Link even more. Seriously, mildly tolerate. It would make Mason feel so much less guilty for holding out for this long.

"Of course," Link said. "Give me a second to wrap up here."

Mason nodded, sliding his hands into his pockets and surveying the office. It contrasted to every law office tv or movie set he'd ever seen portrayed. It wasn't gleaming or neat as a pin. There were file boxes everywhere like everyone decided to pack up and leave that day.

A few minutes later, Link tugged on his jacket, taking Mason's side.

"Where to?"

"I have a spot."

They wove through the maze of boxes and desks towards the exit. Halfway there Monica appeared. Link's mother beamed at both of them.

"Off to dinner?" she asked.

Link nodded.

"Have fun," she said. "Link, tomorrow I need the account record for Mr. Stevenson on my desk first thing."

"Got it."

"It's nice to see you, Mason."

Mason nodded but didn't say anything. He still had no idea how he felt about Link's mother. She was always nice and courteous, but still, Mason could only think about the role she played in hurting his mother.

For Link's sake, he tried to be decent. He wasn't sure he ever succeeded all that much.

At the restaurant, they claimed a table towards the back and ordered. Throughout the journey there, Mason had pelted Link with questions about how he was doing, what he was working on, how Maddy was doing. It was all to avoid saying what he needed to say himself. He kept up the tactic through appetizers and the main course. Once they were finished, Link leaned back in his seat.

"So," he said. "Are you ready to tell me the thing you've been avoiding telling me this entire night?"

"Avoiding is such a strong word, Counselor."

Link smiled. "Answer the question, Mr. Douglas or the court will fine you for obstructing the proceedings."

Mason smiled. It was an easy, carefree smile. It was a smile that his brother seemed to be the only one who could bring it out. Even Carter with all her witty comments couldn't make him smile quite the same. Maybe that was the power of having a brother.

But as he processed his confession, his smile sobered. Link furrowed his brow in reaction.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Mason stretched his arms out then placed his laced fingers on top of his head, trying to come off unconcerned.

"I've met someone."

Link's reaction was instant and Mason loathed Carter. This, this was why he didn't want to say anything. Link looked like he'd been given every gift he'd ever wanted. He was a sunbeam at that moment. It made Mason doubt everything about his relationship. Was it really serious enough that it warranted telling his brother about it?

"Who is she? What does she do? How long have you been going out?"

Mason took a breath, knowing the answer to the last question was going to steal that excitement away from Link.

"Her name is Yvette. She's in her final year of college, studying to be a civil engineer. And...we've been dating for...six months."

There it was, someone-kicked-him-in-the-gut-and-stabbed-his-puppy-hurt Link face.

"Six months," Link repeated.


The silence that followed made Mason want to storm out of the restaurant find Carter something really mean. He couldn't punch her because she'd punch him back. Maybe he'd tell her Donovan didn't love her. Like she would believe that. He would...he hated her.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" Link asked. "Did you think I wouldn't like her or be happy for you?"

"No, it's the exact opposite. I know you'll like her and I knew you'd be over the moon happy for me. I didn't want to get your hopes up." He fiddled with his fork, not looking at Link. "You know what my track record with girls is. If they get too clingy or start to depend on me too much, I bail. I'm not dumb enough to know I can't be relied on to make someone else happy."

Link laughed and Mason looked at him.

"I like that about you," Link said. "You're aware of your faults."

Mason shrugged. Being aware and able to change them were two very different things.

"What makes Yvette different then?" Link asked.

"She's happy in her life and doesn't need me to be a source of happiness."

Link grinned. "I like this girl more and more."

"Yeah, so do I."

"When do I get to meet her?" Link asked. "Or are you planning to wait six more months before I get to?"

"Leading the witness, your honor."

"Comment withdrawn."

Mason eyed Link. "You really want to meet her?"

"That's a stupid question."

Letting out a sigh, Mason stood up and nodded with his head for Link to do the same.

"Come on."

"But we haven't paid yet."

"We're not going that far."

Mason led him through the collection of tables over to the bar. Yvette sent Mason a quick smile before finishing the drink she was mixing. She served it to the woman then glided over to them. For a moment, Mason simply stared at her. He wasn't sure he'd ever get over how beautiful she was.

"From the way you're drooling over her, I'm going to say it's safe to assume this is Yvette?" Link said.

"It's safe indeed," Yvette said.

Mason mentally shook himself from his admiration and motioned between Yvette and Link.

"Link this is my girlfriend, Yvette. Yvette, this is my brother Link."

Yvette shook Link's hand with a pleased smile. "I'm happy to finally meet you, Mason talks about you a lot."

"I wish I could say the same, but this is the first time I'm hearing about you."

Mason wanted to smack Link for the comment. It made him sound like he was embarrassed about Yvette or something. But to her credit, Yvette merely shrugged.

"That makes sense, Mason keeps a lot of things close to the chest. Also, I know he was secretly surprised I stayed around this long."

Link laughed. "It sounds like you understand my brother."

Yvette shrugged again. "I'm a civil engineer. Your brother is not that difficult to figure out."

Someone down the bar called to Yvette. She gave Link a final smile.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Link."


She walked away and Link turned on Mason, looking like he might burst.

"Mason! You found The One!"

Mason rolled his eyes. "Now you see why I didn't want to tell you."


*shines light in your face*

You can't get away from this now! Spill it! I know everything but since you don't know what I know then you might as well tell me everything you know. 💭🗯💬

☝️if that was as confusing as I hoped it was then just know I'm curious what you thought about the brother bonding time!

I feel bad for Link not being in more but because he doesn't work at the FBI I feel like it's hard to put him in. If you have ideas of one shots that could involve him then go ahead and share them.

Quick thing: are you disappointed that I don't answer as many comments as I used to?

I feel bad. I love love LOVE reading all the comments but sometimes I don't have the energy to answer them and I feel bad. I just hope I'm not making it less enjoyable for you to comment. Let me know. I'm sorry if does feel this way.

Vote, comment, follow but honestly only if you feel like it.

Haha cause it was a bother bonding chapter and they are wonderful brothers!
