A Step Forward

Because I think someone asked for it and you control me. Obviously. πŸ™„


"Kennedy," Carter said, holding onto her daughter's arms. "Life is hard. I know that so many people believe that it should be easy but it never is." She brushed her thumb across Kennedy's cheek. "Some people will also tell you that you can't do something because you're not strong enough, brave enough, or smart enough. You must never listen to them."

Kennedy stared up at her mother, absorbing every word. Holding them all close. In the distance, Carter heard the ding of the elevator followed by the patter of footsteps. She was running out of time.

"You can do anything you set your mind to. You are strong, brave, smart and so much more. That's why I know you can succeed. Are you ready?"

A key fit into the lock and the door handle was turned. Carter extracted her daughter's chubby hand from her mouth and lifted her to her feet. Kennedy's fourteen-month-old legs wobbled experimentally, testing her own strength. The door to the apartment opened. Carter leaned closer to Kennedy.

"Go show daddy what you can do," she whispered.

Donovan entered and dropped his keys into the bowl. When he faced the pair sitting on the living floor, he brightened. Carter released Kennedy and she took an unsteady step forward followed by another. Donovan looked like someone had given him the world. He let his bag fall to the ground as he crouched down, arms wide open.

"Come here, Cadet," he said.

Kennedy shrieked with excitement and quickened her steps. Halfway there she teetered and Donovan rushed forward, scooping her up before she could fall.

"You did it!" he shouted as he tossed her in the air and caught her.

Kennedy let out another burst of laughter. Donovan covered her face with kisses making her giggle even more. Carter watched, her heart glowing even as it was tinged with a drop of sadness. Pushing herself to her feet, she joined the pair.

"Were you working on that all day?" Donovan asked her, still staring at Kennedy who was now exploring his face with her hands.

"We were. I was hoping she could show off her round-house kick but you know, baby steps."

Donovan tore his eyes away from his daughter and looked at Carter.

"Did you just make a pun?" he asked. Laughing, he kissed her cheek. "Who are you and what have you done with my wife?"

Carter shrugged. "She was learning something new, I figured I would join." She reached out for Kennedy, who already in her father's arms didn't seem inclined to leave the sanctuary of them. "We have to make a trip across the hall. I bet Mason that Kennedy would walk before Harrison despite Harrison being a month older."

Kennedy rested her cheek on Donovan's shoulder, one little hand clinging to his unbuttoned collar.

"I can't believe you actually bet on our children," Donovan said.

"Link was getting a bit smug and it was infecting Mason as well, so I planned to prove our daughter was better."

Donovan shook his head and looked down at his daughter. "What do you say, Cadet, want to start a never-ending rivalry between you and your future best friend?"

In answer, Kennedy stuck her fingers in her mouth.

"I take that as a yes," Carter said.

"Let me change first."

Donovan handed Kennedy over to Carter who set her daughter down on the floor and took hold of her hands. As Donovan disappeared into their room, Carter and Kennedy followed at a more leisurely pace, the toddler not one to rush about. By the time they made it into the room, Donovan had traded his suit for a pair of jeans and a hoodie. He smiled when he saw them waddling in.

"How's your back?" Donovan asked, eyeing Carter's bent over form.

"Well, I'll never be able to stand straight again but if I win the bet it will all be worth it."

"Somehow I believe you on that."

Donovan took charge as Kennedy's second in command, guiding her back through the apartment and across the hallway. After a knock, the door was opened by Link with Harrison slung over one shoulder like a sack of potatoes, laughing hysterically. Link grinned.

"Come to see what victory looks like?" he asked.

"No, we're here to look on the faces of the weak."

"Funny, come in."

As the trio entered, Maddy appeared from a hallway. "You know I don't know how this is going to affect their relationship in the future."

"They will have a healthy dose of competition in their blood," Carter said.

"Your daughter was always going to have that, this just feels like an overdose."

"As long as she wins then there is no harm in it."

Maddy shook her head and plopped onto the floor and Link lowered his son into her outstretched arms.

"Alright, we need to record this so Mason has proof," Link said.

"Wait," Donovan said, "when did Harrison start walking?"

"This morning," Link said, settling in beside Maddy. "When did Kennedy start walking?"

"This morning, at 7:46," Carter said. "Do you have an exact time?"

Link and Maddy exchanged looks.

"That's what I thought. Kennedy wins, Mason owes me fifty bucks."

"We need proof of this accomplishment," Link said.

Donovan let go of Kennedy's hands and she moved forward, one step following another. As if spurred on, Harrison righted himself and wobbled towards her, the two kids seem to try and reach each other. They were a foot away when they both staggered and fell on their butts. Their laughter was bright as if they were sharing their own joke.

Their parents looked on as they finished the distance between each other crawling. Harrison sat back while Kennedy used his seated position to help herself stand up. In turn, Harrison tugged on her shirt as if telling her to sit back down.

"What do you think this says about their future?" Maddy asked, lacing her fingers through Link's.

"That if he ever decides to become President we already know who will take up the position of Secret Service agent," Carter said.

They all laughed, thinking of how history would repeat itself. They stayed there admiring their children and talking, content to make predictions about their futures. They were still all sitting there when a knock came on the door. When Donovan opened it, Danny bounded in.

"Donny texted us, I want to see Kenny walk!" he shouted, excitement coming off him in waves.

At the sound of her uncle, Kennedy raised her head and let out a string of garbled nonsense. Danny reached down and hoisted his niece into his thirteen-year-old arms.

"Hey Kenny," he greeted her. She smiled at him, patting his face with pure enthusiasm. Not one to be left out, Harrison held up his hands.

Before Danny could try and juggle two kids, Steve stepped over and lifted Harrison up.

"So which one won the bet?" he asked, gazing around the collected group.

"Technically," Carter said. "Kennedy did, cause we have a timestamp and Harrison doesn't. But we're going to call it a tie. To Mason, Kennedy won and I get money."

Steve laughed and bounced Harrison up and down.

"All right, let's see this amazing feat."

He set Harrison down as Danny did the same with Kennedy. The two toddlers took to their tasks with unabashed happiness. When they eventually collapsed back to the ground, the room broke out in cheers. Maggie took command of Kennedy, beaming at her while Danny opted for Harrison this time.

"When are you going to have another kid?" he asked. "I want a real nephew."

Carter and Donovan exchanged a glance, her heart squeezing with pain. The news they held between them was one Carter never wanted to share. It felt too heavy to give to everyone else. Tied to it was a memory that she didn't want to drag back into the light.

Donovan smiled as he focused back on the waiting circle, seeing her unspoken need.

"Kennedy is going to be the only kid we have," he said.

He said it like that had been their choice when they had been given no choice at all.

"Why not?" Danny asked.

Carter laced her fingers together, a rock dropping into her stomach, weighing her down. Across the way, her father met her gaze, seeing the storm inside her.

"We're happy we have Kennedy then," Steve said, diverting his son's attention.

"Anyone hungry?" Maggie asked. "I'm sure we can whip something together."

"We can indeed," Maddy said, standing up. "You boys watch the kids, we'll get something going."

Maggie handed Kennedy off to Donovan. As she did, Steve cut over to Carter. Without saying a word, they left the living room, stepping out onto the balcony. Carter glanced back, seeing Donovan nod to her.

Around them were spread apartment buildings alight with snapshots of other homes. Below a constant stream of traffic crowded the roads, the loud honks of horns broken by the distance. The air was warm and brushed across Carter's arms as she leaned on the railing. Her father took the spot beside her, quiet and steady. For a long while, they said nothing, sitting in each other's presence.

"What is it?" he finally asked.

Carter stared down at her hands, unable to look at him.

"Kennedy is a miracle," she said.

Her father smiled. "I know."

Carter shook her head. "No, she really is. It's amazing that I was able to have her."

Steve frowned but said nothing. Carter continued to stare into her palms as if seeing scars that weren't there.

"When I was taken by the Castello family..." She sucked in a breath, keeping the memories trapped down. "What they did..." Her father gripped her shoulder keeping her grounded to the present. "It left permanent internal damage. We didn't know how permanent until I was pregnant with Kennedy. The doctor said it was amazing I got pregnant at all. And afterward...he said the chances of it happening again..." She shook her head, fighting back tears. "Like I said she's our miracle."

Steve hugged Carter, holding onto her like he could take away all the loss she felt for a kid that could never be. A son Donovan would never have. A sister that Kennedy could never share secrets with him.

"You could have told us," he said.

She blinked back tears.

"It felt too unreal," she said. "Besides we had Kennedy, it seemed selfish to ever want more."

Her father held onto her shoulders.

"You're not selfish. You are blessed to have Kennedy and we all know that. That doesn't mean you didn't want to have more. But for all it's worth I'm happy you have a daughter because raising one is the best gift anyone could be given." He smiled. "I know first hand."

Carte swiped at her tears and nodded. "Can you tell Maggie, I don't think I can."

"Of course."

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she leaned her head on his. They remained there, simply knowing what they had been given was worth it.


The bedroom was dark except for the faint light coming through the window. The only sound was the soft breathing of Kennedy as she lay asleep on Donovan's chest. Her cheek was pressed against him, mouth hanging open. A line of drool escaped her lips and stained his shirt. He didn't care. Carter lay on her side, staring at her daughter, one hand tucked underneath her head.

"Do you ever wish that we'd had a boy?" she whispered.

Donovan peered down at his daughter.

"No," he said. "When you were pregnant I wanted a kid that was as stubborn-" Carter hit his arm making him chuckle. "Smart and strong as you. I also wanted them to look like you as well. I got my wish."

Carter reached out and traced the curve of Kennedy's round cheek.

"She has your face shape," she said.

"Yes, and your eyes."

"Your hair."

"Your chin."

"Your knuckles."

Donovan blinked at Carter, a smile caught halfway to his lips. "What? How can she have my knuckles?"

Carefully, Carter lifted Kennedy curled fingers. "See, they have the same roundness as yours."

Donovan let out a low laugh and kissed Carter's head.

"Okay, if you say so."

Carter shifted closer and laid her head on Donovan's shoulder. In return, he rested his head against hers. They remained there enthralled with watching their daughter simply sleep.

"I had wanted her to have a sibling," Carter said. "I grew up alone, and the way you talked about your brothers made me wish that for her. I think she would have made a good sister to a younger brother."

"How about this," Donovan said, speaking against her temple. "We'll steal Harrison. Link and Maddy don't seem to love him all that much."

Carter laughed lightly, snuggling closer to Donovan's warmth. Kennedy stirred, making a soft cooing noise. She wiggled and fell back asleep, her fingers hanging out of her mouth.

Carter stared at her, imagining all the things that she would have had with a sibling. The loss of it made her heart ache. Sensing where her mind was taking her, Donovan fumbled around until he found her hand and laced his fingers through hers.

"We're going to give this kid the world," he said.

Carter nodded. Yes, they were.


You lookin at me, fool!

(Well, obviously not, you're looking at your screen πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ gosh what was I thinking)

Okay, so that was a strange mix of cute and completely depressing, had no clue it was going to end up like that. What did you think?

Are you still with me or are you a puddle of tears on the floor? If so just bubble or gurgle your answer and I'll understand, I'm fluent in both as well as sarcasm and denial.

Can we all just admit that Kennedy would make a great older sister! I'm bummed she won't get to be one.

Any who if you can still see the screen and your thumbs aren't broken vote, comment, follow!

I have a question for you cause I'm curious! What assumptions or ideas have you formed about me and my life from reading my books and author's notes?

Also if you have a semi-working heart I could use your help and support with getting an agent so go follow me on twitter at _joymoment_
