Nami 2: Tangerine Cake

You were in the kitchen, and you were making a cake. You had somehow got Sanji to step out while you made it, claiming you needed him to go to town at the island we were docked on. Saying we were almost out of eggs, and well we will be once you were done making this cake. You peeled the tangerines that you took from Nami's trees and hummed softly to yourself, she won't notice a few missing will she? Besides, you were making this for her. She had been so nice to you lately that you felt obligated to make something for her. So you were going to make a cake, using her favorite fruit.

It didn't take long before you placed the cake in the oven to bake. You sat back and ate a piece of the tangerines that were left over, and man were they good! You smiled to yourself while taking another bite. No wonder she loves these things, they taste really good. You popped the last bit, nearly choking on it when you hear someone clear their throat behind you. Slowly you chewed and swallowed the last piece before turning around to see Nami standing there, glaring at you. She looked between you and the peels that you had left on the counter.

"Oh Nami! I didn't think you'd be back so soon..."You laugh nervously, she just glares at you. You raise your hands up in a defensive way,
"I only used a few, I am making a cake..."You promised, opening the oven to show the two pans on the oven rack. She glances at them then back at the left over tangerines. You look back at them and laugh lightly,
"I'll be using those for the icing...." You explained with a small nervous smile. She doesn't say anything, she just crosses her arms with a frown on her lips. You laugh lightly, and before you stop yourself you say,
"You look pretty cute when you pout like that.~" The tease left your lips before you could stop it, she looks at you surprised. Your face turns pink and you cough and look away from her. Well great job, (Name)...
"A-anyways, I had been wanting to do this for awhile...I wanted to make you something you'd like, to say thanks for being so nice lately!" You said giving her a grin, a slight blush dusted your cheeks. She still looks surprised but smiles at you.
"Then you should have just asked." You laughed and nodded, agreeing with her, but then you smirked.
"Then it wouldn't have been a surprise...." You said quietly, she tilts her head to the side.
"It's not a surprise now anyways is it?" She smirks and you laugh again.
"No I suppose not." You admit with a big grin. She walks over and takes a piece of the tangerine that you had been picking at, taking one of the slices she pops it into her mouth.
"Thanks." She says, referring to the cake. You give her a big smile,
"No problem!"
