RQ: Aokiji 1: Curiosity

For Madi on Quotev

“It’s hoooot….” You hiss at the sky, the sun glared down on this tiny summer island. If you weren’t supposed to be standing at your post you would be fast sleep under the shade of the few trees scattered around in the field in front of you. You watch the waves in the distance as they crash into the sandy beaches and sigh.

“I shouldn’t have eaten that damned fruit…” You sigh, the urge to jump into the cool sea was becoming unbearable. But you would surly die if you jumped in.
“Who puts a woman from a winter island in charge of a summer island..?” You huff under your breath, watching the water moves away from the scorching sands. You looked further out, the sunlight dancing on top of the water.
“At least it’s pretty…” You sigh again, watching birds soar around above the waves, the water moving up and down, and a guy on a bicycle.
“Wait what…” You back track after a moment of shock and stare at the strange sight. The birds were circling the man who rode on towards the island. You didn’t know what to do, you rubbed your eyes and looked back out at the ocean. Yeah he’s still there…

You turned around and signaled someone up to you, someone came up and you pointed back out at the man, who was about to reach the island in a few minutes. The marine recognizes the bicyclist and runs off to tell the commanding officer of the fort. Your curiosity getting the best of you, you jump over the wall of the fort and walk towards the beach.

You felt sluggish as you made your way onto the beach, pulling at your uniform. Reaching the water you stared at the cyclist as he makes his way forward. You look under the bike and can barely make out something underneath it. What is he riding on? After another minute he reaches the land and comes to a stop in front of you. You nearly stumbled back and trip onto the ground when you see how tall he is compared to you.

“H-hello?” You call out lightly, giving a slight wave.
“(Name)!” You hear your commander call you and you tense and look behind you. He runs up and glares at you.
“What are you doing out here!?” He asks, you sigh and give him a slight frown. His expression worsened at your attitude.
“I was curious…” You shrug and he scoffs at you attitude.
“Arara…” The tall man says while looking down at you, you look up at him curiously. You felt like a child standing next to him.

“I apologize for her attitude, sir!” Your commander says while saluting the tall man, you look at your commander confused. Why was he saluting this guy?
“It’s alright…”The tall man says with a slight shrug. You look back at him and tilt your head to the side a bit. Your commander glares at you, cursing your ignorance.
“What are you doing, salute the Admiral!” He says and you gape up at the man, this guy is a what...!? But the Admiral just shrugs and yawns.
“I said it’s alright…” He says again, your commander glances at you angrily and leads the admiral inside.

“Hmm…” You watch them walk back towards the fort, you sigh.
“I remember it’s hot again…” You sigh while your shoulders sag as you make your way back to the fort.
“Damn this sun…” You whine softly.

Later that day, when the sun was just starting to dip into the horizon, you found yourself following the admiral. You found out he was Aokiji, and you heard about the fruit powers he had, and to be honest you were beyond curious. When he first arrived he said a few things to your commander and then not even ten minutes later he was napping under a tree. You watched for a while from your post before you went back to watching the horizon.

Later on, around lunch time, he was woken up by one of the people in your squad, being asked if he would join the commander for lunch. In which you lost sight of him for about five minutes before your shift ended and you ran off to for lunch. You see him in the courtyard having a conversation with your commander, laughing lightly at how short your commander was in comparison. While eating lunch you watched them, looking away when the admiral glances in your direction. He could probably tell you were staring, you felt like an idiot for being so curious, but nothing interesting ever happens here so…

After lunch you had one more shift of watching the horizon and you were bored out of your skull, you see the admiral again walking over to another tree and sitting down for another nap. Man this guy sleeps a lot…

And that was how your day went, and now here you were, following the admiral as he walks through the fort after his second nap. You had been so preoccupied by your curiosity you actually forgot about the heat! You see him turn a corner abruptly and you follow after. But when you turn the corner he’s gone.

“Huh…” You hummed while looking around.
“Lose something?” Someone asked behind you, you jumped and turn around to see the man behind you, looking down the hall you had just seen him turn into.
“A-ah…” You tried to think of what to say, and decide to ask some question you were curious about.

“Why do you take so many naps?” You asked him, he looks down at you.
“Humm…It was so hot outside…”He shrugs, you frowned up at him.
“Does hot weather bother you when you can make everything cold?” You ask him and he shrugs.
“It’s good weather for naps…” He says not answering your last question. You grinned up at him, your curiosity getting the better of you.

“Do you really make everything icy?” You ask, your eyes sparkling slightly. He tilts his head to the side a bit and lifts one hand up and ice covers it. You ‘Ooo’ at it and your grin widens.
“That’s so neat..!” You said, your eyes sparkling brightly now, the man raises and eyebrow at your childish nature.
“Think you can make ice cream with that?” You ask, you look so excited that he was taken aback slightly.
“Arara…I guess…”He says while you ‘Ooo’ again. He straightens up and puts his arm down.

“How old are you…?” He asks, questioning your childish nature. You blink a few times while looking up at him, your lips turning into a slight frown.
“Twenty five!” You said, a grin returning to your face. He hums while you excitedly ask him some more questions. He answers them, you couldn’t read his expression. He looked bored, or maybe he was just extremely laid back. You weren’t very sure, but after a few more questions your commander showed up and stopped at the sight of you excitedly chatting away.

“(Name)!” He says, stomping his way over and giving you an angry glare.
“You have kitchen cleaning duty today!” He says, you were about to argue that you actually didn’t but he quickly tells you it was because you left your post earlier that day. You huffed and glared at your commander.
“Fiiine…” You sigh, shrugging your shoulders and looking up at the admiral. You give him a big grin.
“Bye bye, sir!” You giggle and run off to the kitchen. Your commander turned to Aokiji and apologized about your behavior.
“I don’t understand why she acts like a child most the time..!” He growls while watching you take a wrong turn, he sighs at your lack of direction.
“It’s fine…” The admiral says with a shrug.

“It’s actually kind of cute.” He says indifferently.
