RQ: Brook 3: What I've Missed...

For bellbell2345

It had been two years since you’ve seen the crew and you were about to bubble over with excitement. You arrived first, a few days early in fact. You were so excited you were practically bouncing on the balls of your feet while waiting for your friends to arrive. You nearly tackled each and every one of them as they arrived, you were so happy to see them.

And that was before Fishman Island, and now you were lazing about on the deck of the ship, man you missed this. But what you missed even more...You look around, spotting the person you’re looking for, napping on the bench.
“Brook.” You called out to him, you hear him mumble before his head turns in your direction.
“Ah (Name).” He greets you before suddenly becoming still. You wait for it, a slight smile on your lips.
“May I see your panties?” He asks, you giggle and shake your head. You wondered if he’d frown at this if he had the skin and muscles to do so. After a minute of his laughing he stops and turns his head in your direction again.

“Did you need something?” He asks and you give him a small grin. You were about to answer him when you hear Zoro over the intercom.
“Marines!” He says, you get up and walk over to the side of the ship, Brook and Luffy quickly following after you.
“Nami! What do we do?” Luffy calls out to his navigator who was looking at the sails with a look of disdain.
“There isn’t enough wind to out run them!” She says, Franky piped up and mentioned using cola, but you ask if it’s okay to waste it when it’s only a few low ranked marine ships. Zoro agrees with you, it would be easier just to destroy them instead of wasting fuel. Luffy tells everyone to prepare for battle just as the marines catch up to us.

They try to jump on our ship but both Sanji and Zoro manage to keep them off, both you and Luffy jump off the ship and onto one of theirs. You see people get blown off on the ship Luffy landed on, but you didn’t see much else as the marines jump at you. You pull out your fans and pour in your haki and Ninetail flames. With a flick of your wrist you shoot out icy gusts of wind that either blow away the marines or give them immediate frostbite.

Most of the men fall to the ground screaming as parts of their body turn black and lifeless, other gets blow off the ship, and unlucky ones that are hit by your flames die from being frozen. You didn’t see some of the marines jump at you from behind, you turn around just in time to see them fall to the ground.
“Brook..!” You gasp as the skeleton cuts down another one of the marines that were about to attack you. He turns to you and laughs.
“You should be more careful (Name)!” He laughs again, but it gets cut short when a marine attacks him. He cuts them down and you sigh.
“Thanks..!” You call out, swiping your fans without your flame, tossing your enemies off the ship with just your haki. You see a marine get to close to brook and you summon one of your tails and swipe him away. Brook sees this and laughs.
“Thank you (Name)!” He laughs some more before finishing off the last of the marines on the ship you both were on.

“Guuuys! If you’re done come on!” You here Nami call out to the both of you and you answer he back with an alright! You turn to head back when you feel something pierce your right shoulder. A gunshot echoes not even a second later, telling you what just hit you. You gasp and stumble slightly.
“(Name)!” You hear Nami scream, you turn around just ask Brook attacks the marine.
“A-ah…” You gasp, grabbing your shoulder a bit dazed. You just got shot! Brook walks up to you.
“Are you okay (Name)!?” He says reaching for your shoulder, you give him a small smile.

“It’s just a gun wound, it hit the shoulder so Chopper should be able to fix it…” You said wincing when he touches your shoulder lightly. You hear Luffy yell for you, looking over at your captain who was staring at your shoulder you give him a grin.
“It’s fine!” You call out waving your good arm, Brook shakes his head.
“She’s been shot!” He calls out, you frown at him as Luffy jumps down and Sanji starts freaking out in the background. Luffy walks over and looks at all the blood coming from your shoulder.
“Get her on the ship so Chopper can look at her, I’ll finish up here!” He says, cracking his knuckles. You sweatdrop a bit, now you felt bad for the marines. You gasp when Brook picks you up and jumps onto the Sunny Go. Chopper runs up to you and looks at your shoulder, he frowns and tells Brook to get you inside. You pout at the skeleton.

“I can walk myself. It’s not my legs that got shot.” You point out, Brook laughs and jumps up and walks over to the infirmary.
“There may have been a two year gap, but I’m sure if I put you down you would just run back outside!” He says laughing, you feel the ship move forward again, signaling the end of the battle. Chopper comes in and starts to tend to your wound when Brook places you on the infirmary bed. After a few minutes Brook clears his throat, not that he has one.

“What were you going to ask before the marines showed up?” He asks, you look over at him and grins.
“I was goanna ask if you could play a song…” You said, he laughs and grabs his instrument.
“Okay! Hope this makes you feel better!” He says as you wince when Chopper digs out the bullet. Brook starts to play and you sigh.

In the last two years you definitely missed the music this skeleton could play.
