Doflamingo- The Princess and the Dragon

The Princess and the Dragon, a more common pair than most realize. Most of the time when they pair the princess with someone it's usually the knight.

But this princess, with her long flowing hair and fancy dresses, was locked in a tower that was guarded by an large and terrifying beast. She looks out her window, her crystal like eyes watch the creature gobble up yet another knight that's come for her.

Her gaze locks with the beasts, a smirk forms on it's lips as it shrinks in size, jumping along the ruins of her old home, the once beautiful castle she lived in outside this tower. The creature, unlike most dragons, was clad in feathers rather than scales, and as it shrank the feathers seem to gather into one place, forming a feather coat.

The princess moves away from the window as the man, which was once the creature, hops onto her balcony rail, a smirk planted firmly on his lips. She could almost hear the words he was going to say before he said them, this scene having played out hundreds of times before.

Good morning Princess (Name), did you sleep well?

His sentence was always followed by a short fit of laughter, and upon seeing her neutral expression a frown would appear, and then he would hop down from the railing and walk into the room. She would turn away from him, only to have his long slender fingers cup her chin and forcefully move her face towards his. He stops her, a split second before their lips meet, his smirk finding it's way back onto his lips.

What's wrong Princess?

He'd ask, but the answer was always the same. So she remained silent, her eyes piercing into his, but this only makes his smirk widen.

Not even going to argue for their lives anymore?

He asks her, his breath tickles her nose and she tries not to react as she smells the blood in his breath. But her eyes never leave his, and satisfied with the silent response he brings her lips to his and her chest tightens painfully as she fights back the sadness that washes over her. He pulls away, a scowl on his lips. Of course she didn't kiss him back, she never did, but his scowl quickly changes to a smile.

You'll love me one day Princess, after all, I'm all you have left.

He chuckles like it was the best news she could have ever received, but her heart ached painfully and it shows in her eyes as she stares up at him. Silently she opens her mouth, as if to say something, and the man's attention was instantly drawn to her lips. He smirks at the word that formed on her lips.


He echos her word and leans away from her, lifting one hand to his chin and taps it thoughtfully, a playful smirk never leaving his face. He pretends to think about the answer, of course she had asked this before so she knew the answer. Her eyes close and she feels him lean into her, an arm sliding around her waist and she feels his breath on her ear as he whispers the same answer he has always given her.

Because your mine~
