Apoo 1: Curiosity Killed the Fox

For Japanese-Snap-Blossom on Quotev

Things were oddly calm, you say oddly because Kid was sitting in the same room as your captain, Luffy, and his Ally, Trafalgar Law. You didn't know Kid's opinion on Luffy's and Law's alliance and to be honest, considering how pissed he looked right now, you didn't want to know.

Pulling your gaze away from an angry nova you look at the people he made an alliance with. Your gaze falls on an abnormally long armed guy who seemed to be enjoying watching Kid get angry. You hum to yourself from your hiding spot, only nova's were allowed in the room right now, but you and Robin didn't really listen to those rules, and with this thought your gaze flickers to the ear sprouting out of Luffy's leg and then at the eyeball on the ceiling.

You didn't pay much attention to the conversations the nova's were having. You did however, think about the abilities and strengths each nova had. You were aware of Luffy's and Zoro's being in the same crew as them. You had gotten a good handle on Law's ability, you feel his gaze shift to you for a moment before returning to the table, ghost of a smirk on his lips.

Damn he knew.

The meeting ended, you wait until peoples crew mates walk into the room before jumping out of your spot, you see a few of the nova's glance at you and smirk. Kid however had a permanent scowl. You ignored his angry gaze and skipped around the table.

You passed Kid and Killer, both watch you a bit confused as you stop right in front of Apoo, who looks at you with a raised brow.

"Hello!" You chirp, you feel your captain's gaze on you, glancing over you see Luffy look a bit confused, Zoro has a scowl on his face. Ignoring them you turn your attention to the guy in front of you.

"Hello?" He greets back, not really sure why you've run up and decided to talk to him. You hear Kid mutter something and Killer quickly tell him to stop, was Kid about to kill you just because you felt like talking? For some reason this amused you and you glance back at the red head and stick your tongue out, you hear Law chuckle as Kid's temper flares. You hear Killer sigh, why were you riling him up?

Looking back toward the long armed male you grin.

"I'm (Name)! Nice to meet cha!~" You sang happily, he still seemed confused but otherwise unfazed.

"Your in Strawhat's crew." He states, and you nod, even though it wasn't a question.

"The Ninetales." He states another fact about you and you grin.

"Yep!" You chirp, you give him a wide smile.

"And your the guy with the interesting music ability, yes?" You asked and he glances at Kid and tries not to laugh at the 'No duh' look the red head had.

"Yes." He said, letting out a slight chuckle as he said this. Your smile widens and your eyes start sparkling a bit, you can hear Nami groan from across the room as Zoro sighs.

You were just as bad as Luffy when you were curious.

Apoo seemed slightly taken aback by your expression, and your crew mates reaction.

"Then can you play a song please? Your power sounded really neat! Can you turn into every instrument?" You started asking questions a mile a minute and you heard multiple people laugh at this, Luffy got curious too and would pop in his own questions, earning a glare from Kid. Apoo lets out a laugh at your childish curiosity and gives a slight grin as he begins to answer some of your questions. Kid looks more and more irritated as Apoo answers the questions. After fifteen minutes Kid grabs you by the back of your collar and lifts you up. You hear Zoro unsheathe his swords and felt the tension rise on the other side of the room.

You just give Kid a big grin when he turns you to face him.

"Hiya there Kid!" You chirped, a few people suck in some air and hold their breath.

"What are you doing?" Kid growls, you just pat his cheek and he looks at you confused and very taken aback.

"Silly Kid! I'm asking questions cause I am curious, duh!" You said while crossing your arms, you hear people laugh at this while some tense a bit, waiting for Kid to kill you.

"Leave the kid alone, Kid. She's just asking questions." Apoo says, Kid glares at him, but drops you abruptly before taking a step towards Apoo who raises his hands defensively.

"Don't boss me around." Kid growls, you take this moment to rush past Kid and Killer and run back to your captain.

"We should probably go..?" You recommended, everyone agrees, well a grunt from Zoro was counted as an agreement. Before leaving the room you turn around.

"Bye bye Apoo, twas nice to meet you, don't get killed!" You said, waving your arm over your head before turning and sprinting from the room before Kid could yell again.
