Ace 5: Metal Deathtrap

For Elysia on Quotev

This was his fault.

He repeated that to himself as he stared down at the broken form of his friend. He had taken you out on his motorcycle, you had begged him not to take you out on that thing, you hated motorcycles. But he had somehow managed to convince you to join him.

You warned him.

You made jokes that his ride would be the death of you, you called them metal deathtraps...and right now he agreed. He reached over and brushed a strand of your hair out of your face and he tries to hold back the tears that had started pooling in his eyes.

Why didn't he listen to you?

He remembers how hard you were clinging to him, your fingers digging into his abdomen, he runs a hand over his abs, over the scratches your nails had left. Most of his wounds were minor, aside from his left arm which ended up broken when he was flung away from the crash, you however got stuck to the bike and rolled with it, down a steep hill and into a river.

You almost died.

They had to bring you back over three times before they got you stabled. He remembers the doctors chilling expression when he told Ace you wouldn't likely wake up.

You had suffered far to much.

A little voice in the back of Ace's mind told him to let go, but he stared down at his friend, a painful feeling in his chest as he leans over, his warm lips grazed your pale cold ones. You probably would never wake up, but he couldn't bear the thought of letting go.

And now he would never be able to tell you...

"I love you..." He gasped as the words tumbled from his lips, his unshed tears finally falling from his cheeks. He buries his face in his hands as he starts to shake.


He shuddered at the sound of your voice, peeking between his fingers he saw your pale body, unmoving, not a word has escaped your lips, had he gone mad?


Again, he drops his hands, he didn't see your lips move but he heard your voice. Why, why could he hear you but you sat broken right in front of him? Suddenly there is a cold sensation and he gasps while squeezing his eyes shut. His eyes snap open and meet amused blue ones.

"Ace, come on get up, your brother made breakfast." You smirked down at him and he just stares at you wide eyed. You wanted to tease him but suddenly tears started falling from his cheeks. You looked down at him, startled, you crouch down and brush away some of the tears with your thumbs.

"Are you okay? What's wron-" You started but he pulls you into him, his lips meet yours. Your cheeks turn red and you try to push him off you but he just squeezes you tighter.

Slowly you relax into the kiss and slowly kiss him back, he nibbled your lower lip and you gasp, taking that as an okay his tongue slips in and starts roaming your mouth. You were beyond surprised, you hadn't expected this when Sabo told you to wake him up. Eventually the kiss ends, leaving the both of you panting, staring at each other.

"Wh-What was that..?" You gasped softly, he just smiles and put's his forehead to yours.

"I love you..." He said as your face turned red. It took you a moment to fully register what he said but when you did you brought your lips to his in a soft kiss.

"I love you too..." You whispered once the kiss ended. He grins at you and hugs you tightly.

"So...can I talk you out of that ride today?" You ask softly, his grip on you tightens and he buries his head at the crook of your neck.

"I'll never take you out on that thing..." He muttered, surprising you a bit, he was so adamant about taking you out on the motorcycle, you absently wonder what changed....
