Sabo 4: Late Nights

You leaned back with a sigh, you didn’t look at the clock beside you on the wall because you knew you would not like what it says. You could almost feel his disapproval at your late nights. But you shrugged your shoulders, wincing at how tight they felt and leaned back over the desk.

Judging how tired you felt you would assume it was early morning. Finally breaking down and glancing at the clock you flinch, wishing you hadn’t. It was four in the morning, and you knew he would be angry at you. Letting out a sigh you feel some of the tension in your shoulders go away a bit as you relaxed.

“He is not going to be happy I stayed up late to write again…” You sigh while glancing over to the door that joins your office and the bedroom both you and your boyfriend shared. You can hear nothing from behind that door, so you knew he was still awake. You glanced at the bottom of the door and you see faint light coming from underneath. Yeah he was still awake. You look back at the book you’ve been working on and close it. You needed to sleep, and if you got no sleep at all it would make him upset with you.

You stood up, cringing at how stiff your back felt and flinched when the floor boards creek as you walk over to your oil lamp. You blow it out and walk over to the door to your room. You pause with your hand on the handle, how angry would he be?

You slowly open the door, cringing when it squeaks as it opens. You peek in and glance at the bed, your eyes meet icy blue ones. You flinch and give him a weak smile.
“Heeey…” You greet weakly, you see him close the book he was holding and put it on the table beside the bed. His eyes never leaving yours. It was normal for him to pull all nighters, but with your situation you needed your sleep.
“(Name)…” He says your name softly, but his eyes still bore into your own. You walk into the room and over to the bed. He looks at your tense form and sighs, motioning for you to lay down. You crawl onto the bed and lay next to him, he turns you over onto your stomach and starts to rub your back. You mewl at hit touch and he smiles at you, but then it returns to the small frown it was before.

“(Name) you need to stop doing this…” He whispers, making the tension leave your muscles the more he works on your back.
“You need to take better care of yourself…” He continues, leaning over and giving a light kiss to the back of your head. You sigh and turn and look at him.
“I was writing…I lost track of time…” You admit quietly, he sighs again and kisses your now exposed cheek.

“It was bad when you did it before, but now you have to think about more than yourself…”He whispers, running his hand down your back. You roll over onto your back and pull him into you, giving him a soft kiss.
“I know…I know…”You sigh, he runs a hand down your chest and stops on your stomach, rubbing it with his hand. He smiles at you and kisses your nose lightly.
“Think about the kid more okay…less about your story…”He begs softly, you pull him into another hug and sigh and bury your face in the crook of his neck. You feel is shiver when he lets out a small chuckle. You close your eyes with another sigh and give his neck a small kiss.
“Good night Sabo.” You whisper, letting out a light yawn. You hear him chuckle again.
“Good night (Name).” He says giving you a kiss on your forehead.

“Love you.” You whisper before falling asleep.
“Love you too…”He answers, pulling you closer to him before falling asleep.
