Arlong 1: Rice Bunnies

For Japanese-Snap-Blossom on Quotev

You couldn't say you weren't amused by the situation in front of you.

Had someone told you that you'd be having brunch with a fishman that hurt one of your friends you would have scoffed and brushed them off. But alas, here you were, and it was taking all you could not to chuckle at the uneasy expression that seemed to be crossing the fishman's face.

Things had relaxed, to a degree, between Nami and Arlong and his crew. To a degree I say, because she would have looked down on this brunch you were having at the moment.

To be honest when you offered him something to eat, out of courtesy, you had not expected him to actually accept. So here you sat, in a small cafe that was know for one thing in particular.

Cute food.

Fighting back a grin as Arlong gingerly picks up one of the riceball rabbits that littered the plates as side decoration for the rest of the meal. You see him glance down at the cat face ramen and you had to bite your lower lip to stop from laughing at the scowl that seemed to take over his face.

He glances up and see's your expression, which only seems to make him drop the rice rabbit back onto the plate, it hit the plate with a little plop. He wordlessly grabs a fork and stabs at the cat face ramen before taking a bite. A small grin appeared on your lips and he pokes one of the rabbits away from the animal shaped stakes.

“Don't most people use chop sticks for ramen?” You ask casually as the fishman tenses at the question. He glances up and notices your grin and his eyes narrow. You found the cute atmosphere of the cafe ruined any intimidating look he could possible have. And you found yourself chuckling to yourself as you picked up one of the frog head shaped tea green cookies and popped it into your mouth. He looks at your side of the table and his scowl worsens.

All you had were sweets. And each and every one of them were cute.

Oh he regretted accepting your brunch offer. And your lips curled into a smirk for a moment before settling back down into a grin, you knew he was regretting this.

“You'll get fat eating all that.” He growls at you, you raise an eyebrow at this.

“Worried for my figure?” You ask him, noting he ignored your previous comment. He grunts before eating more of the noodles, the cat face long gone after his assault with the fork.

He avoided answering this too, another playful smirk graced your lips momentarily, you half wished Nami was here to see this...

You picked up a spoon and scooped up a bite of pudding and popped it into your mouth, the sweet substance melted onto your tongue, you sighed as you savored the taste. The fishman gives you a weary look, not really sure what was so fantastic about that pudding that it had you making weird sounds. He finishes his food and pushes the plates away from him, you smirked as he looked around, uncomfortable by the cafe's atmosphere. You pack up the rest of your snacks in boxes, preparing to offer it to your captain when you returned to the ship, the fishman regards how much left over's there were.

“That's a lot..” He comments and you offer him a shrug as a response.

“Have you seen my captain eat?” You asked him as a frown takes over his lips. He looks out the window, he almost looked nervous.

Was he afraid of being caught in such a cute place?

This thought brought an amused smirk back to your lips, he catches it this time and glares at you.

“Thanks for joining me for brunch.” You said casually, the smirk widening a bit now that he's caught it. You can almost hear his internal groaning.

“You tell no one. That we went here.” He says threateningly, you raise your hands up and threw him a grin before standing up.

“Okay okay..!~” You sang, straightening your outfit before picking up the left overs. You paused for a moment before turning around you give him another grin.

“Food was good though right?” You ask, looking down at one of the little rice bunnies that were left on the table. He glances down at it and scowls.

“It looked ridiculous though...” He growls, squishing the bunny with his fingers.

You chuckled again at how out of place he looked in the cafe and he glares at you once more. You give him a slight wave before turning around and leaving the store.

As unusual as this was, it brought a smile to your face every time you looked back on it.
