RQ: Law 4: Avoiding Confrontation

For Hunter on Quotev

You felt like your heart was in your throat as you left the clinic on the small island you all docked on. You had brought Penguin with you so you didn't have to get the results alone, although he ended up asking why you didn't take your boyfriend with you instead. But one look from you said you didn't want him to know you had this suspicion.

It started a month ago, your period was late. You brushed it off because you've had break in it before. But you had also been suffering from a stomach bug, which you also caught frequently, so it didn't bother you that much.

That was until your stomach started to get bigger, it's not really notable when you have clothes on, but you started to see it when you took a shower.


Missing Period.


You just wanted to be sure, without your boyfriend knowing of course. Turns out you were right to be suspicious, you were pregnant.

Oh how were you going to tell him!?

You spent the next few hours strategically avoiding the man as you went from place to place. But unfortunately the island is small and the town is smaller, so it became painfully obvious to everyone watching the two of us that you were avoiding him. You could feel him stare at you as you, once again, turn abruptly and walk in the opposite direction he was in. And you could feel getting angrier and angrier.

Oh what to do...?

You finally went back to the sub when it got late and steeled yourself, this may not end well. But to your surprise your captain doesn't even look at you when you enter the rooms he is in. In fact he would get up and leave after a few minutes, ignoring your very existence!

This made you both sad and relieved.

It was finally time for bed and you didn't know what to do, you haven't slept in your old room in over a year. But you weren't sure how mad he was with you.

You made your way to his room and stood outside the door awkwardly glancing around. What do you do... do you knock?

"(Name)." You heard him call you from inside, he could tell you were standing outside!? You open the door slowly and step inside, his back was to you as he works on something on his desk. The bed tucked neatly in the left back corner of the room and his desk right in the middle, the entrance to the closet and bath is to the right. Finally he turns around in his chair and faces you, staring at you, making you feel very uncomfortable.

"So uh...I have to tell you something...but I am still not sure how to say it..." You said nervously, he keeps a stoic expression as he watches you mess with the bracelet on your left wrist. You could feel him getting impatient.

"If you have something to say then say it." He says coldly. You looked at him a little surprised, guess he is mad about the obvious avoiding.

"I've been avoiding you cause of something I found out this morning but I'm not sure how to tell you, I mean I had my suspicions but I didn't think they would come back positive..! But it did come backpositiveitturnsoutI'mpregnant!" You said, talking faster and faster as you tried to explain all this.

He takes a minute to decipher what you just said, a small frown on his lips. He turns from side to side in his chair, spinning it around once or twice before stopping.

"Repeat that last part." He said calmly, he didn't sound angry anymore. You fidgeted nervously but took a deep breath and repeated the last part slowly.

"The test came back positive, I'm pregnant..." You said breathlessly as you watch his eyes widen a bit. His lips form an "o" shape but no sound escapes his lips.

"This complicates this..." He said softly, you almost couldn't hear him as he looks down at your belly. You worried for a moment, wondering if he'd make you get rid of it so you place your hands over it and frown at him. He looks up and meets your gaze, his look a little sad.

"Don't..." You said, your body tensing a bit. He is silent for a moment, studying your face before he sighs.

It's going to be hard raising a kid on a pirate ship..." He says finally, you see him smile a bit before turning around in his chair, he didn't like letting you read his emotions. You giggled and walked behind him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.

"We can try though..." You muttered into the top of his head as he just hums in response.


"I'm still mad at you." He says plainly, his tone had a slight playful sound to it. You looked at him confused.

"About what?" You said as he walks over to you.

"You avoided me in public, so obviously that I got pitiful looks from strangers..." He said smoothly as he leans over you, you laugh nervously.

"S-Sorry.." You said quietly but he just smirks.

"Sorry doesn't fix that."
