RQ:Modern!Law 5- Welcome home

For Trafalgar-Tsukino

Because you wanted a second part to this...

Your heart was in your throat as you waited in the lobby of the airport.

Like always it was extremely busy, what felt like hundreds of people passed you every second as you stand there static, like a rock in the middle of a river. You looked in every direction, every exit, every possible place he could appear from, even though he had texted you earlier saying specifically which exit he was coming from. That didn't stop you from checking every single door.

You absently wandered how it would feel, seeing him again.

Sure you loved him, hell maybe even more than that. The relationship has been long distance for the past five years, but even distance didn't stop you from loving this man.

Most people thought you were crazy, they had told you he's probably had multiple relationships while he was in England, but you didn't believe them, not even for a second.

Okay maybe that isn't completely true, you had your doubts, but every time you heard his voice all of them seemed to melt away.

"Five years..." You whispered, your voice being lost to the constant chatter that seems to flow around you.

You were scared.

What if you didn't feel the same way you did when you last seen him physically, what if he realizes he doesn't feel the same way anymore, what if...what if...

Your heart threatened to hop out your throat and flee the building, to afraid to face him. But at the same time it felt like it might turn around and hop back, only to pass you and run to him, after all that's where you truly felt it belonged.

You closed your eyes and take a deep breath, you needed to calm yourself, you shouldn't look like such a nervous wreck on his first day back. When you open your eyes they instantly fell onto a familiar white hat.

Only twenty feet away versus the hundreds of thousands of miles he was just a few hours ago.

"Law..." You whispered, you knew your voice broke just from whispering his name. You seem him smile a bit, walking in your direction.

Fifteen feet and your heart was going wild, you felt more than you did when you last saw him.

Ten feet and you start moving towards him, you felt like you could cry as a huge grin breaks across your face, you could see him chuckle a bit and your heart skipped a beat.

Five feet is when it hits you, sure you liked him when he left, and sure you've said you loved him. But having him right here, when you've been waiting for so long, you've realized.

You fell in love with him.

You crash into him, throwing your arms over his shoulders as he just laughs, dropping his bags and wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer.

"I missed you..." You cried softly, refusing to let go. You get a chuckle as a response.

"I've missed you to..." He says, burying his face into the crook of your neck, you hear him take a deep breath.

It felt like hours, you stood like this in what felt like a slow motion moment, even though you could see people moving past the two of you at regular speed. Some people stopped and you could head a few Aw's but you didn't care what their reactions were.

You pull away and look up at him, not even getting the chance to say anything, he tilts your chin up, bringing his lips to yours.

This action alone makes you melt as the crowd around you gets bigger, people giggling and Awing at the two of us.

"I love you..." He whispers when he finally pulls apart, you bite your lip to try and stop the stupid grin that is appearing on your face, but in the end you fail miserably.

"I love you to.." You reply as he pulls you into another kiss.

Welcome home...
