Law 3: Trufflegar

You watch your captain jump onto Law's back with a wide grin on his face. Law on the other hand, couldn't look any less amused. His cold demeanor was a stark contrast to your happy-go-lucky and friendly captain. You smiled at them as Luffy calls for another party, Law looking more and more like he regrets ever making an alliance with this idiot. He makes eye contact with you and you can see a 'help me' look flash in his stormy colored eyes.

"Luffy." You used a light scolding tone, he looks over at you and pouts. He knows he's about to be yelled at if you use this tone.
"You should get off of him." You said, motioning with your hands as you speak. He frowns and shakes his head.
"But (Naaaaame)..." He starts to whine, you narrow your gaze at him and he moves himself behind the taller man.
"I want to play with Traguy." He says, hanging off of the man's shoulders. You clear your throat and sigh.

"Luffy. Now. Also if you can, can you make an attempt to say his name properly..." You said crossing your arms, you hear Nami snicker behind you.
"Oh yeah, (Name). Maybe you should tell him how to pronounce it." She teases, knowing fully well that you had a problem pronouncing the man's name. Your face flushes and you glare up at her, Law see's this and smirks slightly. Luffy however, remained oblivious.
"How do you pronounce it?" Luffy huffs, asking Law.

Law just stares at you, expecting you to answer. You can hear Nami snickering again, and a light chuckles tells you Robin was in the immediate area. You cover your face with one hand and sigh, whispering his name softly. You know you didn't pronounce it properly, but it was the closest you got to it.

"Hmm?" You hear Law hum, urging you to speak louder. Luffy walks up to you and leans closer to you, you whisper it again. Luffy starts laughing, holding his stomach as he falls to the ground.
"Y-you can't- That was-" He gasps, Nami smirks, she knows what you call him. It was the main reason you didn't talk to the man, you couldn't call him that out loud when he was around. Law walks over to you, ignoring the man laughing on the ground and leans close to your face.

"My name?" He says, your face turns redder and you glare up at him. You hear Nami laughing just as much as Luffy now.
"Tra-traf..Tra..." You said, trying to say it correctly, his smirk only widens. You get pissed at his smugness and take a deep breath.

"S-st-Stupid Trufflegar!" You yell. Now everyone on the ship is laughing hysterically.

You were wrong Law could look more unamused than he did a few minutes ago.
