Jason wakes up, in some pain from his confrontation with Damon yesterday, but he easily gets dressed. He sees his weaponry, dual hand pistols, his signature knife, and a pair of gloves with built in brass knuckles, which he made them himself. Jason gets dressed in an armored grey shirt, jeans with padding on the knees, tall and armored black boots, and a red and black leather jacket. He was ready for today. Jason straps the gun holsters onto his jeans, which were attached to his belt. The belt was a custom job of extra ammo pouches, and explosives.

    As Jason exists his apartment, he goes down to the garage to get his car. It’s a black 1967 Chevy Impala, with silver racing stripes on it. He enters his vehicle, and drives to a local Dunkin Donuts and orders breakfast. While I’m at it, why not get Rachel and Chloe some too? He orders more, and thanks them. As he gets back to his car, he begins to drive out to the junkyard. What if Damon does show up? Whatever, just get there and focus on finding Sera. Jason spots Rachel walking, and he picks her up, getting them both to the Junkyard. “Thanks, Jay” says Rachel.

    Chloe, sporting a blue strand of hair, was driving around in her “new” vehicle when Jason pulls into a parking spot.

    “Hey, Clo!” Jason shouts. “I got breakfast for everyone. Want some?”

    She parks the old truck, and accepts the food, and asks, “So, you got your shit?” Jason nods, and shows her the weaponry. Rachel looks confused, but Chloe explains why he is armed up.

    “Price?” Frank Bowers voice calls out as the trio looks around and sees him looking in the wrong direction.

    “Hey, Frank,” replies Chloe, who waves him over to them. He reluctantly walks over, looking scared. “What’s wrong?”

    “What’s wrong, bitch, is that you’re getting in his business,” says Damon Merrick. Jason’s hand immediately moves to his gun on his left, and he draws it out, aiming it at his one time killer.

    “What the fuck are you doing here, Merrick?” Jason’s voice shakes with anger. He wants to pull the trigger so bad, but he can’t.

    Damon turns to see him standing there, and looks shocked. “You. Why the fuck are YOU here?” Frank gets in between them.

    “Guys, calm the hell down. They want answers on a client, alright?” Jason lowers his gun, but keeps it out. He wants everyone to know he’s not afraid to fire at Damon.


    Rachel looks at the situation, and then asks about Sera. “Do you know where she is?”

    Frank looks at her and say she’s still in town, but has disappeared. Damon laughs. “Bitch probably bolted.”

    “Well, all I know is that Sera was my contact for information on your punk ass,” Jason growls. I swear, if Frank didn’t get in the way…

    “Shut up,” replies Damon. Rachel gets angry, and demands to know where her mother is.

    “Rachel calm down,” Chloe says. Jason looks at them, and then at Damon, who starts to laugh.

    “Holy fucking shit. Rachel Amber? The D.A.’s daughter? That’s what this is about?” Damon takes out his knife, and advances towards them. “You and your whore mom have caused me enough trouble.”

    “Damon, NO!” Frank screams, trying to stop him, but is shoved to the ground. Jason runs at Damon, but is stopped by his blade, which gives him a new scar underneath his original one, making the shape of a “J.” He grabs Rachel, and begins to take her, when Chloe hits him, and he stabs Rachel.

    Everyone looks at Damon, and he goes to finish the injured girl off, Jason gets up and tackles him. Jason begins to punch him

    “GET HER THE HELL OUTTA HERE!” Frank goes to aid Jason and he tells him to go with the girls to make sure they get there safely. As he gets up, Damon trips him and kicks his head. Jason lets out an agonizing cry of pain, and he attempts to get up, but falls back down. He eventually gets up, and begins to fire his pistol at Damon, who had stabbed Frank in the shoulder.

“Do NOT fuck with me, kid!” He makes several stabbing motions at Jason, some of which he avoids, and some he doesn’t. All of his shots missed, so he begins to escape. He fires one final shot at the man, and grazes his shoulder.

    Some time later, Jason meets up with Chloe at the Hospital and explains the situation. He apologizes to her just as the Ambers arrive.

    Mr. Amber asks them what happened and Jason tells them, and he looks at Jason. He thanks Jason, and goes to his daughter.

    “Chloe, Damon hurt Frank. I’m sorry…” Jason states as Chloe looks down at Mr. Amber, then at his newest scar.

    “Its okay. We just need to get back at that bastard… But why did Rachel have to suffer?”

    Jason looks at her, but he didn’t know. He just looked down the hall as well, wondering why she had to suffer as well.

    Jason winces in pain as the doctor stitches up his final wound on his body.

    “There you go, Mr. Todd,” he says cheerfully as Jason throws on his signature red hoodie. Jesus what time is it? Jason looks at the clock, and sees that it’s past midnight. God, it’s Monday? Jason rubs his eyes, and goes out to see Chloe resting in one of the chairs, and Rachel’s parents with her. Chloe’s mom had texted her, and Jason calls her saying that she was at the hospital with him and Rachel, but she is okay. Jason also tells her that it’ll be some time before they all come home.

    As he hangs up the phone, Chloe wakes up, still tired, and looks at him. Jason walks over to the window and sees that the fires had stopped. I presume that since Rachel caused the fire, she also ended the fire, due to some supernatural event. Still… it’s odd. But I shouldn’t dwell on that. Jason walks back to Chloe, who looks stressed out.

    “Here,” Jason offers as he gives her his coffee. “I hate that crap.”

    Chloe accepts it, and in between sips, she asks him about his wounds. “Will they heal?”

    Jason sits down, and replies, “Yeah, but they’ll scar up. But, that’s nothing new for me.” He looks down the hall, and into Rachel’s general direction. “This has been more eventful than I expect.”

    Chloe looked confused, and asked him to elaborate on the subject.

    “Well, the night of the concert is when I met Sera for information on Damon, which led me to believe that he could have been smuggling drugs on trains. At the junkyard, however, one of his ‘friends’ went there to spy on us, and I took him down. You saw that.” Chloe nods, remembering the incident. Jason continues, “The following day, I talked to Wells and convinced him to not be harsh. That it was my decision. However, I didn’t get punished because I’m technically not a Blackwell student. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that Drew was using Damon for money, and it led me to him. And you know the rest…”

    Chloe looks at him, and his head hangs low. “I should have shot him then and there. No one would be hurt… this is my fault.”

    Chloe looks at him, saying, “No it was mine. I convinced Rachel into going in the first place. But you saved us, so that makes it better. She still got hurt, though.”

    Jason looks back out the window, takes out his gun, and begins to clean it. “This isn’t right, Clo. We need to do something…”

   Chloe looks at him and nods in agreement. Just as they stand up, Mr. Amber walks over to them, saying that Rachel is awake. Jason looks at Chloe and she says that she wants to see her.

    They walk down to her room, and Rachel is just waking up, looking pale after her surgery.  She tried to sit up, but Chloe helped her lie back down, and she sat next to her, comforting Rachel. Jason thanks Mr. Amber, and he closes the door.

    “Hey, Rach,”Jason calmly says as he walks over to the pair, and he sits in a chair. “How you holding up?”

    “Better than I expected,” says Rachel, weakly. Her voice was soft and almost unhearable. “It’s gonna leave a badass scar, though.” Jason nods, and looks at Chloe.

    “Do you still want to find your real mom?” Jason inquires. Rachel nods, and says to find her any way possible.

    “What about you? You’re all banged up, with a wrap around your head, stitches, and all that bullshit. Did he get you too?”

    Jason nods, and tells them his injuries. He received a light concussion and 3 new scars. But, he explains that he heals quickly.

    The trio sits in silence for a while and Rachel asks Jason to leave for a second, and he obliges. As he exits the room, he is greeted by a boy, no older than 15.

    “So, you’re Jason Todd, huh,” he says. Jason growls. Nathan Prescott…

    Jason nods, and he asks, “Why are you here, kid? Did daddy bring you?” Nathan gets pissed, and responds by almost choking Jason but stops when he sees Chloe walk out of the room behind him.

    “Nathan, what the hell are you doing here?”

    He looked a bit pale, but nonetheless, he responded. “I heard she was hospitalized, and I was worried.”

    “Well, she’s asleep,” Jason calmly says. “Aren’t you seeing Victoria?”

    Nathan gets a look on his face, and he walks away, muttering under his breath. Creep…

    Chloe turns to Jason, and tells him that they need to find Sera quick.

    “First, we need some sleep. Meet me at this place tomorrow morning as soon as possible. I’ll bring some more weapons.” Jason hugs Chloe good night, and they go their separate ways.
