3 years ago, Jason Todd was a nobody to the criminal underworld of Oregon. Now, he was hunting all of them down. He started with his one time killer, Damon Merrick. That was when he became known as the “Red Hood” amongst the drug lords and hardened criminals. Since then, Jason has hunting down drug dealers, rapists, and the like. They were a threat to everything that Jason had built up. In his hometown of Arcadia Bay, Jason was a simple 19 year old who still went to school. But, what most people didn’t know is that he was the vigilante that people were fighting over. He didn’t care much. All he wanted was to instill fear into the criminals hearts.

     The night was silent as Jason ran across the rooftops of Blackwell Academy. He was tracking a rapist/murderer there, and he led him into a trap. Jason has set this up perfectly. He had his old friend Rachel Amber be the bait in the girls dormitory. Jason watched as she entered the dorms, and some time after, his target followed her in. Jason knew when his que was. He put on his new helmet, pulled up his hood, and jumped down to the dorms.

    The door was still opened, and Jason easily sneaked inside. He saw the man enter Rachel’s room, and he followed in. Jason also heard muffled screams so he made his presence known.

    “Hey, Cruz. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Jason’s mechanical voice says as he turns the corner and sees him holding a gun to Rachel’s head, shaking in fear.

    “R-red Ho-Hood? The fuck you doin’ here?” Cruz says as he aims the gun at him. Jason laughs, and begins walking toward him.

    Cruz empties the gun into Jason, and none of the bullets leave a wound on the 19 year old. “If that’s all you got, then give up already.” Jason kept walking towards him.

    Cruz throws Rachel into Jason and he runs away. She looks at him and smiles, knowing his trap worked. Jason let’s her out of his arms and begins to run after the man.

    “RACHEL! STAY HERE!” Jason screams as he leaves the dorms. This is my only chance to get him! So run faster Jason.

    Jason catches up to him and jumps over him, wrapping him in a wire. He struggles a lot, but it only cuts circulation off, which knocks him out. Well, so now what? I got him, and aren’t the cops supposed to show up? Jason wakes Cruz up and starts asking him questions.

    “I know that you aren’t working alone. So, who do you work for?” Jason asks in a commanding tone. Cruz looks up at the hooded Jason, clearly fearing for his life.

    “I work for no one, alright? I’m a lone act!” Cruz confesses as he cowers in fear. Jason looks up and sees that Blackwell Security had arrived.

    “I’ll handle him,” Jason states. One guard in particular steps forward, and points at him. The guards name is David Madsen.

    “No, he’s on Blackwell Grounds, and he’s our problem now. Not yours,” says Madsen. Jason stands up, and orders the other guard to leave immediately. They do as such. Jason’s authority was highly respected amongst them.

    “Now, David, listen to me,” Jason says as he removes his helmet, revealing his face to David. He is slightly shocked at the revelation. “Dylan Cruz is my only lead to finding these people who are trying to fuck everything up, including your life. I need him for this.” David looks at Cruz, then back at Jason. “Fine, but give him to us once you’re done.” With that, David leaves Jason and Cruz in the empty parking lot.

    “So, you’re going to tell me everything.” Jason takes out his gun, and shows Cruz that he means business. He also secretly records the conversation between them. Again, being a coward, Cruz confesses to all the murders, rapes, and crimes he’s committed.

    As Cruz is confessing, Jason hears Rachel scream. While that happens, Cruz hits Jason over the head, knocking him unconscious.

    When he wakes, Jason gets up to go find Rachel. He bursts into the dormitory, and she is nowhere to be found. Jason screams in frustration and smashes his fist into a wall, angered that he lost Cruz, and possibly his best friend.
