Jason and everyone else had decided to go to the Vortex Club party. Everyone knew that Jefferson was going to be there to announce the photo contest winners. Jason wanted to do it publicly but Nathan suggested that they do it silently after the announcement. Nathan told them that he planned to take Victoria Chase after the show as he chose her for the contest and the kidnappings.
   "Vicky is going to be there and I'd rather not have another kidnapping here," Nathan says as they walk into the swim building.
    "Roy, do you think that you could take Jefferson after the announcement?" Chloe asks as she opens the doors up to the entrance to the bathrooms, the only ways in. Roy nods and then walks to get into position.
    "We should warn Victoria," Jason suggests. Everyone present nods in agreement. "Max, Nathan, Rachel, Chloe you're with me. Warren, you should follow Roy. I don't have a good vibe about him." Warren nods and replies with a yessir and walks off.
    "I won't ask, but you've gotten that same vibe from him too?" Nathan says as they make their way into the V.I.P room. "I'll get Vicky. You'll talk to her."
    When Vitoria Chase comes over, her attitude changes and as Jason tells her about Mark Jefferson. But she can't announce it to everyone. She tells him that she'll play along.
    "When he takes you to leave, we'll take him out," Jason says.
    "Alright. But if it jeopardizes anything, I'm bailing."
    Jason nods and walks off to get everyone set into place. The party's just getting started.
(Roy's Perspective)

  As Jefferson made his way to the V.I.P room, Roy stopped him and told him to stay where he was.
    "Mark, Jason's planning to move against you. I'll get your men ready. Act like nothing is wrong." With that, Roy left. Jefferson made his way to the podium and gave his speech just as Roy left the party.
    Down at the docks of Arcadia Bay, Roy, masked, was clad in red and gray armor, giving orders to the mercenaries that Mark Jefferson had hired. Roy was telling them about the Outlaws, and the plan was to storm the town and have the kids fight them off until they died.
    After that, Roy took the armor off and went back to the Vortex Club party. His plan to get his sister Ashly back was in motion.

(Jason's Perspective)
    Jason saw Nathan nod towards him, indicating that their plan was in motion. Jason then began to advance on Jefferson when all of the lights in the building went out.
    People screamed, and then the lights flashed inside the building. Then followed the gunfire. Jason and Nathan screamed for everyone to get down.
    "NATHAN! WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHERE THESE GUYS ARE COMING FROM!" Jason shouts over the bullets flying. Nathan nods. He and Jason make there way to the entrance where Warren, Chloe, and Rachel are waiting for them.
    C'mon, we need to take these assholes out," Jason commands. The group runs out and begins taking down the mercenaries. Gunfire and hand-to-hand combat could but heard
throughout the building survivors. Slowly, they eliminate all of the mercenaries that were sent to kill them.
    Jason takes a headcount, and asks the question that startles everyone.
    "Where's Max?"
    Jason and the Outlaws make their way back to the Junkyard where David and Rachel's father are waiting for them.
    "Jason we're getting reports of armed men attacking Arcadia Bay," says Mr. Amber. "Is there anything we can do to help?"
    David looks at him, and asks if he could get as many veterans as possible to fight back for the time being. "Until we can get a large enough force to defend the town, we veterans are your best bet."
    Jason nods and tells the two men to round up as many ex-servicemen as they can.
    Chloe rushes inside and grabs her armor that she's had for years. She also hands Rachel a gun that she almost hesitantly takes. Warren asks if he can stay behind. Jason and Nathan both look at each other and nod in agreement. Then they hear a vehicle pull up. Jason runs out to greet Frank Bowers, who is asking what is going on.
    "Jefferson somehow made an army. Are you gonna help?" he asks. Frank nods, and tells Nathan that he should have backstabbed Jefferson before all of this happened. Not wanting to ask questions, Jason asks if they could use his RV as a mobile base for the time being. Frank nods, and Jason pulls out a few heavy guns.  
    "Arm the RV. We have to get ready." As Bowers does that, Jason orders everyone there to get armor on. They were going to war.
