Jason awoke in his bed, bandaged up and bruised. He tried sitting up, but he was in too much pain to try. Jason grunted and Chloe came in, telling him to lie back down.
    "Jason, stay down. You've been through a lot. And before you ask, I'm still mad at you but I'm glad you're back and alive." Chloe looks at him, and he's already passed out. "Typical."
    A few hours later, Jason wakes up and feels no pain. "Must've been the Lazarus in my blood..."
    Jason easily sits up, and gets dressed. No one was in his apartment He planned on going to school today even if he was supposedly dead. I'm apparently dead, yet Roy's been going to Blackwell still and was confirmed dead... riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
    Jason walked out to his car, which was still in great condition. Somehow, it survived the shootout and the purges. Jason entered the car and started the car.
    When he arrived at the old school, people didn't notice right away. Again, when he walked around he wasn't noticed. Not until the new senior students saw him and called him out. That's when everyone came to see the return of Jason Todd, the hero of Blackwell.
    Everyone crowded around him and Jason awkwardly smile. "Hey, guys. Yeah I'm alive. No I can't answer any questions. Yes I'm still the same kid just with red hair."
    Awkwardly, he gets out and rushes inside to meet Ray Wells. There stood David, who had heard about Jason's return. He gives him a nod of the head and Jason heads down the hallway to Wells.
    When the principal turns around, he is startled by Jason. "Mr. Todd. You're alive!" Jason explains, and Wells understands. He then tells Wells that he should get going. The two shake shake hands, and part ways.
    Before Jason could go home however, he walked into Mark Jefferson's old classroom. His words echoed in Jason's mind. The emptiness of it all made his skin crawl. Jason quickly ran out of the room and returned to a normal lifestyle.
    Jason makes it through the day without any more incidents. After his new photography class, he darted out of the school and went home. When he finally got home, he crashed down on his couch and laid there for a few hours. Eventually he fell asleep.
After his nap, Jason got up and decided that the Red Hood would have to make a comeback for Arcadia Bay to have its hope restored.
    Jason, in full armor, ran over rooftops as he listened into the police radio. It was a mess in the town. So he decided to start small with a gas station that was having suspicious activity around it. Guess I'll start there.
    Jason jumps down, and begins to have his fun.
    He sneaks in while the robbers are arguing over what to do, and he looks at a can of peanuts. Picking it up, he contemplates throwing it at them. My oh my wouldn't this be hilarious. Jason throws it, and then quickly ducks out of the way.
    "OW!" the first robber shouts. "Who threw that!? Huh? Who threw it?"
    The second robber replies to his comrade, "Dude. Its just a can of-"
    "Shut it, Brandon! That can of peanuts hurt! Now who threw it!"
    Jason chuckles and replies, "I did." He steps out of his hiding spot and looks at them.
    "That's definitely not Nightwing or the Red Arrow," Brandon scoffs. "But who is he, Mal?"
    "You are correct!" Jason exclaims. "I'm definitely not any of those morons, but I know them. But you've probably heard of me."
    "No one cares. He threw a damn can of peanuts at me!"
    "Did it hurt? I'm assuming it did."
    "Yeah, but not as much as this is going to," he says as he aims his gun at Jason.
    "If you're going to shoot one of them, now is the time. I'd shoot the guy on the left. He's the one making all the threats."
    The robbers turn around and look at the clerk, who just shrugs. Jason then throws another can of peanuts at Mal, knocking him unconscious. Jason laughs, and says that he's still got it while making punching noises and motions.
    Brandon reaches for the gun, and Jason takes his out and aims it at him. "What are you doing? I never said that you could get the gun."
    Just then, another guy walks out and Branson shouts, "Kenny!" to warn his friend. Jason then shoots him, and it makes him fall down in an unconscious state. "You shot Kenny!"
    Jason begins to laugh uncontrollably and says, "Well damn, Kenny dies every episode right? Well, go to sleep."
    He then hits Brandon on the head, knocking him out. Jason begins to walk out and he then looks at the clerk, picking up a candy bar. "Can I..?"
    "Yeah. Take it!" He says. Jason nods, and then tells him to spread the word that the Red Hood is back, and he's ready for vengeance.
