After the confrontation with Damon, Jason headed towards Mr. Wells’s office. He bursted in angrily, demanding that he sees security footage of the past hour.

    “Why?” Wells questions. Jason didn’t have time for this.

    “It’s Damon. He was here. I need to see all security footage NOW!”

    Wells seemed scared, but he obliged to Jason's requests. “This is all we have.”

    Jason watches the footage, scouring the entire campus until he sees the aftermath of the fight. Jason studies the car that Damon enters, and he freezes the footage. He writes down the license plate number, and he thanks Wells for letting him do this and apologizes for everything that happened. “Also, please reconsider your punishments. I know that you won’t, but please do.” He then leaves, just as The Tempest had started. He stays and watches the entire play, and notices Chloe on stage. Now that’s pretty damn ironic. Jason smiles at the thought, and when the play concludes, he goes up to them, and they tell him to wait for them. Damon can wait and lick his wounds… as much as I hate the fucker, I’ll let him go for now.

    As always, Jason is ahead of the girls, thinking about who he once was, and what he could have been. But, that didn’t matter. He had to move on now. But first, he wanted revenge. Dammit, Jason! Just let go, already. Please… Some days, he pleaded with himself, and sometimes he even had flashbacks. Jason assumed it was Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and whatever else was wrong with him. But, while hunting and fighting, he let his anger control his movements. Jason turns his head around, and sees that they stopped and are talking. He slowly walks back towards them, and somewhat overhears them about running away.

    “I could help,” interjects Jason. He wanted to explain so badly how much he understood, but can’t.

    Rachel and Chloe look at him, both have somber expressions on their faces. “Really?” Chloe asks. Jason nods, and admits that he sometimes thought about running away as well. Rachel says that they’ll need clothes.

    “We can go to my house, and get some.”

    A few minutes later, they arrive at the Amber house. Rachel cautions Jason and Chloe, and they try to walk in quietly. A voice calls out to Rachel, and she responds.

    “Who are these two, darling?” asks her mother.

    “Ummm, these are Jason and Chloe. Y’know, from this morning..?”

    Her father looks at Jason and recognizes him, and gets up. “Jason Todd, is it? Thank you for what you did today.”

    Jason nods and says, “Well, I see that you’re all having dinner. Any way I could help?” They need a distraction. Besides, I miss helping people set the table…

    As Jason helps set the table, quickly at that, he takes a look around the house, and sees all of Rachel’s accomplishments. Smart girl, Rachel is… Jesus are my thoughts British?

    As everyone goes to eat dinner, Jason declines, and says he’s not hungry. Regardless, Chloe gives him a roll of some kind, and he takes it, but doesn’t eat it. He just zones off, and looks around. Jason’s eyes start to well up with tears, but he wills them away. It’s been too long… I know that every family isn’t perfect, but some people don’t have families anymore…

    As Jason thinks, he hears Rachel scream, and sees a broken table. Jason, wanting to help, runs over, and gets in between them.

    “ENOUGH!” Jason screams. He doesn’t want a fight, and he looks at her father, who looks sad and heartbroken, while Rachel is full of rage. “Is this what’s wrong? Lying and cheating? Because, if so, it’s wrong. Give your daughter the truth. All of it,” Jason commands. The DA looks at him, and understands. He takes them to the living room, and tells everyone the story of James Amber and Sera Gearhardt.

    After hearing the story, Rachel looked sick to her stomach. Jason understood that feeling, and he stands up. He watches as Chloe and Rachel head upstairs.

   “James, I understand that you were only trying to protect her, but it just hurt your own daughter. Why?” Jason asks, clearly confused. He wanted answers, he only got more questions to ask. “Tell me, please.”

    James Amber looked at the 16 year old, and studied him. “It’s hard to explain, Jason. I did what I thought was best for my child.”

    “Well, you just broke her. Not Chloe, not me, you. James, you’re her goddamn father! You’re supposed to be a hero to her, not a liar. Not a damn politician, like everyone else.”

    James tears up, but then catches something in Jason’s attitude. “What about your father? Is he still your hero?”

    Jason looks down, and replies, “Yes. And no. I’ve been on my own for 2 years now. He died. He was murdered. He gave his life for me.”

    James looks at his wife, and then at Jason. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry.”

    The boy looks at the couple, and responds, “I’ll go check on Rachel and Chloe. Also can you give me all of your evidence on Damon Merrick?”

    James says yes reluctantly, and allows Jason to go upstairs. He sees some light under Rachel’s door, and hears softer music. He knocks on the door, and Chloe answers.

    “Go awa- oh, it’s just Jason, Rach. Hey, you awake?”

    “I, uh, I think she’s asleep.”

    Chloe looks at him, and Jason enters the room, and sits on the floor. Chloe sits next to Rachel, and grabs her hand. Jason obviously doesn’t care about that, but he wants to tell Chloe about himself now. “Remember Friday night? In the Junkyard? And yesterday, with that douchebag Damon Merrick? I wanna explain what it means.” Chloe looked at Jason, but let’s him continue on.

    He explains why he looks the way he does, with his scars, his hair, and his attitude. Jason also explains that his real name is Ezra, but he died. Jason starts to go on about his father when Chloe gets up, and sits next to him.

    “Jay, you’re not alone. You have Rachel and I. We’re here for you. Even if you’re supposed to be dead.”

    “Chloe, I just want you to understand this. One day, if I’m not here, it’s probably because I’m dead. Permanently. Since my family’s death, and my resurrection, I’ve been so fucked up it’s not funny. Flashbacks, depressed moments, and even the thought of suicide. All because I failed. I’m just… I don’t know what I am.

    “Jason, you’re a good man, and a great person. You’ve helped us, and others as this “Red Hood” persona you take on. You’re a hero to us. You didn’t fail. You were only 14,” Chloe sympathizes. “But we have shit to do tomorrow. We’re meeting Frank in the Junkyard about Sera, and we’ll get a start from there.”

    Jason smiles. He also kind of blushes, but doesn’t care. “And what about Damon?”

    “If he shows up, I don’t know what you would do. That’s for you to decide.”

    Jason thanks Chloe, and hugs her. He also says goodbye to the Ambers, and he goes home to get ready for the Junkyard meeting. He packs his knife, and his two hand guns. Jason wasn’t worried about the upcoming day, but something told him that he should be.
