Once everyone arrives to the supposed location of Jason’s old home, he tells them to look for anything that could be used to credit his brother’s existence. Jason went towards where the old basement was, and realized that it was locked from the inside.

    “Roy! Can you get the crowbar?” shouted Jason as Roy went to get the crowbar.

    “Here, but I can just use my arm,” he said, shrugging. Jason shook his head.

    “I intend on remaking this house, Red,” he says as he opens the door. “Bingo…”

    The door is pried open, and it’s pure darkness. The hallway leading to the Terrence record hall underneath his old home. Petey  was the last one down here while he was still alive, and he showed him the contents of the underground. If there was anything on Damian Terrence, it’d be here.

    “Alright, so we just start looking?” Chloe asks, already shuffling through catalogs and boxes. Jason nods his head, and everyone looks for any evidence on Damian Terrence. After a few hours of looking and searching, no one had found anything.

    “Goddammit!” Jason shouts as he throws one last catalog at the wall, falling down in frustration. “It’s like he never existed!” Max walks over and comforts him, telling him that it’ll be okay. Just then, a blinding light went off. John and Draven ran up the stairs to deal with the threat, but they heard sickening slashes. They were dead. Jason realized that it was Damian. He had to face him.

    Jason got up, and calmly walked up the steps, grabbing a katana on the way up. It would be his only defense. He saw the bodies, all bloodied. He looked forward, and saw Damian laughing, and called over to him. Jason stood his ground, getting into a fighting position. Damian took notice of this, and smiled an evil smile. He had a plan. Jason ran forward, dragging the blade across the rubble and dirt, and threw it up into Damian’s eyes. He was blinded. He swung rapidly and violently, cutting Jason a few times. The remaining group was there when an explosion went off, knocking them down and out. Jason screamed, and then again ran at him, ready to kill. But Damian was ready for this. He punched Jason so hard that he was knocked unconscious.

    When Jason awoke, he realized that Damian Terrence, his brother, was standing right next to him. The pair were standing up at the top of the Seattle Space Needle. Damian began to speak to Jason as he got up.

    “I’m sorry, Ezra. Or do you prefer Jason? I don’t know.” Damian looked at his twin and saw the anger burning in his eyes.

    “It’s Jason now, Damian,” growled out Jason.

    “I never wanted this, y’know? I just wanted justice on the entire West Coast. It took Dad from us, and it destroyed our family. That’s why we’re up here!” Damian laughed. “I’m gonna blow the entire West into ashes and no one can stop me!”

    Jason realized his plans then, and knew what he had to do.

    Jason glared at his opponent, his own brother and screamed at him. He looked at his brother and began punching at him inconsistently. Jason didn’t care. He believed that Damian had to die.

    “This ends here, dammit!” Jason screamed as he finally landed a few hits on his twin, knocking him off balance. Damian grunted and took out one of his sai’s and began stabbing it towards Jason. Only a few cuts were made. Jason retaliated by unleashing his anger and activating his gauntlet blades, which were right by the Talon’s stomach. The edges sliced into his armor, again knocking him off edge. Jason was gaining the upper hand, and was confident in winning this fight.

    But, Damian took out his other sai and began stabbing Jason in the legs, arms, and the chest. Jason screamed in pain as the Talon’s weapon was impaled into his chest.
    Jason then realized that he had no other choice other than to kill Damian, his own flesh and blood. His brother.

    “I’m sorry, Damian,” Jason mustered out before grabbing on to his twin brother as they fell from the Space Needle. Jason and Damian both struggled during their free fall. Jason landed a blow so hard to Damian’s face, knocking his twin unconscious for the rest of the free fall. He closed his eyes as the ground grew even closer.

    “This is a good death…” Jason said as he hit the cement.


    “Get out of the way!” Chloe shouted to the pedestrians surrounding the area where Jason and the Talon landed. Chloe saw their free fall, and knew that it was over. She, Rachel, and Nathan all ran towards the impact site.

    “No, no, no!” Nathan said as he saw Jason and Talon laying there, still as a rock. Everyone was silent around the area. The police were in shock because a kid who they thought was previously dead had saved them, and in turn, died protecting the people he loved. Rachel turned and began to cry on Chloe’s shoulder. The rest of the Outlaws soon showed up. Roy, Warren, and Max saw the carnage. Roy didn't believe his eyes.

     “Jaybird..?” he said as he slowly walked up the his body. Jason was still alive, albeit barely.

    “We won, Roy…” he coughed. “I did it. Damian’s dead.. Seattle and Arcadia Bay are safe…”

    Max tried walking up, but Warren stopped her. “You can't save him, Max…” Warren looked at Roy Harper and Jason Todd as Max began to cry.

    Roy could tell Jason was slipping. “Stay with me, Jay,” he cried while holding his friends hand. “You'll make it. I know that will.”

    Jason smiled at Roy, and then spoke.

    “Roy, keep them safe… I'm not going to make it.” Jason coughed up more blood, and continued speaking. “Its over. Draven and Red X are dead, and so is Damian… now it's my turn.”

    Jason turned to Max, and told her that he loved her. Then, he fell silent. No breathing. Jason Todd had died.

    Roy shaked his body to try to keep him alive as the paramedics arrived.


    Ezra awoke in a blinding white room. He tried getting up, but as soon as he did, he fell. But, someone was there to catch him. He couldn't tell who it was, but when they spoke, he knew who it was.

    “It’s alright, son. I've got you,” his father said. Ezra looked deeply into his eyes, and the two embraced.

    Ezra backed away, and then realized that he was fading. Ezra’s father smiled at him, and told him to go. Ezra’s unscarred face began streaming tears.

    “I love you, Dad,” he choked up before the room began going dark.

    Ezra barely heard his father over the silence in where he was.


    Jason awoke in the morgue, barely in pain. He looked at his scarred body, and realized that he had on a suit. Jason tried ripping open the body bag he was in. but it was no use. However he heard no one around so he believed that he could rip the bag open if he tried enough. This time, the bag tore open and Jason sat up. The air was stale and cold. Jason got up, and looked for his armor and guns. Luckily he found them.

    Jason heard voices so he looked for a window to escape. He found one just in time and ran. Jason Todd ran once again, but he was running to something. To someone. To home.


As soon as Jason had left, another bag was ripped open. It was Damian’s.     Much like his twin brother, he had the same ability as him- regeneration. As he was his twin, he retained abilities. However, there was one thing Damian didn’t have; foresight.

Jason was waiting. He was expecting something like this, and as soon as he came back, Jason got to work getting ready.
