Hours after the disappearance of Max and Victoria, a small militia of veterans aid in the defense of Arcadia Bay. Mark Jefferson had planned the attack well. Jason believed that he was using the mercenaries to his advantage to slow the vigilantes down. However, Jason had a secret that no one knew: he has his own militia coming in. Whenever he left, he checked on his small army, rebranded the Arkham Militia. They were trained by a family friend who also taught and helped Jason become who he is now.
    Jason waited and then when his militia showed up, the Outlaws were surprised that he had this up his sleeve. Jason said that he would take charge while the rest of the group would go look for Jefferson.
    When he and the militia arrived in the town, a firefight was taking place in the streets. The small group lead by David was struggling to fight back. Jason showed up at the last second and pushed the mercenaries back. David was stunned but glad they should up.
    "We need to keep pushing them back," David called out. Jason ran over and began speaking with him.
    "No. What we need to do is make a perimeter around this area and secure it. No merc gets in." David nodded and ran off to tell the two groups the plan. Just then, Jason got a call, and then ran off, letting his second-in-command take charge.

   Jason arrived at the barn where Jefferson was. Everyone was waiting with either a gun, bow, or even knife. They were all by the entrance where Jefferson's car was.
    "What're we waiting around for," Jason says. "He's down there, so why can't we just take his ass down!?"
    David then drives up, and tells him that the fight is still going on but they're winning. Jason nods, and finally puts his helmet on. "We finish this tonight, and tonight only."
    Roy runs into the barn, and disappears into the darkness. Jason calls after him, but hears no response.
    Jason runs after him, and sees Roy in the rafters looking at the floor. "There," he says. Roy then fires an explosive arrow and it blows up the floor, revealing a pathway. Chloe and Rachel run in while Nathan goes inside the hallway.
    "I'll get in there, and get the girls out," Nathan said. He walks down, and enters. A long time passes. Minutes seem like hours. Just then, Roy runs down the hole, and he again disappears. Gunfire ensues and Nathan climbs out with Max and Victoria with Roy close behind.
    Both Roy and Nathan scream run before the barn explodes in a ball of fire.
   Jason awakens last in the wreckage of the barn. He, everyone else, is covered in the remains of the building. Jason gets up, limping towards Max and Nathan.
    Coughing, Jason asks if they are okay. Max nods yes, but Nathan is knocked unconscious still.
    "Where's Roy?" Jason asks. Max doesn't know but he then runs over to the barn, shouting for him.
    "ROY! ROY!!!"
    Lifting the debris, he sees the room where Roy was. Jason draws his gun, and goes down. Drawing a gun out, he opens the door and sees Roy laying down, in a pool of blood. He screams and sees Jefferson, bleeding, but alive.
    "You..." Jason growls. Jefferson hears him, and takes out a gun opening fire. Jason tries to dodge the bullets but he is shot due to his injuries. Once again, his world goes black due to the pain. But it's not from a bullet. Its from an arrow.
    The rain pelted his face as he was lifted from the ground. Max looked at him with a worried look. Chloe had patched him up, but it didn't matter. Nathan had to tell him what happen.
    "Jason... Roy betrayed us for Jefferson."
    Jason grunted in pain as he tried getting up. "Why... why would Roy betray us..?"
    Nathan looked at Rachel as she walked over, being held by Warren and Chloe.
    "He wants his sister back, and Jefferson made him a deal that he'll find her," Nathan said. "So he stabbed us in the back."
    "Backstabbing son of a..." Rachel growled. Chloe grabbed her hand, and tried calming her down.
    "Where did he go?" Jason growled, getting up from his injuries. "I'll deal with the both of them. Alone."
    "The Lighthouse," Nathan said. The rain started to pick up and it became a torrential downpour.
