After the events of Monday, Jason headed home to contemplate everything. When he arrived home, he was greeted by a figure, wearing a red hood. He had a quiver on his back, and the figure had an arrow notched in his bow, aiming directly at Jason.
    “Step into the light,” growled a voice that sounded very familiar to him. It can’t be… Jason thought to himself. Jason did what the familiar person asked. But, Jason kept walking forward.

    “We both know how this will end,” Jason states as he walks up to the figure. “It’s been too long, Roy Harper”

    Dropping the act, Roy takes the arrow off the bow, places it is his quiver, and throws the bow down. He greets his old friend with a large hug.

    “It’s nice to see you, Jason Todd. I snuck in through your window, by the way,” Roy says as he casually sits down on the couch to resume his relaxation. “I saw that you were living here, so I thought that I’d stop by. Before you ask, yes, I was going to Oliver Queen your ass before you called me out.” Jason chuckles as he closes the door behind him and goes to the kitchen.

    “How long you been in Arcadia, Roy?” Jason asks. He was grabbing himself som tea so he could get the work he needed done.

    “Since September. I do go to Blackwell, too. I never seen you until the parking lot. That Warren kid got really hurt. I stepped in and broke up the fight. But, why was such an esteemed Prescott be waving and firing a gun off on school grounds?” Roy chuckled as he continued to watch ‘Man of Steel.’ Jason walked over to the couch, and sat down next to his best friend.

    “Yeah, I don’t know. I take it you saw my detective work and my other stuff,” Jason replies as he sips his beverage. Jason loved his Arnold Palmer’s. Roy looked at him, and nodded.

    “A bunch of kidnappings, not seemingly related. Yet-”

    “-Yet there is a connection. The time of night, and the area the victims disappear. I just don’t know who the perp is.”
    “One, you mean we don’t know who the perp is.” Jason glared at Roy, but let him continue. “Two, it’s probably Prescott. Of all the shit his family owns… I wouldn’t put it past him for some creepy se-” Jason cuts him off.

    “Roy, be serious. People are somehow disappearing, then a day later reappearing not knowing what the fuck even happened. Take Rachel Amber for instance. She doesn’t know what happened. Don’t you remember what happened in Seattle 2 years ago?”

    Roy sadly replies, “How could I not forget, Jason? How could I not forget…”

Roy and Jason look at each other. Jason tells Roy he should go, and Roy does so.
    “Just… Don’t worry, Jaybird.” Roy then leaves, and Jason lays down on the couch.

    Jason couldn’t sleep. The thoughts of his past plagued him, and he couldn’t sleep. Jason got out of his bed, and went down to his training area.

    He threw on his music, loudly in his ears, and began training without a pair of boxing gloves. Jason slammed his fists against the punching bag, and never gave up. After a few minutes of punching, his fists were bloody pulps. Jason didn’t care, and kept punching the bag. Silently, Roy watched him as he pushed himself harder and faster. He then called Chloe to get her to come over to check up on him.

    He was taking a break from training when he heard a knock, and opened the door, seeing Chloe. Jason looked at her, and let her in.

    “Jason, what’s going on? You’re hands are bloody as fuck. Talk to me,” she said. Jason looked at her, and then started talking about what was going on. Chloe understood what was wrong, and comforted him a bit.
    “I’m fucked up, Chloe. After last years events to the Seattle incident two years ago… I let Ashly get captured, I let my demons fucking control me, and I nearly got my friend killed.” Jason looked at his fists, and he looked at her.

    “Jay, you can’t beat yourself up. You’re only human. You can’t do everything right. We’re all fucked up. But you and Rachel helped me get better. And I’m better. You’re a good person, Jay. Try to sleep. We’re gonna hit up Two Whales for breakfast. Goodnight, Jason.” Chloe finished wrapping his hands up and then left.      

    Jason went back up to room, and then slept a little bit before he woke once again to check his computer.

    Jason went online, and went into his files on the disappearances. He looked at the files, and then connected Nathan’s violence to the activity that had been happening. He concluded that Nathan was just the puppet, not the puppeteer.

    Across the town, Mark Jefferson looked out into the darkness, and thought of his next victim. He also believed that Nathan was no longer needed, but with this “Red Hood” about, Mark couldn’t do anything too drastic. Not yet, at least. So, he began to wait until morning to become his fake persona of the hipster teacher everyone though he was.
