It was the last class, Photography with Jefferson, and Jason was early. He overheard an argument between Kate Marsh, a student he defended regularly, and the professor. Jason sat there, writing to his friend over in New York about how life was different here. Jason wrote that he intended to show up in NYC and help the cops out. He finished his email just as the rest of the class, minus Kate oddly, entered the room. He and Max sat next to each other worried about their friend.

    Jason looked at the window, and beyond that was a torrential downpour of rain and wind. He admired it, how calm and serene it was yet it was also violent and turbulent it was as well. It reminded him of his mind, especially with the current situations.

    Just then, a student bursted in, screaming that someone was on the girls dormitory roof, ready to jump. Jason knew exactly what was going to happen, so he grabbed Max’s hand, and they ran.
    Just as they reached the dorms, they saw Kate standing, and then she jumped. Everyone screamed, and Max, still holding Jason’s hand, kept rewinding time.

    “Max, you have to keep trying!” Jason pleaded. Then, everything stopped. Time itself stopped, and the only two still moving were Jason and Max. The looked at each other, and made their way to the dorms to save Kate. Jason said that he’d stay down there, and catch her. Max knew that her power wouldn’t last much longer, so she ran as fast as she could.

    Time resumed, and Jason stood there, letting the rain pour onto him. Jason waited near the door, and told David, who nearly entered the building, to wait. He trusted Jason’s judgement, and waited.

   Everyone looked up at the girls on the roof. Jason could barely make out the conversation, but again he trusted his friend. Roy, Rachel, and Chloe ran up to him, and looked at the roof as well.

    “What’ll happen if she jumps?” asked Roy, turning his head to face Jason. He stayed silent. The crowd looked up still, and Jason readied himself for the worst outcome.

    Miraculously, it didn’t come. Kate and Max came down, and everyone was ushered back to their dorms and homes. Max, Nathan Prescott, and Jason were the only students called into Principal Wells office for questioning.

    What seemed like hours was only minutes for all of them. Jason was the first to arrive, and he told Wells to “punish” Nathan, but he needs him.

    The rest of the people who were called into the meeting, David, Mr. Jefferson, Max, and Nathan, entered solemnly.

    Wells expressed his gratitude towards Max and Jason, and so began Jason’s plan. He planned for Nathan to get in trouble, and he did. After the talk, Jason grabbed Nathan, and told him everything he needed to know.

    “Nathan, I trust you. So, I’m giving you a chance to help us figure out who the person who hurt Kate is,” Jason says as he shoved him against the wall. Nathan was startled, but spoke.

    “You… you trust me? I tried killing you!” Nathan exclaimed. Jason replied and told him that he trusts him regardless, and he can help him.

    “I’m unhelpable, Todd,” he growls.

    “I doubt that. It’s time for you to finally get the help you need from someone who understands your position.” Jason lets him go, and Nathan drops to the floor. Then he gets up, and the two walk off.

    Watching the whole event transpire, Mark Jefferson silently curses and walks out of Blackwell’s empty halls, and into the humid air. He knew what had to be done, and it was to kill Jason Todd and all of his friends. If he didn’t, he would be discovered, and arrested. Jefferson couldn’t risk that. He had to act now.
