A few days later, when the town was essentially restored, Jason and Nathan walked into the hospital, asking for one patient in particular. He was allowed to see him. Jason walked down the hallways  to the door. He noticed that Warren’s door was closed, and that he was not in his bed. Jason just thought that he was training.

    When he reached the room he needed to visit, it read John Doe on it. It was the former Red X. Jason knocked on the door quietly, and when he heard a voice say come in. Jason entered, and saw Warren and John quietly talking. Jason looked at Warren, shocked. Nathan, on the other hand, seemed annoyed.

    “Warren, you need to rest,” Nathan said. Warren glared, but before he could argue back, Jason stepped in.

    “How are you, John?”

    “I could be better. I mean, your brother did sort of kill me, but you brought me back somehow. How’d you do it?”

    Everyone’s eyes went to Jason, and he was pressured into explaining how he didn’t age much, and how he could revive someone.

    “At a young age, I was diagnosed with an illness. I can’t remember it for the life of me, but that’s not important. None of the treatments worked. Except one. It was highly experimental. It was called “LZ-12296.” We called it Lazarus, from the biblical stories and the famed “Lazarus Pit.” I somehow absorbed it into my blood, making me age slower, heal faster, etc. But I figured that if I gave you a small transfusion, I could save you. It’s how I survived.”

    “Hnnn… Makes sense why you don’t tire that much,” Warren says. Everyone chuckled, but went silent shortly after.

    “Who was the kid I caught a few weeks ago?” Jason asked John. “You look nothing like him. You look like-”

    “-Like a young Bradley Cooper, I know. I am that kid. I have the ability to sort of shapeshift. I’m a metahuman. And I already forgave you. You did your job, I did mine,” he said.

    Jason nodded, and thanked him for his time. He, Warren, and Nathan got up to leave.

    “There’s one more thing,” he said. “Damian wants to kill just you. But he’ll tear through everyone to get to you. Keep that in mind.”

    “I will,” Jason responded after a moment of silence. The trio went to Warren’s room to discuss Warren’s recovery.

    “Warren, you shouldn’t be testing yourself this hard already,” Nathan began. Warren just glared at him, but again, Jason interjected.

    “What Nathan is saying is that we don’t know the limits of your new “legs.” They’re still prototypes. I can’t say how long they’ll last.”

    “Jay, I know you are both worried about me, but sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith and trust our instincts instead of numbers. Just trust me,” he pleads. Jason and Nathan look at each other and agree, albeit reluctantly.

    “Alright, Warren. Just don’t push yourself. Not yet, anyways,” Jason says as he hugs Warren and helps him sit down. Then the two leave to go talk with the rest of the group. Jason lets Nathan off at his house so he can get his gear, but before they are able to leave, his father comes storming out, fuming at his son.

    “NATHAN! GET THE HELL BACK HERE NOW!” he shouts angrily. Nathan turns around, and then puts his stuff down. He had had enough. Nathan told his father to go back inside while he spoke with his friend.

    “Jason, I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time. Go on ahead of me. I’ll cat-”

    “No, we’re in this together,” Jason cut him off. “Get your evidence, and I’ll deal with him if he tries to run.” Nathan smiles, and turns back to his house. Jason and him walk up to the mansion and Jason stays at the entrance.  Jason had already called the cops, letting Nathan know so he can do what he has to.

    Storming down the hallways, Nathan had finally had enough of his father’s torturous ways. He decided to finally confront him about it. He stormed down the halls of his house towards his father’s study. He had plenty of evidence against him for what he’s done in the past. The Police were on their way as well, ready to arrest the one time profound company owner.

    Bursting through the doors to his father’s study, Nathan glared at his father as he stood up. Nathan walked over to Sean, and punched him into the face, making him sit back down.

    “Nathan, how DARE you!?” Sean said, rubbing his chin as he looked up at his son. “I gave you a home, I gave you everything! I loved you-”

    Nathan slaps his father and begins to speak. “Shut up, Dad. You never loved me. Your only concern was your reputation! I know what you’ve been doing. Cheating people out of their money and destroying their property, helping THAT  GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT KIDNAP AND MURDER PEOPLE!! How could a ‘loving father’ do such a thing, huh? I sent all of the evidence to the police, and I validated EVERYTHING! You’re fucked, Sean.”

    When Nathan said that, Sean realized that he had lost his son forever. He glared at Nathan, who stood there confidently.

    “Well, Nathan, I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” he says, standing up and cracking his knuckles. Nathan smirked, and told him to bring it.

    Before the two could even begin their fight, his mother and cousin Brody came in to see what was going on, and Brody realized that Nathan had done what he said he was going to do.

    “Good job, Nate,” Brody says, smiling. Nathan nods, and looks at his mother for approval, who nodded and smiled at her son.

    “You’re all against me?! I GAVE YOU A FORTUNE, FOR FUCKS SAKE! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!!” Sean shouts. Nathan glares at Sean, and then knocks him unconscious as the police enter the house with search warrants and arresting Sean Prescott.

    Jason walks into the house, and sees the cops doing their work. He navigates the corridors until he finds Nathan and the rest of his family in the study, giving a statement to the police. Jason says that there are reporters outside, and that he should talk to them as he is now the rightful heir to the Prescott everything.

    “I’ll catch up with you later, Jay,” he says as he walks outside. Jason nods, and drives off to the Junkyard.

    When Jason arrives, everyone had already been waiting for him and Nathan. He had to explain that Nathan was dealing with the arrest of his father, and he couldn’t be there because of this. Nonetheless, the group had to continue onward.

    “So… You have a brother?” Rachel asks, very confused.

    “Apparently. And he’s my twin. Looks and everything. But I don’t ever recall having a twin…”

    Max then says that it could be something like the Mandela Effect. Everyone agreed, even Jason.

    “But what if your parents threw him away?” Roy asked, clearly thinking the same thing as Jason. “What if they threw him away and-”

    Jason finishes for him. “And made it seem as if he never existed, yeah. I originally thought that. But I think that we should all go back to my old home, and look for any evidence. It might help us in the long run.”

    Everyone nods in agreement, and Chloe pulls Jason aside, wanting to talk to him privately. She asks him if he’s okay, and he admits that he isn’t. They speak for a bit, and just as they finish Nathan and Warren drive up, along with Draven and John Doe. They wanted to join in as they were aware of what Damian’s plans were.

    “So it’s settled then,” Jason says, standing among the 8 others. “We’re going to stop my brother, once and for all.
