My Own Personal Nurse - Diego Brando

i love my dino babe so i hope this is good 😻 im like on chapter 38 of sbr so i dont know everything about diego but ill try my best. 

requested by: nxva07


(Y/N) was riding through the mountains, hoping the next town was somewhere close. She glanced around at her rocky surroundings when her eyes landed on a twitching lump in a small patch of rocky ground. "Is anyone hurt?" She asked. These mountains could be quite dangerous so it was more than likely a jockey had fallen. There was no response.Β 

She normally would've ignored it but she saw a trail of blood trickle down the rock. (Y/N) steered her horse over to the lump and dismounted, she kneeled down and pulled off the rider's helmet. It was a man with shiny blond hair.Β (Y/N) rolled him over on his back and shook him a little in attempts to wake him up.Β 

He had a scrape on his forehead which must've been what the blood was from. (Y/N) went up to her horse's saddlebag and pulled out the emergency kit she kept with her. She rinsed the wound with a bit of alcohol and layered some gauze over it. She noticed the bandage on his cheek, he must've taken a bad fall to need a bandage that big.Β 

Before she could pull off the bandage, the man's eyes fluttered open. (Y/N) moved her head away from him in surprise. He grunted a bit, holding his hand up to his forehead Β and feeling the bandage.Β 

"Oh, I must've fallen..." He muttered, he had a slight British accent and spoke quite properly. "Are you alright? Can you remember or see ok?" (Y/N) asked, helping him sit up properly. "Mhm, I seem to be fine. Thank you, kind lady. What is your name?" The man asked, kissing her hand. (Y/N) got a bit flustered and blushed a bit, "Oh, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). And you are?" She asked.Β 

"Diego Brando. I'm planning to become the champion of the Steel Ball Run Race." He said quite confidently. "Well, you're gonna have to pass me then. Unless we could make a truce?" (Y/N) hinted. She had heard of Diego's impressive abilities, having him as an opponent would pose to be quite challenging.Β 

"I'd love to partner with a beautiful woman such as you, but I normally work alone... but you could prove quite useful." He said, standing up. "How so? Don't expect me to risk my chances of winning." (Y/N) said. "Well, you could be my own personal nurse!" Diego said as if he had an amazing idea.Β 

(Y/N) gave him a blank stare, "What do I get out of it?" She asked. "My help. We'll pass that annoying Zeppeli and Joestar. They'd be quite a challenge to face alone, what do you say?" He smirked, knowing that she would probably accept.Β 

"Fine. But if you do one wrong thing i'm leaving." (Y/N) said, mounting her horse. "Perfect, my love." Diego smiled, hopping onto his own horse. "Don't call me that. And you seem to have recovered quite quickly." (Y/N) said, already slightly regretting her deal with the man. "Only because of your amazing skills, darling." Diego smirked.Β 

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and began back on the path, "If we don't get going we'll fall behind. Zeppeli shouldn't be too far." She said. Diego nodded and they started to head to the next checkpoint, ready for the challenges ahead of them.Β 
