Passione - Surprise

ok so i decided this is gonna be more of a cute oneshot so its gonna be about the passione boys surprising (y/n) on her bday :) 


"Ugh." (Y/N) sighed, throwing her car keys on the table. She had just finished an important mission tracking down the drug dealers on the streets of Naples and it sucked even more because it was her birthday. 

She walked into her kitchen and flipped the light switch on, "SUPRISE!" yelled the 6 Passione members. Narancia and Mista popped out from behind the counter holding a cake while Bruno and Giorno held a platter full of homemade pizza and calzones, Abbachio held a bottle of wine for them to share as well and Fugo had some strawberries he had just picked on a plate. 

"Happy Birthday!" Narancia and Mista exclaimed setting down the cake. "Guys... Thank you!" (Y/N) exclaimed running over to them to give them all a giant hug. She hugged Mista and Narancia with the others piled on top of them. 

"Thank you... really." She said, squished into Mista's neck. "No problem, (Y/N)! It's your birthday!" Narancia exclaimed with his signature giant smile on his face. "We had to send you on a mission to get you out of the house. Sorry about that, but we hope this makes up for it." Bruno said. "Yes, it does! Thank you so much, guys." (Y/N) said, happy that she could be surrounded by her closest friends on her birthday. 

Abbachio popped the bottle of wine and they sat around the table enjoying their food, chatting about random memories they had together. It was the best birthday (Y/N) ever had.

authors note: sorry that felt way too short but i hope it was good :) omg reading back on this i can see so many moments i was simping for mista 💀 happy birthday mista :) OOPS I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT ABOUT TRISH, SORRY 😭
