Chapter 12

Meanwhile at the Human Village....
Police cars were surrounding the bank preparing to breach in to save the hostages. Meanwhile at the rooftop were 6 of the Joker's men guarding the area.

"Damn! This is the best night ever!" One of the goons exclaimed.

"How come?" Another goon asked.

"You kidding me? We're going to be rich by the end of the night and the flamethrower guy that The Joker hired is going to help us kill the bat once and for all!" The first goon explained.

"Don't get too excited about that. Remember, the boss needs the money for the weapons deal later. We'll be getting those guns sooner than you think." The third goon said.

"Alright. Let's just finish cleaning up the vault if we don't want to piss off the boss." The fourth goon suggested as they all did their jobs by securing the area.

The action began when Batman/Johnny performed a drop down at one of the goons and a ground takedown knocking him out.

"Oh crap! It's the freaking bat!" The goons startled at the vigilante's surprising appearance. All of them were in their fighting positions to take Batman/Johnny down.

Batman/Johnny punched a nearby thug 3 times putting him on the ground in a temporary time while he started to punch and kick other thugs like a free flow combat.

After punching the thugs 8 times, Batman/Johnny performed a Combo Takedown at a nearby thug breaking his arm to knock him down.

Batman/Johnny stunned his cape at another thug making him dizzy and beating him down multiple times. Batman/Johnny gave him a powerful uppercut finishing the thug off.

An upcoming Joker thug was about to attack Batman/Johnny but he so fast to grab his grappling gun/Batclaw and fired at the thug. Batman/Johnny pulled the rope to grab his enemy and slammed his body to the ground.

Batman/Johnny gave the second thug a punch and flying kick at the third thug. Since all of his enemies were still on the ground trying to regain strength, Batman/Johnny performed a Multi Ground Takedown jumping high up and unleash several powerful Batarangs that immediately incapacitate those enemies

"A lot of lives could be at risk inside the bank. If I could hack into their communication channel, I can learn more." Batman/Johnny thought after he defeated some of Joker's men.

Batman/Johnny grabbed one of the goons' walkie talkie and took its encryption key in his Cryptographic Sequencer to hack into their communication channel. The Cryptographic Sequencer is a device that allows Batman/Johnny to bypass security consoles, track signals, and listen in on radio broadcasts. It only took him a couple of seconds to finally hack into their communication broadcast.

"If the cops try anything stupid, kill a few hostages." The man with the jet pack said.

"Sure thing. How long before we set the timer on the bomb?" A Joker goon asked.

"Not until the Bat-man shows! The Joker said we'll all get our bonus when we deliver the bat alive!" The man with the jet pack answered.

"Damn! The Joker's men planted a bomb inside the bank with the hostages. There's no telling how many people will die if it blows up." Batman/Johnny puts back his device back in his belt and enters the bank.

Batman/Johnny eventually found an entrance to the bank and grappled up on top of a gargoyle to maintain his position. He saw the defenseless hostages on the ground with two armed men guarding them on the ground. 6 Snipers can be also spotted on the high grounds making sure the hostages wouldn't do anything clever.

"Snipers everywhere. I should take them all down silently before saving the hostages." Batman/Johnny silently dropped down on the ground and performed silent takedowns at the 6 snipers one by one.

After talking down all the snippers, Batman/Johnny threw two batarangs at the remaining thugs and fell them on the floor and performed ground takedowns to knock them unconscious.

Batman/Johnny turns around seeing the hostages safe and a big purple box with a green ribbon on top and a letter attached that says:

Don't open until Bats
gets here! HAHAHAHAHA!

- Your Best ENEMY!

Batman/Johnny already guessed it was the Joker's bomb hidden inside the box.

"Please don't hurt us!" One of the hostages said in fear.

"Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help." Batman/Johnny said trying to calm the hostages down even though he's voice modulator/changer is still active.

"Okay. These men.... they planted a bomb and said they'll detonate it if the police tries to breach in." The hostage said now relaxed.

"I'll take it from here. Head out to the police once I'm done defusing the bomb. You'll be much safer with them." Batman/Johnny said.

"Thank you. We won't forget what you've done for us." The hostages thanked Batman/Johnny as their hero and headed out to the police safely. Batman/Johnny opened the purple box revealing The Joker's bomb.

"There's the bomb that Joker's men mentioned. I could use my Cryptographic Sequencer to disarm it before it blows up the whole building." Batman/Johnny quickly grabbed his Cryptographic Sequencer again to disarm the bomb.

Before he could even start hacking, the time was set into 21 seconds. Without waisting time, Batman/Johnny tried to find the passcode to defuse the bomb. After 17 seconds, Batman/Johnny finally cracked the code as the timer stopped.

The bomb made a celebration noise and released a few colorful paper confettis for Batman/Johnny' certain achievement. Something was telling him that this wasn't the hardest part of the mission yet.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Oh it's me again, Batsy! I told you I would see you again soon." The Joker shouted throughout the speakers in the bank. "Just here for a quick friendly reminder for my boys. Now if you all want to get your bonus tonight, what are you going to do?"

"Bring you the bat!" The goons shouted throughout the speaker.

"Very good. But how do I want the bat to be delivered? alive or dead?" The Joker asked his goons.

"ALIVE!" The goons answered.

"That's right! Dear old uncle J has a very good surprise for you children if you bring me the bat." The Joker laughed ending the conversation throughout the speaker.

"What are you planning, Joker?" Batman/Johnny asked himself as he clenched his teeth in anger.

The silence broke when a man in a jet pack pack quickly flew in the room releasing a sinister laugh. The man was armed with a flamethrower and was wearing a full-body flame-retardant suit and a mask with yellow eye lenses with antennas on the ears.

"So you're the legendary Bat-Man. Well not legendary anymore before I melt you to the ground." The man in a jet pack said.

"Who are you?!" Batman/Johnny demanded.

"FIREFLY! That's last name you'll remember once I turned you in to the Joker!" Firefly answered as more of the Joker's men came in to finish the bat. "Get your asses over here boys so we can get our sweet money!"

As always, Batman/Johnny would easily beats down the Joker thugs even though he was just one man with a gifted combat skills.

Meanwhile, Firefly was still flying in midair watching Batman/Johnny on the ground beating up the Joker's thugs one by one.

"Watch out, Batman!" Firefly laughed as he grabbed some explosives from his pockets and throws them on the ground hoping it would defeat Batman/Johnny and help the thugs.

Batman/Johnny would easily evade the small explosive on the floor and it would eventually knock out the other thugs unconscious. Firefly gets irritated after watching Batman/Johnny finishing off the last of Joker's thugs.

"Alright then, Batman. You wanna play? Fine! Then let's play with FIRE!" Firefly fired his flamethrower rifle at Batman/Johnny on the ground but he quickly dodged it.

"That's enough! Now you're going to tell me where the Joker is or I'm going to give the beating you deserve to get the answers, it's your choice!" Batman/Johnny threatened while giving Firefly one chance to surrender himself easily.

"Aww, don't be mad, Batman. I just wanna melt that stupid face of yours." Firefly mocked as fired his flamethrower at Batman/Johnny for the second time but he evaded it again.

"MELTING! HIS MELTING!" Firefly threw countless explosives on the ground cornering Batman/Johnny. The fire was raging and it was all coming closer to Batman/Johnny. "So, Batman. This is how it ends!" Firefly watched Batman/Johnny getting cornered by the fire thinking there was no escape for him.

"Not from where I'm standing, Firefly." Batman/Johnny said as he grabbed his grappling gun from his leg hostler and fired it around Firefly's leg to escape the fire.

"Wait, What are you doing?! Get off me!" Firefly flew around the bank while pulling Batman/Johnny behind him to escape the fire. Batman/Johnny held his grappling gun with the rope that wrapped around Firefly's leg tightly as they smashed the window leading the fight outside the bank.

"Look! It's the Batman!" The hostages and the police were surprised to see Firefly escaped the bank through the window pulling Batman/Johnny behind him with his rope.

They flew around the village rapidly hoping Batman/Johnny would let go of Firefly. The humans on the streets were startled when they saw a man in a jet pack and flamethrower flying around above them. What they were most surprised is seeing The Batman for the very first time behind Firefly.

"Take this, bat-freak!" Firefly was about to fire his flamethrower at Batman/Johnny but he quickly threw a Batarang right at Firefly's flamethrower making him miss his aim. Batman/Johnny pressed a button on his grappling gun zipping him closer to Firefly and positioned himself behind his back.

Now that Batman/Johnny was riding behind Firefly's back, he quickly punched the villain's jet pack so hard and pulled out a bunch of wires and parts from Firefly's jet pack.

"No! You're going to kill us both! STOP!" Firefly yelled. Both of them were slowly falling down but they landed on a rooftop with Firefly landing on his back with Batman/Johnny. Firefly groaned in pain but his jet pack was able to protect his back.

"WHERE'S THE JOKER!?" Batman/Johnny grabbed Firefly by his collar for another interrogation.

"Might as well finish me off, Batman. I ain't telling you nothing." Firefly replied.

"Wrong answer!" Batman/Johnny punched Firefly on the face smashing his left lens revealing a portion of his burnt skin. "Tell me where he is before I look for the answers inside you!"

"He's having a weapons deal with the little man calling himself The Penguin at a night club. The money from the bank was the payment for those weapons. But you'll never get to the Joker in time." Firefly answered chuckling.

"I didn't asked for your opinion!" Batman/Johnny said.

A couple of minutes later. The police found Firefly hanging on a light pole upside down without his jet pack and flamethrower. Firefly was now taken into police custody and identified him as Garfield Lynns.

To be continued.....


Real Name:
- Garfield Lynns
- Obsessed with fire.
- Getting paid from his task
- Capturing Batman/Johnny
- Failed to capture Batman/Johnny
Character Bio:
- Garfield Lynns is a serial arsonist with his body almost covered in burns. He was hired by the Joker to capture Batman/Johnny alive but unfortunately failed the task.
Voiced by:
- James Arnold Taylor
