Chapter 8

Your eyes opened immediately after you heard a rustle in the forest. You got upright and checked to see if Harry, Ron and Hermione were still inside the tent. You saw how they were sleeping and hadn't heard the movement outside. You scooted on your bed and you were silent while you heard for any other signal of something that was out there. Some leaves moved on that tree in front of the tent and your heart dropped to your stomach. The locket was no where near you and you couldn't remember where it was. You got up from the bed and crawled towards Harry. You grinned as you saw Hermione and Ron, sleeping while their hands were outstretched to each other, their fingers touching. You knew they liked each other and it was finally time they figured it out. 

You crawled next to them and saw how peaceful Harry looked while he slept. You felt horrible because if it was nothing or just the wind pushing those leaves, you would have woken Harry up from his sleep. You decided it was important to wake him and you started to poke him lightly on his shoulder. He groaned and you shushed him while he still was in slumber. You nudged him a little harder and his eyes started to flutter. You relaxed but not for long as the rustling was a lot louder now. "Harry!" You whispered loudly, "Harry, wake up."

Harry's eyes focused on you and they widened as he saw the urgency in your face. You put your finger on your lips and he understood to be completely silent, you motioned to your own ear. He looked to the side and waited to hear anything at all. A couple of seconds later and when you thought you were wrong, a branch fell completely from a tree. This woke up Hermione right away and she turned her head to look at the both of you. You both had a finger over you lips and you pointed to Ron. "Wake him up," you mouthed to Hermione. She nodded and started to nudge Ron. You crawled to get your bag and Harry did the same thing, getting his clothes, wand and the locket that he had put inside Hermione's purple beaded bag. You didn't see how Ron had finally woken up as you were busy looking for your own wand. It wasn't in your bag anymore and you turned to look at Harry. He glanced at you and you mouthed, "No wand." His head tilted to the side in confusion and right at that moment, someone yelled from outside the tent, right in the forest. 

"YOU FOUR ARE IN THERE. WE CAN SEE THE FOUR OF YOU CLEARLY. GET OUT OF THAT TENT. DON'T TRY ANYTHING BECAUSE WE WILL KILL YOU AND WE WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO THE DARK LORD WHY WE DID SO!" the yell came from right where you have seen the branch fall. Some birds that were woken up from the yell, chirped and some crowed as they fled, causing a little shadow over the tent as they flew away. 

All of you froze and it was no use because they were outside and if that person was right, there wasn't just one or two or three. There could be at least ten surrounding you and there was nothing either of you can do. Harry got up and he placed his hands in the air slowly. Hermione did the same and Ron followed. You looked at them like they were crazy because you were not going to let anyone try to scare you, even if it is the Dark Lord himself. 

"GET UP YOU TOO, GIRL," another yell came from right behind you. You dreaded this and you slowly got up from the ground. You didn't put your hands in the air because you didn't find it necessary. Hermione and Ron walked slowly closer to Harry, already having all of their things in their own bags, Harry having his as well-hiding Hermione's purple beaded one- and you got closer to the three of them as well. 


Harry followed the orders. The line went with him being first, you being second, Hermione behind you and Ron last. Harry walked along and held the entrance for the rest of you. In your mind you were still wondering where the heck your wand has gone as you looked back at the tent again. You turned back to the front when a cold hand gripped your chin, making you meet a Death Eater's eyes. 

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Harry exclaimed, getting closer to the Death Eater that had you in his grasp. Some death eaters that were in front of you four pointed their wands at Harry which made Hermione grab his arm to stay back. 

You stepped back from their hand and stared at the opening of the mask, which is where the eyes were. "Don't you dare touch me," you said, getting closer to their face. You didn't care who it was because you hated when people tried to intimidate you. 

"How dare you talk to me like that, girl," the death eater said. 

"How dare you think that I give a damn who you are. You don't touch me or my friends," you said, fuming with anger. This made the death eater's eyes change as he stepped away from you, pretending to be unfazed. 

The death eater that had grabbed you, moved towards Harry. He put his wand on Harry's neck and you felt your jaw clench. The death eater raised his other hand to silence you, like if he knew you were going to object or say something. The death eater sneered under his mask as he examined Harry's face with wonder. "Harry Potter. How lovely it is to finally see you. Well, all of you," he said, flicking Harry's face up with his wand.   

"Too bad we can't say the same thing," you mumbled under your breath. 

The death eater pretended not to hear you and motioned for his friends to get out of the forest. You examined all of the movements from the forest and you counted six death eaters. They all had their masks so it was going to be impossible to identify them. You tried to find something on them to distinguish one of them, but all of them had masks and huge black cloaks. The main death eater said with a pleasure tone, "The Dark Lord will be so happy to finally get to meet all of you. But, we have to ask this question first that I was ordered to ask. Something about a necklace?" 

"It's a locket," a female death eater's voice mentioned. Your eyes followed the voice and you saw the hood of that person's head, it stood taller than most of the others. Something told you that she had big hair and was probably the only female there. 

"Ah, yes, the locket," the main death eater corrected, "I assume one of you have it?" 

The four of you stayed quiet and you felt Hermione tense a little bit. You stepped once forwards and said, "I was chased by two of you Death Eaters. I must've lost it in the forest." 

The main death eater stormed towards you and grabbed your arm tightly. You flinched at it and screamed in pain as his fingers tore through your bruised skin. "Don't lie to me again," he muttered onto your ear, as he brought your head down with the pull of your arm. 

"Let her go," Ron stated, putting his hand behind your back. The death eater obliged and you put your hand over the bleeding arm. Your skin was bruised and you felt the blood bleed through your fingers, flinching at the scars. As you applied pressure on the cuts, you wondered why he let go of you so fast until you realized it was probably because of Ron's blood status. 

"Very well, now, I will ask once again. Where. Is. The. Locket," he commanded, lowering his head as he stared at each and every one of you. The death eater paced in front of the four of you and stopped in front of Hermione. "You're the Mudblood? What a disgrace and I don't think the Dark Lord will mind if you went back to him with a little harm. Actually, he might even give me a little praise because of it," he said, making Hermione fear even looking at him. 

"Don't you dare touch her," Ron threatened. His angry expression and his tense body stood in front of Hermione, making the death eater stand back. He put an arm towards Hermione, shielding her from the death eater by his body.  

"Ah, the boys being overprotective of the girls. Who would've thought that all of them fancied the right person?" You and Harry locked eyes and looked away just as rapidly. "Anyways, that will be no worries since you all are going to come follow me. Come along and don't try anything-" The death eater was interrupted by another death eater who walked towards him. The death eater who was making the threats, turned in confusion to look at the one right next to him. They whispered to each other and you walked closer to Hermione. The four of you stood closer to each other and all of you mentally had a plan as the death eaters were too occupied, either talking or looking at the two in front of the four of you. You looked at the ground and the feet of your friends pointed to one direction. You hid your smile and when the death eaters still weren't paying attention to the four of you, you scooted to the side giving them the signal to get ready. 

Harry took that signal and took out his wand quickly. "Stupefy!" He yelled, and the four of you bolted through the forest. You ran first, making sure to find a way to get away, making sure that they were following you. Hermione and Ron casted as well and you were the first one setting the path for them. Since the death eaters woke the four of you in daylight, there was no need to run into any branches or trees. The sprint through the forest was going to be easier as you can see better with the daylight. The trees blurred as you kept on running and running, not even sure where it is you were planning to go to. You heard your friends yell spells and you kept on running, making the decisions to continue that path or moving in direction. You ran to the left and a death eater was in front of you. You were going to fast to stop and as your feet didn't register what your brain was telling it to, you stumbled onto the death eater's arms. The death eater turned you and wrapped his arm around your neck. He pressured your neck, making your head hurt as it was pillowed by his stiff metal vest. 

"Don't come any closer," he muttered to Ron, Hermione and soon Harry. 

Your heart beat uncontrollably as you started to sweat coldly. Your life was being in high risk and you couldn't do anything to escape it. The fear in your friends eyes made your chest hurt. "Please, don't hurt her," Harry pleaded, putting his hand towards you. The death eater gripped your neck tighter and you urgently cried out, "Harry, please, its okay." Harry's face scrunched together as he didn't know what to do to help you. 

"I'll do whatever you want just let them go," you pleaded, raising your hands up in the air. Something that you didn't want to do but had no other option. You looked alarmingly through the forest but no death eaters appeared. 

Harry shook his head as he begged with his eyes for you not to do what you were planning to do. It crushed your heart to see him look like that but you had no other choice. "Let them go and I will do whatever you want," you said with more urgency. 

"I'm not going to do anything to you. Now, listen to me very carefully because I have no time," the death eater said. Hermione and Ron exchanged glances and your gaze was fixed on Harry's. You tilted your head to the side as you didn't expect that to be his answer. 

"What?" You asked, feeling as his grip loosened. Looking at your friends, they were as confused as you were. 

"There is an escape way through that forest. Run to your right and don't stop running. Once you see a mark on that tree, you know it is safe to apparate," he said, releasing his hold on you. 

"Why are you doing this?" Ron asked in pure suspicion, walking closer to the death eater. He knew that he had better chances as he was a Pure-blood. His eyebrows furrowed, as he stepped closer, making a small noise as he stepped onto the snow.  

"I can't explain just go. I'll follow the four of you to make it look like I'm following my orders. Now, go!" The death eater urged, gesturing with his arm to the right. The four of you ran to the right and you couldn't believe what is happening. You thought it could be a trap but the calm way Ron and Hermione were running, something told you that you can trust him. You ran along side Harry and the four of you continued to sprint with the death eater right behind you. A couple of moments later, you saw a weird mark on the tree. It had a blood smear all over it and you were surprised at how truthful that death eater was being. You stopped right away and your friends followed close behind. The death eater made his appearance right after and the four of you stared at him suspiciously. 

"How can we trust you?" Harry asked, pointing his wand at him. He was on full guard as he eyed the tree with the large blood smear on it. 

The death eater moved his body around to seek his surroundings. His fists clenched, making the gloves he had on stretch. He turned back at Harry and urgently said, "I'm risking my life for even being here. Go." 

Ron shook his head and stood in front of Hermione even though the death eater wasn't even acknowledging her at the moment. "That's not going to be enough, mate. How can we trust you?" Ron asked, looking around the forest, for any hidden death eaters. 

"THERE THEY ARE! GET THEM!" A death eater's yell made the four of you huddle closer together, to get ready to apparate. The death eater that was oddly helping the four of you got closer and whispered, "Get out as soon as you can." The death eater stood right in front of you and when you were right next to Hermione, you reached for the death eater's mask. You pulled it straight up and that was when you saw his face. 

"Get ready," Harry whispered, not seeing who the person was in front of you. 

Hermione audibly gasped and the death eater looked alarmed at what you just done. Ron grabbed your arm making the mask fall limply from your hands. Soon after the four of you felt pressure on the sides of you arm, as the floor seemed to lower from your feet. You didn't close your eyes in time as you saw some death eaters stop to see that you guys have escaped. Once you were a few feet from above the ground, you shut your eyes until you felt your body fall to a different surrounding. 

"Is everyone alright?" Ron asked, getting up from the hard soil that he plummeted to. He was the first to get up and he looked everywhere, absorbing the surroundings.

Harry groaned and Hermione got up hastily. You were in shock as you didn't have time to consider what happened and who you saw. Hermione shook the dirt from her clothes off, lifting her head to look around. You recollected yourself and got up to examine your surroundings. It was another forest but this was distinct, as it had absolutely no snow. It felt like the season has completely changed. The trees were dispersed, making it easier to know what and who is inside. The mountains towered over the four of you, making it clear there was a lake where the mountains met . This new sense of surrounding made you feel scared as you never seen this place before. Harry got closer to you and took out his hand to you. "Are you alright?" He asked as you held his hand to get up. 

You groaned and observed the nail marks on your arm, above the cuts that have barely started to heal. "I've been worse," you replied, running your hands through your messy hair. 

Hermione was silent and Ron had to ask her, "Bloody hell, Hermione. What's wrong?" Hermione looked at Ron and stared back at you. "Y/n took the mask off that death eater," she said, looking at the ground with her eyes trying to fix on something as her thoughts were everywhere. 

"Really? Who did you see? Who is he?" Harry asked. His hair was messy and he had a few rips on his clothes for when he was dodging the spells some of the death eaters fired at him. His face was filled with concern but there was a slight shimmer of hope in his eyes. He was glad you have taken the mask off, for then all of you can identify him.

"He had brown hair and he looked familiar," you recollected, trying to figure out where you have seen his face before. His body was a little taller than yours but something about the way he spoke provided you with an odd comforting sense. The split second you looked into his brown eyes, warmth spread on your chest. 

"Hermione, do you know who he is? It will be good to be able to identify him when we are able to go back. We can spare him if it comes to it," Harry mentioned, turning to look at Hermione's scared face. 

Hermione and you shared a glance at each other. A wave of realization hit you and you muttered, "Oh, merlin's beard." You put your hand over your forehead as you held your stomach with your other hand. 

"What? What's wrong?" Ron asked, seeing how Hermione put her hand nervously on her neck. 

"I know who he is," you barely managed to say as your throat kept on closing. Your eyes stung and it forced you to close them, letting tears go down your face into the corner of your mouth. You rubbed you hand over your lips and you inhaled deeply again. 

"He looks like y/n," Hermione said, after she realized who it is even though she has never met him, let alone seen him. 

"What? I don't understand. How can he look like you?" Harry asked, turning to look at you. 

You inhaled again, and said with a forced neutral tone, "He looks like me because he is my dad." Your lips trembled and you put your hand over your mouth to quiet the sobs. Ron muttered, "Oh, bloody hell." Harry looked at the ground as your voice strained when you said, "He must've known it was me."

You stared absently at the forest in the distance. Your lip quivered as all of them held their breath, adding to the silence. You held your face with your hands, letting your shoulders rise and fall as your sobs consumed you. 

"We have to find refuge, let's go to that cave and relax a little bit," Ron suggested, after you kept on crying. He looked pale as he heard the new information. 

"Where are we?" Harry asked, meeting Ron's gaze to a cave far in the distance. The mountains around Harry were adding shadow, shielding them for whatever could be farther.  

"I thought you were the one who made us get here," Hermione said, looking around as she was getting frightened that no one knew where the four of you were. 

"I used to dream of coming to this place when I was younger. Its called Hamsterley forest. We're still in England," Ron explained, pointing to the forest as there was a deer that pranced around there. Hermione saw the deer and her eyebrows raised in surprise.  

You chuckled wetly and dried your tears once more. "That's odd, you said Hamsterley forest?" You asked, clearing your throat. You sniffed once more and followed their eyes to the deer. It pranced happily through the fresh green grass, intertwining with the trees, stomping on the dirt.

Ron nodded and noticed how you were a little more cheery than before. "You've been here before?" He asked, not knowing whether to smile or not. 

You shrugged and said, "I have." You nodded slowly, smiling sadly. "I lived here actually. There was this cabin over that mountain where me and er, my parents used to live." You sucked in on your lips as you turned to see that familiar mountain. "Well, at least we will have somewhere to talk and sleep," you continued. 

The three of them were silent and you continued to look at the familiar short mountain, remembering how you used to run everywhere along this forest. Harry walked next to you and he reached for your hand. You let him hold your hand and he squeezed it comfortingly. You rubbed his arm with your other hand, thanking him for holding your hand. 

"I don't know about you but I am getting pretty cold. Let's go, I'll show you because if I don't start moving, I am going to turn into an icicle," you stated, clearing your throat once more. Hermione smiled hesitantly and Ron led the way as he knew which mountain it was. You got closer to Harry as the sun started to lower on the mountain the four of you were heading towards to. The mountain was steep and everyone helped each other travel up without slipping or falling. The rocks on the mountains provided stairs for everyone but you were still a little shaken up by everything, so you weren't the most perfect person to be going up a mountain right now. Harry held your hand all the way, helping you navigate through the mountain, not letting you go. Hermione and Ron were ahead, trying to find their way inside that cabin. "Sorry Harry, I'm scared to fall," you mentioned, as you let out a shriek when your shoes skidded on the dirt. Making some rocks trail down. 

"You? Scared of falling? I would think something even more dangerous that you will be scared about," Harry joked, giving you his other hand to help you, forcing his weight to land on his ankles. 

"Haha, very funny. Thanks," you said, taking his hand and struggling to get on that step. The steepness of the mountain was slowly starting to lower, as it started to stretch horizontally. The grass that grew on the mountain below you, made you smile as you missed the smell of it, odd as it sounds. "What are you scared about?" You asked, turning to look at him and smiling at how he was taken aback from it. 

Harry stared at you and momentarily almost said what was right in his mind but instead he said, "I don't know, really. I guess Vo-"

"Don't say his name! We don't know if he did something with it. It might be silly just please don't say his name. I'm not scared of him, I mean who would be scared of a bald, no nose slimy thing?" You said, making Harry chuckle at your comment. "But, apart from that obvious reason, what else are you scared about? Or who?" You asked, wiggling your eyebrows up and down at him.

Harry smiled and you admired it. "You have a really nice smile. Especially with your little dimple that is on your cheek when you do that," you complimented. You grinned at Harry's surprised face and you couldn't help but feel good when you saw him blushing.

"Harry and Y/n! We opened the door!" Hermione yelled from the top of the cabin, followed with a thud from the cabin. 

"I guess we will have to pause this conversation for later," you said, hiking a little faster up the mountain. Harry followed right after and when the both of you reached the top, the brown log door was fully open. You jogged up the rest of the mountain and remembered how you used to live inside there. 

"There's a letter inside," Ron said, running out of the cabin waving a vanilla envelope around in the air. He didn't bother to wait for your permission to get in, frankly, you didn't feel comfortable even entering.

Harry ran towards it and grabbed it from Ron's hands. You finally reached them and looked over Harry's shoulder. "It has my name on it," you observed as Harry gave you the letter. 

"Come inside, y/n, so that you can read it. There's light inside and I don't think you will be able to read anything as the moon is hardly shining any light," Hermione said, gesturing with her hand to the cabin. 

You nodded examining the letter and nodded at Hermione's suggestion to go inside. "Well," you announced walking closer to the cabin, "welcome to my humble abode that I haven't been in for years."         
