Chapter 14

"What do you mean announce our arrival, Hermione?" You asked, collecting your things from the bed you were kept on for a week. You struggled to hide your concern but it was no use. 

Hermione replied, "Well, we aren't hiding anymore and it is only fair to let some of the people that care about us know we are here." 

Harry nodded. He walked over to pick up his belongings, while you stood there, with the wheels in your mind turning. You opened your bag and tried to find your wand until you realized that it wasn't there anymore. "Guys, I don't have my wand," you stated, fearing what it could mean to you. 

Hermione glanced at you. "Are you sure?" She asked, her voice petrified in fear. "Try searching for it again." 

You nodded and showed them your bag with no wand in it. "What do I do? I can't possibly be without a wand while we are here," you explained, trying to think of something you can do. You searched your bag one more time but it was no use, your wand wasn't there. You set the bag down on the bed, sighing, you sat on it. 

"We would have to figure that out later," Ron stated, putting his own bag over his shoulder. He cleared his throat and he wiped his hands over his dirty shirt. 

Hermione agreed. "I'm sorry, y/n, but we can't go back. You are not to leave either my, Ron's or Harry's side, at all. We are going to have to protect you, whether you like it or not," she stated firmly, putting her bags over her shoulders. 

You shrugged your shoulders as you couldn't find anything to counter her claim. "Alright, what should we do first?" You asked, getting up from the bed in a start. 

"I have an idea, let's find some uniforms. It would make us blend in with the other students. We would attend the Great Hall. We would let everyone know we are there. I just have something to say," Harry explained as he turned towards you. "If Volde- I know you told me not to say it, but that's the only way I can call him. If Voldemort knows I am here, he can possibly come for me at any moment. I'm sorry if this isn't what anyone one of you want but it is inevitable." 

You nodded and put your hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Harry. We know. We are here with you until the end, nothing is ever going to change that. Besides, I believe we are prepared for this. I mean we spent months in the bloody wild, I'm pretty sure we got this," you said, uplifting everyone for what it is to come. 

Ron chuckled and said, "Yeah, we got this. Let's look for some robes, I would like a new pair of clothing again." 

Hermione smiled and everyone dispersed to find robes in the drawers in the Hospital Wing. You headed towards a closet at the far end of the wing. You opened it and there they were. Several uniforms and robes hanged up from inside. "Guys, there's some robes over here," you stated, raising your voice for them to here you. They saw the robes from the closet and jogged their way towards you. Everyone's hands were in the closet, trying to get a hold of a pair of a uniform.

"Alright," Harry said quietly, putting his shirt over his back. "We should go to the Great Hall now." He stretched the shirt in front of him. His shirt was a perfect fit.

"Harry, I haven't finished putting on my uniform," Ron said, struggling to put the shirt over his head. It was too small for him. 

Hermione was done putting on her uniform, shirt and robes done, and walked over to help him. She tugged on the shirt, making Ron complain with sounds. Hermione tugged harder and soon enough his shirt fit him snugly. "There, Ron, all settled," she said, not hiding her grin. 

"This fits me so tight," Ron remarked, his shirt stretching over his chest and barely making it over his shoulders. 

"I think it looks great, Ron. Really marks out your er, arms," Harry observed, dodging Ron's playful hand throw. 

You rolled your eyes and laughed at them. You put the robes over your clothes, and it fit you nicely. "I'm ready," you stated, watching the rest of them nod in agreement. You grabbed your bag and dreaded what was to come. You didn't want to make a scene but your friends were set in doing so. You couldn't wait to just get out of Hogwarts and have all of this done already. You just wanted everything to go back to normal so that you can tell Harry exactly how you feel. It's something you wanted to do ever since fourth year, since he asked you to dance at the Yule Ball. You fell for him, even though you didn't want to admit it, but it is the truth. You couldn't wait to tell him but, the moment never seems right enough. Especially not now since you kept something from him. 

"Let's go," Ron encouraged, walking to the exit of the wing. Hermione followed with another chuckle at Ron's tight uniform. You followed and Harry grinned at you. You smiled back, hiding your blush and walked in front of him. He followed close behind. You steadied yourself at the door, watching as how students in the hall gasped audibly at the sight of the four of you. 

"Is that Harry Potter?" Someone whispered shockingly. 

"No, it can't be!" Another exclaimed urgently. 

Soon, the hall was filled with commotion. Everyone trying to get a good view of the Chosen One. Others trying to tell their friends. Others trying to pretend that he wasn't there at all. So many students were in that hall, watching the four of you with wide eyes. Rumors were being thrown between the students. But, you heard something you weren't expecting to hear, at all. 

"Y/n? Isn't that the girl You-Know-Who is looking for? Because Harry fancies her? Why did she come back? If I were her, I would've left Harry for my own sake," someone exclaimed. 

Your head snapped and you tried to figure out who it was who said that. You skimmed behind you, and Harry was looking at you directly in the eyes. His eyes widened, his mouth agape in shock. You continued to walk but there was fear written on your face and Harry's. You turned to look back to the front of you, watching as how Hermione and Ron turned their heads at the same time to look at the both of you. The immediately looked back in front, walking faster to hurry things along. 

"Don't listen to them. They don't know what they're saying," Harry whispered from behind you. 

You looked to the side to let your peripheral vision look at him. "Oh, right," you replied, feeling a little down at his response. Of course they couldn't possibly know that. They're kids. You walked faster, following Hermione and Ron's hurried footsteps down the stairs. Everyone, at the sight of the four of you, moved out of your way. You were grateful but didn't have time to acknowledge why they would do so. 

"Guys, the Great Hall is this way," you said, gesturing them to the right instead of farther down the hall. 

They grinned and followed you through the crowd roaming in the castle. By this time you wouldn't be surprised if the Dark Lord himself appeared and laughed at you. Everyone stared at the four of you, usually you wouldn't mind it, since you were used to it, but this really was a little too much. Especially with the air of rumors and secrets through the castle. You heard your name come out of students' mouths that you didn't even think they would know who you are. You struggled to not hear the rumors but curiosity got the best of you.

"I heard that You-Know-Who wants to kill her first," a third year stated, right in front of you.

"No, I doubt that will happen. I think Harry is going to get killed," their friend said, looking at you and Harry with a stern nod. 

You stopped walking altogether, watching the third years with strained eyes. "What did you just say?" You asked, through gritted teeth. Your eyes dropped. Your lips quivered and you felt absolute fury burn through you. 

"Well, why did you come back here?" The third year asked, raising their eyebrows in ridicule. 

"Isn't it obvious? It was because of Harry!" The friend exclaimed.   

Harry grabbed your arm and helped you continue to walk. He gave them a look but they didn't move an inch. Your eyes didn't leave the third years' smug faces as your feet walked on its own. "Did you hear what they said, Harry?" You asked, finally blinking normally. 

Harry nodded. "I did, but we don't have time for that, y/n. We have to do something else first," he said, placing his hand on your back. 

You got back from your trance and gazed in front of you again, after making eye contact with many students. Your head started to ache and you placed a comforting hand on your temple. Your feet felt like they had a mind of their own. Your mind was elsewhere but you liked how your body never failed you. A few more steps and a change of surroundings, the four of you were in the Great Hall.

All of the students were facing the new Headmaster. It seemed like they were summoned by the Headmaster himself. No one moved at all, not a sound was heard, not even a cough. Your eyes fell on the back of Snape and your heart rate quickened. Your eyes searched the Great Hall, and you saw Professor McGonagall beside the wall, watching the four of you with wide eyes. 

The Great Hall froze, as if someone has pressed the pause button. Harry was the first to move. He stepped with confidence towards the center of the Great Hall. He drew his wand and held it tightly beside him. 

This caused a wave of worry and students tried to disperse from Harry. Whispers. Movement. They tried to move far away from Harry, acting like he was a great threat to them. Harry didn't move at all, in fact, he stood with more anger and his eyebrows furrowed.

Headmaster Snape turned around to know why everyone was talking in spite of him ordering them to stay quiet. As his cloak fell behind him wistfully, his eyes met Harry's and then yours. The two people behind him sneered and didn't move at all. You hurriedly stepped back, as if afraid of what he could do in front of all of these students. Professor Snape stormed his way through the hall nearly in front of Harry. He didn't take his eyes off you and you were petrified with fear. Hermione stood next to you, holding your hand and squeezing it. You guessed she knew you were scared, she was your best friend after all. You looked into her eyes and she whispered, "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine in a couple of minutes." You looked at her confused but you didn't have time to thoroughly think about what she said. 

"What are you doing here?" Professor Snape roared. He looked at the four of you and raised an eyebrow at you specifically. 

"HOW DARE YOU STAND WHERE HE STOOD!" Harry shouted, his neck showing his veins bulging from anger. 

Oh, great way to get on Snape's bad side, Harry, you thought. You breathed in deeply trying to anticipate what could possibly happen next. As if you couldn't think of anything else, the doors behind you stood right open. 

Everyone in the hall started to speak and gasp as they saw who the people were that were entering the Great Hall. You turned to look and as you did, Harry stated, "It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies we still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster." You turned to look who it was who entered the Great Hall and right there, the Order of the Phoenix entered. You placed your hand over your mouth and tears threatened to escape as you saw them. It has been a long time since you've seen any of them, and you couldn't believe they were here right now. 

"I believe it is quite extensive. And I repeat, How dare you stand where he stood," Harry stated, trying to not notice the students staring at him in fear and ridicule. "Tell them, tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you and you killed him! Tell them!" 

Professor Snape took out his wand and pointed it at Harry. You charged forward but you couldn't get far as Ron held you back. The Order behind you pulled out their own wands, along with Ron and Hermione, all aiming at Snape. 

Some students gasped. But, when Professor McGonagall shoved Harry to the side and drew her own wand at Snape, everyone moved out of the way and gasped in fear. She clenched her jaw and her robe swooped behind her. She breathed in, watching as how the people behind Snape drew their wands at her as well. 

"I don't want to fight you Minerva," Snape muttered, holding his wand nervously now.

"You should've decided that before you drew your wand at Harry," Professor McGonagall countered, raising her chin in the air. 

Snape moved to the side and Professor McGonagall followed him with her wand. Snape looked at you and your tears streamed down your face, like a river. You knew what he could possibly say, how you were the one who caused this, how this is your fault, how many possible things are your fault. You were perplexed in worry as you didn't know what Snape could say next. 

"You," Snape said, his voice filled in anger. "You wanted me to send that pathetic letter? Well, I would like to advise you that he doesn't want to know of you. Actually, let me tell you something that will sink into your pathetic mind. Your father didn't want to hear from you, at all. He was the one who killed your mother, I was right there. He didn't love you or her. When You-Know-Who found out about his helping you, he killed him. Seems like you and Harry have a lot more in common now." 

Your tears fell down your face rapidly now. You clenched your jaw and yelled, "You can't possibly know that! And how dare you make that comment about me and Harry! You foul foul person!" You walked towards them now, Hermione releasing her hold on you. Your head was heating up and you stood beside Harry. "I will continue to fight, whether it is without my parents or not. Hearing that of my father doesn't take away the good action he did. I don't care if he never loved me, I will not let that cloud my thoughts of him before. Unlike you, we had a good family. Sorry if you never got to experience love. But, what you are doing, is unforgivable. Rot in hell." 

Snape head rocked back and his eyes were full of anger. "How dare you talk to me like that!" He exclaimed. 

You tilted your head down but you didn't take your eyes off him. "Anything else you want to get off your chest?" You asked, regaining your composure. "I'm not afraid of you." 

"Ms. y/l/n and Mr. Potter, stand behind me," Professor McGonagall ordered, her own eyes dropped with tears as she heard what you said. 

Harry didn't think twice and he took your arm and walked with you behind McGonagall. You wiped your tears and some of the students were staring at you with a different light then before. You tried to ease them with a small smile but they saw right through you, you were yelling from the inside, it felt like your heart was ripped from your chest. Hearing the news about your deceased family, left a hole in your heart. You couldn't even contemplate whether it was true or not but you took his word for it. You looked onto Harry's face, his own tears streaming down his face. He wiped them off and he held your hand. You squeezed it and you realized that maybe you didn't feel as empty as you thought. Well of course you weren't alone, you had him. 

You gazed in front of you right in time. Professor McGonagall struck a non-verbal spell at Snape and it made you and Harry stand back as an orange light landed its way of Snape. Snape reflected it and struck one back at McGonagall. This went on for a couple of seconds more, then Snape was trying to deflect more and more. He couldn't keep on shielding himself. His front body inclined backwards and he twisted onto himself. He grabbed the side of his robe and swung it to the side of him, making him a cloud of dark smoke. He flew towards the window and the glass shattered below him. He was gone. Escaped. 

"COWARD!" Professor McGonagall yelled, as she stepped to the front of the hall, following the applause of the students. She used her wand to light the torches in the Great Hall, each lit torch sent a louder applause from the students. This sent an uproar and everyone clapped and cheered. You smiled slowly and looked back at the people who have entered a couple of moments earlier. 

Remus Lupin smiled at you as both of your eyes met. He was the only true father figure you ever had. You hurriedly walked to him and hugged him. He hugged you back and stroked your hair comfortingly. "Hi, Y/n, nice to see you," he said, smiling as you smiled onto his chest. 

"Nice to see you too, Lupin," you mumbled onto his chest. You let him go and he patted your back and you looked at Tonks. She was like a big sister to you. At least, you thought of her that way. She was always there for you and you always had a laugh with her. She liked to joke around with you and the both of you shared a type of humor. You walked towards her and hugged her. She hugged you back and said, "Hi kid. I see you didn't lose your spunk, huh." You laughed onto her chest and let her go to say, "Nope. That's something no one can take away from me." The both of you laughed and now Harry, Hermione and Ron were also greeting the Order. 

You walked towards Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. You smiled at them and extended your hand to shake theirs. "Hi, Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley. It's fantastic to see the both of you again," you greeted. You noticed how they looked older then when you last saw them. You figured it was because of the fear and worry they had to experience in the few months you and your friends were away. 

"Oh, honey, come here," Mrs. Weasley said, pulling you into a hug. You smiled and hugged her back, remembering how she loved to give hugs. Mr. Weasley smiled at you from behind his wife's back and he patted your arm. "I missed you, dear," Mrs. Weasley said, extending her arms to look at you better. You smiled and replied, "I missed you, too, Mrs. Weasley." 

You grinned and shook Mr. Weasley's hand. "Hey, y/n, nice to see you again," Mr. Weasley greeted, with a warm smile. You said the same thing back and walked to see who you would greet next. 

"Hi, y/n," Neville whispered. 

You turned to look at him and you smiled widely at him. "Neville! Hi!" You exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. You had a soft spot for Neville. Who wouldn't? 

He was surprised when you hugged him but he didn't mind it. "Hi! It's been a really really long time," he stammered, as you let him go and smiled at him again. 

"It really has," you said, nodding your head, squeezing his arm. You walked farther and saw a tall boy smile at you. "Dean? Oh my- hi!" You exclaimed, as he hugged you. 

"Hey, y/n, great to see you," he said, releasing you from his tight hug. 

"How's Ginny? Where is she?" You asked, trying to look for her. 

He chuckled and said, "I believe you forgot she is a student, here? I don't know, frankly, but I believe she is somewhere here." He looked around and he excused himself to greet Harry, Ron and Hermione. 

"Are we really invisible, Georgie?" 

"I don't think we have Harry's cloak on, Freddie. I don't think she remembers us."  

"How sad, and I thought we were unforgettable," Fred said, his lip quivering and he sniffed.

"I didn't forget you guys, I mean who would?" You stated, smiling at their agreeing faces. You hugged them both and said, "I missed the both of you dimwits." 

"That's fair," George said, as he placed a hand protectively behind your head. Fred placed a hand behind your back and you grinned at the both of them. They were like the annoying brothers you always wished you had. They always were there for you and you for them. "Nice to know you didn't change," Fred mentioned. 

"Yeah. You'd think hunting for horcruxes for a couple of months would add some grudge," you said, smiling as they laughed.

You smiled at Fleur and Bill as they waved at you frantically from afar. You waved back and greeted Kingsley Shacklebolt with a smile and a nod of courtesy. You felt great knowing you were with your loved ones. Everywhere you let your eyes roam, landed on someone you cared deeply for. 

"Surprise," Harry whispered, chuckling wetly. 

You laughed and asked, "You knew they were going to be here?"

He nodded and he was about to address something when the heads of the students around you, turned simultaneously. 

Someone came running from outside of the castle, making their way towards the Great Hall. The kid panted and shouted, "There's someone yelling!" 

"Everyone is," someone retorted, rolling their eyes. 

The kid who was out of breath caused some silence in the Great Hall. Everyone stared at him, his face etched with worry and fear. Once the kid gathered his breath, he questioned, "From the sky?!"                    
