Chapter 22

"Harry, Hermione and Ron! They don't know we are here!" You exclaimed, grabbing Harry's arm, stopping him from moving. 

"Oh- you're right! What do we do?" Harry asked, struggling to turn around to not hurt you. 

"I don't know, how about you continue going and I go back to them?" You suggested, grabbing your wand from the inside of your pocket. 

"But, what if something happens to the three of you?" 

"We'll be fine."

"You don't know that."

"I know, I don't know. That's the point. We have to get through this. You have to go get that diadem and I will get them," you planned, casting your own Lumos charm. A bright light illuminated from your wand and you saw how stretched the tunnel was to go back. 

"Please, be careful," Harry called. 

"I'll try Harry. Destroy it," you ordered, crawling back to the end of the tunnel. 

Harry grabbed your arm before you could go any further and pulled you into a tight hug. You were surprised but you held on to him tightly, fearing that he will disappear if you let go. You sniffed onto his shoulder, him pressing his head next to yours. 

"I'm scared, Harry," you whispered, feeling the tunnel shake a little as there was thundering above the both of you. 

"I am too, but you're going to be okay. I'm okay, we're okay," Harry soothed, his voice cracking as he tried to hold back tears. He didn't know what was awaiting but he knew that he didn't want to let go of you. He was scared to lose you. 

"I'm scared to leave you, Harry," you cried, leaning back to look at his face. A line created in between your eyebrows, staring into his face full of concern. 

"You shouldn't be, because we're going to see each other again. I promise," he soothed, grabbing your head and leaning his towards you. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead and you smiled, holding his hand to the side of your face. 

"I hope you're right Harry."

"Of course I am." 

You smiled and you wanted to say the three words that lingered on your lips ever since fifth year. You wanted to shout them out, finally tell Harry how you feel. But, the tunnel started to shake uncontrollably, making your vision blur. You crawled towards the end and Harry crawled the other way, both of you expecting the other was right next to them. 

"Y/n!" Harry yelled before a huge piece of the castle dug its way down the tunnel. You shielded your face, threw your arms over your head to try and not break your spine. Dust covered your eyesight and you couldn't see Harry anymore, the piece of the castle blocked the other side of the tunnel. 

"Harry?! Are you alright?!" You yelled but just like you expected, he didn't answer back. You wiped your eyes to try to clear your view. You squinted into the blackness until you realized that your wand wasn't near you anymore. Panic started to flow through you and you used your hands to look for your wand. You couldn't find anything but instead your hands suffered the cuts and edges from the hard stone that fell. "Harry! If you can hear me, I'm alright! I'm going to go, please get that stupid diadem and bloody destroy it! We'll see each other again!" You wailed loudly, hoping that he will somehow hear you. 

You decided it was best to continue without your wand. You worried, stopping a couple of seconds to hear any sign of Harry. But none came. You continued until eventually your fear started to eat you. You were anxious to know if Harry is safe and you vowed to yourself that if you see him again, you will tell him exactly how you feel. You felt that if you waited for any other chance, you might never be able to tell him. You crawled further and further, it felt like miles, until something incredibly solid hit your head. You winced and felt with your hands the weird texture of spiky plastic things. You knew it was the jewelry. But, a second the wall had the strange poky texture and then it became weirdly solid again. 

"Ron! Hermione!" You shouted, not knowing if they were there at all. "Hermione! Ron! I'm down here!" You balled your fists and started to pound on the top of the tunnel. It shook lightly, you noticed, but nothing else happened. You were giving up until a hand shot through the top, a few centimeters from your face. You couldn't hear anything, probably expecting that you couldn't hear them all the way down there. You grabbed the hand gratefully, letting them pull you up. 

Your head was finally lifted, and the light from the room burned your eyes. You shielded them before you could see who the person was the was helping you. After a short while, your legs lost the tension and pressure. Your muscles felt tired, as if they weren't there at all. You flopped onto the ground and used your arms to slide down the small mountain now. Your stomach caused friction on the clear space on the ground, and you got on fours and stood up. "Thanks-"

Someone put a forceful hand over your mouth and the other around your neck. Your eyes widened and the person pulling you, made your feet go back. You were whimpering, trying to free yourself but you couldn't, they had a firm grab on you. You kicked high in the air, as far as your tired legs could kick, but it was no use. You were brought to the ground, pinned and hurting your head as it made a painful thud on the ground. Your mouth was squished to the side, and you had difficulty breathing. You struggled to move your arms, but the weight of the person above you made it extremely difficult. 

"Get--off-- me," you panted, heavy breathing to try to fill your lungs with as much air as you can. You wormed on the floor, trying hard to get out of the grasp. A sudden shot of energy struck you and you threw your arm over, flipping your whole body. You struggled to keep that person down, but you were dumbfounded when you realized who it was. "Malfoy?" Fury pained your chest and you fought the urge to slap him, hard, across the face. You liked the idea, you were about to do it when you noticed something showing from his sleeve that you were pulling down. Your eyes widened and you almost gasped. But, you decided otherwise. "What the HELL, Malfoy?!" 

"Shut up!" Draco yelled. He didn't have enough strength to pull you off, he was panting heavily. 

You decided this was your best chance to escape so you hurriedly got off him, and started to run. But, the loud steps of a panting Draco told you that he was on your tail. You were frantically trying to find Hermione and Ron. You searched nervously everywhere around you until you felt a hard WACK hit your head. You placed your hand over your head and looked back to see what it was. It was Draco, his hand over his head carrying a stone brick. 

You were absolutely furious now, so you got close to him and pushed him with all of your might. He landed on the floor, a surprised look on his face. "DON'T HIT ME YOU STUPID FERRET!" You shouted, feeling your blood stained hands turn into tight fists. You kicked him in the chest feeling satisfied with his grunt of pain, his wand flying off from his hand to hit the ground right beside you. You saw how he doubled over, holding his stomach forcefully, a pale color on his face. You took this opportunity and ran with it, literally. You ran, stumbling over some mess and tried hard to find out where Hermione and Ron were. You momentarily stopped. 

"Y/n! I can't let you leave," Draco demanded, running next to you. 

"Why's that, Malfoy? What are you going to do? Stop me?" You fumed, ignoring his mad look to search for your friends again. 

"The Dark Lord is looking for you," Draco replied. 

A moment's pause and a flash of fear struck you like lightning. Voldemort? Looking for you?  Why? You thought it was another one of Malfoy's sick games so you decided to ignore him. 

"I'm serious, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for his orders," he said. 

"Wow, so now two people order you around now? Sorry, Draco, but I don't like to take orders from anyone." 

"Stop! I'm serious, why can't you understand that?" 

"I've never been relevant, like ever. So, sorry if it is a little hard for me to actually grasp the idea of having the most Dark wizard in over a bloody centu-"

Draco shoved his sleeve up over his elbow, beads of sweat mixing with his tears on his face. The Dark mark was on his arm, no doubt about it. The dark skull and the snake looked like it was written on his skin. You gasped a little, a sharp guilt stung you. 

"If you think this is funny, y/n, it is not. Don't joke about these things. People are dying-"

"You don't think I bloody know that? I watched kids get killed! KIDS! I'm not saying that I think this isn't bloody serious. I think it is ridiculous that the Dark Lord himself, is looking for me," you said, rolling your eyes when you had to call Voldemort, "Dark Lord." 

"Then start acting like it's serious. Come with me, he's waiting," Draco demanded, walking away from you and heading towards the small door in the distance. 

You shook your head a small chuckle escaping your breath. "I'm not stupid, Malfoy. Go along, I'll stay here looking for my friends." 

Draco turned rapidly, his neck pink with fury. "I HAVE THE F*CKING DARK MARK. YOU ARE STUPID IF YOU THINK I AM NOT SAYING THE TRUTH. IF YOU DON'T COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW, HE WILL KILL EVERYONE AND ANYONE!!" Draco yelled, his neck veins bulging, his wild eyes staring at you, his jaw clenched. 

You were taken aback and you looked around the silent Room of Requirement. It was as if someone pressed the mute button after Draco's out roar. Nothing made a sound and you were getting nervous. You couldn't see your friends, at all, not even Harry. You exhaled through your nose, trying to calm your nervous breathing. "I don't have my wand," you said, after a couple more inhales.

"I know," he said quietly, his mind working and turning. 

"How do you know?" You asked, a little taken aback. Your face released its confused tension and you took a small step back. "You know where that tunnel leads don't you?" You asked, and continued without an answer, "Where is Harry, Malfoy? Where does that tunnel lead to?"   

Draco stayed silent, not saying a word and staring at the ground. 

"I swear, Draco, if you don't tell me this bloody instant-" 

"It leads to the Shrieking Shack," Draco mumbled, "That's where Severus Snape is... is being tortured." 

You gasped as there was a sudden thunder that shrieked from the other side of the room.       
