Chapter 35

If you can, not saying you need to, can you play "Apocalypse" by Cigarettes after Sex, please? I think it will go great with the actual ending of the book. I wasn't satisfied with the other one. :))

P.S. do it when I mention pressing the radio on. Okay? okay. 

"Harry? Where are you?" You shouted. You set down the chocolate chip cookies you have just taken out of the oven on the countertop. You removed your oven mitts and turned to look at the newly wed couple cuddling on the couch. 

"Hermione, Ron," you called, watching them turn their heads to look at you, "I'm going outside and checking on Harry, is that alright?" 

"Of course it is," Hermione responded, grinning at you and her husband right next to her. "I'll stay here with Ron, making sure he doesn't finish the batch of cookies... again."

"What?" He said, his mouth stuffed with cookie bits. "I'm hungry." 

You chuckled and took off the apron you were wearing and set it on the comfy armchair on your way to the door. "I can still make more if the both of you will like," you called, opening the door and a fresh wind blowing your hair out of your face. 

"Thanks," Ron responded, getting up from the couch and making his way towards the countertop, laughing at Hermione's smile while she shook her head. 

You smiled and picked up your warm coat from the hanger before heading out to the chilly night. You put it on, hugging yourself, and stepped foot on the tall grass below you. You looked out into the forest, smiling as a familiar deer pranced along the blooming flowers before heading back deeper inside. You turned to look for Harry until you found him at the nearest hill. 

You walked towards him, watching as how he was staring at the sky. A few soft crunches below your shoes and you were next to him. He was sitting on the ground, his legs extended below him with a slight grin on his face. 

"Hi, Harry," you greeted, smiling at his slight smile. 

"Hey love," he greeted back, he got up with a struggle from the ground. He removed some of the grass that glued to him like a magnet. He leaned down to kiss you. 

"What are you doing here?" You asked, after sharing a few kisses with him. You looked around and the moonlight was right above the both of you, as if a huge spotlight. "It's cold out and I already made cookies... again." 

"Ron keeps on eating them?" Harry asked while putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. 

"You betcha," you responded, smiling at him. 

"Well, to answer your question," he said, grabbing your hand and taking something out of his pocket. It was a little radio that he had snuck from the cabin you both agreed to stay in. "I wanted to play a little song." 

You chuckled because it was ridiculous, he doesn't know how to dance, at all. "Haribo, you suck at dancing," you laughed, watching as how in the moonlight, his scarlet face was still visible. 

"Oh, shut up," he joked, grabbing your hands and twirling you around. 

You laughed and he pressed play on the radio. A soft piano and some other instruments were playing softly in it. He twirled you around once more and placed his hand on your waist. The other was comfortingly grasped with your hand. You placed one hand on his broad shoulder and smiled at him. 

The both of you swayed perfectly with the music. The moonlight hitting the both of you perfectly, as if it was destined that you were supposed to dance together. You smiled when Harry started to hum to the song, his deep voice trailing off into the night air. 

"Someone's been taking lessons," you teased, giggling as he turned you around again. 

"It's not my fault you've never seen the awesome dancer I am," he said, putting both of his hands on your waist and bringing you up slightly. He twirled you around, staring admiringly at your face before bringing you down carefully back on the ground. 

"You're so beautiful, Y/n," he said breathlessly. He couldn't help but always tell you that every chance he had. 

"Thank you, Harry," you smiled, kissing him again before putting both of your hands around his neck, and his on your waist. You both swayed perfectly on the hill, watching as how the stars twinkled and glistened with each note in the song. Your boyfriend was staring at you and the stars couldn't compete with the twinkle in his eyes. 

"Y/n, how long have we been in love?" He asked you, resting his chin on your shoulder. 

"Hmm," you thought, placing your head on his shoulder. "I believe a good couple of years, haven't we?" 

"Do you know when I fell in love?" He asked you, stopping momentarily to look at you. 

You always wondered this and shook your head. 

He smiled and said, "When I realized that I wanted to dance with you forever in the Yule Ball." 

"Really?" You asked taken aback. Around the same time was when you had saved a spot in your heart for him. 

"Yes," he said, sadly, "I wanted to ask you but I didn't have the courage to do so."

"Well, we are dancing right now, aren't we?" You asked, smiling as you proceeded to dance with him. 

"Actually, I wanted to do something before the courage slips away from me," he said rapidly. His face was blushing and you could feel the heat from his face. You looked questioningly at him and you heard some footsteps exiting the cabin a distance away. You saw Hermione and Ron exit, Hermione grinning widely and Ron's face filled with crumbs. You looked back to where Harry was but he wasn't there. You looked around everywhere until someone grabbed your hand. You looked down and Harry was on one knee. 

You gasped in surprise and placed your other hand over your mouth. 

"Y/n," he started, his voice shaking with emotions. "I was brought into this new world, the wizarding world, when I was just eleven. I thought I would do fine here but it turns out that it really wasn't all that great. But, that changed when I got to know you. You are a kind, funny and have the most brilliant mind I have ever met. When we confessed to each other our love, I wanted so badly to stay with you forever. I never wanted to leave you there by yourself. Knowing what we both had to go through, our love still growing, I know that there was not better time than to ask you to be my girlfriend; when we were traveling all around London, I knew I had to ask you then." 

He looked around and smiled at Ron and Hermione from far away. He dug a box from his pocket and released your hand momentarily to open it. You stared at Harry the whole time, feeling like you were floating. He opened the box, you didn't care to look, you were waiting for him to say it. 

"Now, with everything so perfect, this view, the moon, the stars, the music and you... I want to ask you, before I chicken out again, if you would like to be my wife. I want to be by your side forever and I wish you would like to be by mine. So, Y/n, will you marry me?" He asked you, his own face blushing and scared the whole time. 

You stared at Harry, still shocked at what even was happening. The song continued to play, and you stared into his blue eyes that were glistening with anxiety. He started to get up, possibly scared at why you haven't said anything. 

"Harry," you breathed, looking at him as he got up. "I thought you would never ask," you finished smiling at his hopeful face. "Of course I would like to be your wife! I would absolutely love to marry you." 

Harry chuckled and you both shared a beautiful kiss, filled with desire and love. 

"She said yes!" Harry yelled from across the hill. 

This brought an applause from Hermione and Ron. They jumped up and down, laughing, clapping, screaming, cheering, everything you could have expected from their reaction. 

You stared back at Harry and smiled. He was shaking, not from the cold, but from how happy he felt. "I'm going to be your wife, Harry," you said. 

"And I am going to be your husband," he replied, "Nothing will ever top that." 

You smiled and you held his hand to walk towards Hermione and Ron but he didn't move. You looked back at him and he stayed grinning. 

"What, love?" You asked, trying to tug him into walking with you. 

"It is 'cause," he started, smiling nervously, "you haven't even glanced at the ring when I asked you." 

You smiled and kissed him again. "Harry, I am going to be your wife. The ring is the least important thing to me right now," you explained. 

Harry smiled again and said, "Would you mind if I still put it on you? I want to see how it would look like with our matching tattoos." 

You laughed and brought the coat sleeve up a little. A little green gummy bear was drawn at the end of your sleeve, and Harry brought his hand to meet yours. The two gummy bears were tattooed next to each other so whenever the both of you would hold hands, the gummy bears were always next to each other. 

He slipped the ring on your finger and you smiled at it. It looked similar to the one your dad had given your mother when they got married. You smiled at him and by this time, Hermione and Ron were running towards the both of you. 

Hermione went over and hugged you fiercely, repeatedly saying, "Congratulations" over and over again. 

"Thank you, Mione," you chuckled, releasing her from the hug. You were starting to cry because you have never felt this content before. 

Ron squeezed Harry into a hug and they both were smiling widely. Ron went over to you, Harry and Hermione sharing a hug, and said, "You'd think he would've asked you a lot sooner." 

"Eh," you shrugged, "I'm just glad he asked me tonight." You smiled onto the hug he gave you and soon the four of you were walking back to the cabin, everyone's cheeks hurting from smiling while they headed back. 

The trees swayed with animals running in and out of it. The grass was starting to shine with the dew from the rising sun. The animals hunting for their early food and you were in the cabin with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Everyone munched on your delicious cookies, watching a Quidditch game and you were excited to tell your loved ones the great news. Everyone was happy and you felt like you can relive this day forever. 

The most beautiful eyes look at you with love and your life was complete. You found your home in a person you thought will take forever to be with. Now, you would never doubt for a second that he would never stop being a home to you. You smiled as they shouted onto the screen and you thought, Everything is so beautiful. I love them so much. All was well. 

And so that concludes this book, thank thank thank thank thank youuuu for reading this book. I love every single one of you and every single one of you are so beautiful. Please take care of yourself and know that my inbox is always open so, if you need someone to talk to, I am here. Have a good day or night, everyone. Kisses! <333  

